The Honey Trap. Mary Baker Jayne
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Название: The Honey Trap

Автор: Mary Baker Jayne

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008194581


СКАЧАТЬ dropped the simpering smile and pulled her press pass out of her bag. ‘You can get me an interview with your boss.’

      The man’s face hardened as he took the photocard from her. ‘Serves me right for going slumming in the pleb section. You do know you’re supposed to wear this at all times?’

      ‘What, and ruin my pretty dress?’

      ‘Sorry, darling, but you’re wasting your time. Wilchester never gives interviews after premieres.’ He cast a cursory eye over her pass and his lip curled into a sneer. ‘Particularly not with the hacks at this rag, I rather think, don’t you?’

      ‘Oh, he’ll see me,’ she heard herself say with a calm confidence quite unlike her normal voice. ‘Just show him that, will you? I’ll be waiting here for his answer.’

      PR Guy gave a loud scoff. ‘I told you, you’re wasting your time. But if you must insist…’

      ‘I must.’

      She watched him square his shoulders and march back to the VIP area. I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into, Angel Blackthorne. I just bloody well hope you do.

       Chapter 8

      Okay, top marks for speed, Angel thought as she felt someone slip onto the stool next to her a few minutes later. But when she swung round she found it was only Leo, looking sheepish.

      She should have known his temper by now. A quick flare-up, a five-minute sulk and then he’d be back to his usual self, all schoolboy charm and wearing his best hangdog expression.

      ‘I’m a twat,’ he said by way of an apology.

      She glared at him. He’d get no disagreement from her, not unless he could do better than that.

      ‘I spose I should realise by now you’re only looking out for me.’ He scuffed his foot against the polished-steel crossrail of the barstool. ‘But it just makes it so difficult when I know you and Em are constantly fidgeting about, watching and fretting like – well, like you’re my mums or something.’

      He raised his eyes to hers and searched them keenly. ‘Look, Angel, I know when we were together I let you down time and again, and put you through hell besides. I know it was me and only me who ruined whatever chance we had to make it work as a couple. It means a lot that you forgave me. I can be a moody sod, but I want you to know I won’t throw away what we have now. You’re my best friend and this time I promise I will fight to keep you.’

      Angel blinked, touched and surprised by the rare display of affection. ‘Soppy git,’ she said. He wrinkled his nose as she ruffled the rough fuzz of black hair. ‘I thought you’d have realised it by now. You don’t get rid of me that easily.’

      He looked down at his feet, suddenly bashful. ‘Alright, Ginge. You don’t have to show me up in front of all the top totty in this place. I’m losing vital macho points here.’

      ‘It is about time we both got back on that particular horse,’ she said, smiling. ‘The dating one, I mean. Not any other horse you might have in mind. Not that I really want to know, but how long has it been for you anyway?’

      ‘Oh, nine months or so, give or take a few millennia. But who’s counting, really? I’ve decided to become a tantric hippy sex celibate, actually, like Sting or one of those guys. I could live to be a hundred and thirty-five.’

      ‘It’ll certainly feel like that long anyway,’ she said with a laugh. ‘Come on, mate, spill. You know all about my disaster of a love life, just like every other reader of the bloody Investigator. Don’t you have any hot prospects on the horizon?’

      ‘Just one.’ His glance drifted to the floor and Angel bit her tongue, wishing she could take back the teasing question. For some reason she was suddenly afraid to hear the answer.

      Leo looked up and his gaze, full of feeling, met hers. He couldn’t… not after they’d worked so hard to get to where they were now. Could he?

      ‘It’s Emily,’ he confided. Angel experienced a wave of relief she couldn’t even have begun to explain.

      So that was it. Her two best friends…

      ‘You must’ve noticed me and Em getting closer, spending more time just the two of us. But every time it gets to the point where I feel like she might care about me as more than just a friend, she pushes me away. Then the next thing I hear she’s dating some bellend and we’re back at Mate Zero.’

      Angel felt a pang of guilt. She actually hadn’t noticed, although the whole thing must have been unfolding right in front of her for months. But she’d been so tied up in her own affairs – the internship, the honey trap and its fallout – she hadn’t had a thought to spare for anyone’s complicated love life except her own.

      ‘Well, you know how she’s been since Peter and the way that ended.’ Angel reached out to give his back a comforting rub. ‘And you know what she used to be like before. Dating and sex she has no problem with, but when it comes to getting close, learning to trust someone…’

      ‘I know, I know. But I’m hitting a brick wall here, Ginge. I really don’t know where to go next.’ He sighed, vengefully tearing an unfortunate beer mat straight down the middle. ‘So how about you? Any irons in the fire I should know about?’

      ‘Nah. My ex was a lot to live up to.’ She grinned, perfectly comfortable with him again now the awkward moment had passed. ‘To be honest, Seb was my first since, well, whenever it was you and me broke up…’

      ‘Seriously?’ His dark eyes widened in shock. ‘And I thought I had it bad. You need to get yourself out there, woman. At this rate, Mad Cat Lady status beckons before you hit thirty.’

      ‘Not sure that process hasn’t already started, to be honest.’

      Leo shook his head with mock solemnity. ‘Poor Wilchester. I never realised he’d had such big shoes to fill that night. No wonder he looks so miserable. You know what they say: once you’ve had Leo, you never – er, something that rhymes with Leo which basically means I’m great in bed.’

      ‘They don’t say that.’

      ‘Well, no, they don’t say that. Not as such.’

      A low ‘hem’ at her elbow forced Angel to look around. Seb’s PR guy, looking sulky and belligerent, was trying to attract her attention. She wondered how long he’d been standing there, eavesdropping on their conversation.


      ‘Against my advice, Mr Wilchester has agreed to give an interview to the Investigator,’ he stated formally, refusing to make eye contact while he handed back her press pass. Angel saw Leo raise a quizzical eyebrow and she gave her head a slight shake to let him know she’d explain later.

      ‘My colleague will join us, of course?’

      PR Guy eyed Leo with sneering dislike. ‘That was not part of the agreement. Look, darling, you’ve got ten minutes with my client, СКАЧАТЬ