Breaking Her No-Dates Rule. Emily Forbes
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Название: Breaking Her No-Dates Rule

Автор: Emily Forbes

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ that surrounded them. That was the only way to describe the sensation. She fought to keep her eyes open, fought not to succumb to his intensity.

      She felt Charlotte watching her and knew she was wondering about Dr Leonardi’s choice of words. Hello again.

      She avoided the physio’s gaze as she fought to keep a level head. She let go of Dr Leonardi’s hand as she checked to see if the right people had assembled.

      ‘Shall we get started?’ she said, turning away from James Leonardi and forcing herself to concentrate as she led the group to the first patient on her list. Her job would be to make sure that all the medical staff was up to speed on the patient’s condition and treatment regime. Charlotte would be responsible for ensuring that the physio angle was covered and together they would work out what else needed to be done or discuss discharge possibilities.

      ‘Morning, George,’ Ellie greeted their first patient, before introducing him to the group and handing his case notes to James. She took a step closer to the bed, putting some distance between her and James. She had to move away, it was impossible to stay focussed on her work when he stood so near. He smelt like limes, like a cool drink on a hot day, and she was finding him hugely distracting.

      ‘This is George Poni,’ she said, forcing herself to concentrate on the patient. ‘He’s a fifty-year-old who came off second best when his motorbike hit a guard rail six days ago. He sustained a fractured left ankle, left head of radius, clavicle and wrist. He underwent open reduction, internal fixation of his ankle and wrist and conservative, non-surgical treatment of his clavicle and elbow. He’s had no complications and we’re starting to consider discharge.’

      ‘I can’t go home,’ George interrupted. ‘My wife is going to kill me. Tell them, Ellie.’

      ‘You’ll be fine, George,’ Ellie said in an attempt to placate him. ‘I’ve spoken to Lilly and she’s quite calm about the whole thing now as long as you promise to give up the motorbike and find some other safer hobby to pursue through your mid-life crisis. Her words, not mine!’ she added at the end of her spiel. Out of the corner of her eye she could see James smiling. His smile was wide and it brought creases to the corners of his eyes. He had the smile of someone who smiled often and who was used to people smiling with him.

      ‘Other than putting his life in danger, is there any other reason not to discharge George?’ James asked. ‘How mobile is he, Charlotte?’

      ‘He’s partial weight-bearing on his left leg and can manage short distances with one crutch, but we’re planning on sending him home with a wheelchair as he can’t use two crutches because of his upper-limb injuries. There’s still a lot of swelling but nothing more than expected. Despite George’s protestations, his wife is capable and willing to give support.’

      James was checking the medication chart at the end of George’s bed. ‘He’s still having four-hourly Panadeine Forte?’ He directed his question at Ellie.

      ‘For his elbow and ankle.’ Ellie clarified George’s pain relief requirements.

      ‘Do we need this bed?’

      ‘No.’ Ellie shook her head. ‘We’re okay at the moment.’

      ‘Okay, George. I’ll do you a deal. Let’s see how you go with painkillers every six hours but we’ll start making arrangements for discharge and review your situation tomorrow.’

      ‘Thanks, Doc.’

      ‘Next?’ James said. Ellie indicated the bed diagonally opposite George’s, where a very thin, pale young man lay, and the group migrated to his bedside.

      ‘Dylan Harris, twenty-four, also involved in a motorbike accident, six weeks ago. He sustained a fractured right femur and fractured pelvis. He’s had a K-nail inserted into his femur and was in traction for his pelvis. He been a bit slow to get up and get moving.’ In fact, if she was being totally honest, Ellie would say Dylan was being ridiculously pathetic. He regularly burst into dramatic tears whenever the physios came to do his treatment, even though his injuries were healing well and there was nothing to be concerned about from his recovery point of view.

      ‘What seems to be the problem?’

      ‘A lack of motivation and co-operation,’ Charlotte contributed.

      ‘I’m not using that walking frame, that’s for old people,’ Dylan sulked, indicating the gutter frame that was waiting beside his bed.

      Charlotte sighed. ‘How many times have we had this conversation, Dylan? The rate you’re going you will be old before you get out of here. Once I’m confident that you’re walking safely with the frame we can look at progressing to crutches.’

      ‘I’ll get up if Ellie walks with me.’

      ‘You have to walk with the physios first,’ Charlotte replied. ‘It’s hospital policy.’

      ‘Why don’t I come back with Charlotte after rounds and we’ll get you out of bed together?’ Ellie suggested. ‘I’ll be your second person assist,’ she said to Charlotte.

      ‘As long as you’re sure,’ Charlotte said.

      Ellie didn’t really have time to spend getting Dylan on his feet for the first time. She knew how long that process could take. Even just a few steps would be a massive task when he’d been lying in bed for so long. But there didn’t seem to be any other way this was going to happen. She nodded.

      ‘Any other issues?’ James asked.

      ‘None,’ Ellie replied.

      ‘All right. Dylan, if I come back tomorrow and find you haven’t at least attempted to get out of bed I’ll get you moved to another ward where you won’t have Ellie or Charlotte looking after you,’ James threatened, obviously figuring that was the way to get Dylan motivated. ‘But if you start complying with treatment you can stay here.’

      By the look on Dylan’s face Ellie could tell he wasn’t sure whether he’d just won the argument or been gazumped by Dr Leonardi. In Ellie’s opinion it was Dr Leonardi 1, Dylan 0.

      When James finished his rounds and left the ward Ellie felt as though he’d taken some of her energy with him, although a hint of his fresh lime scent remained, tantalising her senses.

      She threw herself into the morning’s work, hoping that if she kept busy she wouldn’t have time to think about Dr Leonardi. Wouldn’t have time to think about his chocolate eyes and how they’d watched every move she’d made. Wouldn’t have time to think about those full lips and how they’d curled into a smile when she’d said something that had amused him, and she wouldn’t have time to think about the throbbing she felt in the air when she was near him or the way it pulsed through her body when he touched her.

      In some ways she hoped his effect on her would wear off as he spent more time on the ward. Maybe it would fade away and she’d be able to work in peace. But a part of her enjoyed the buzz he gave her, the feeling of danger, as though he was forbidden fruit.

      Maybe that was the attraction, the exact thing that had got people into trouble all through the ages—wanting something they couldn’t have. After her disastrous fling with Rob she wasn’t going to get involved with someone on the orthopaedic ward again. Not ever.

      She’d just have to ignore СКАЧАТЬ