The Honey Trap. Mary Baker Jayne
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Название: The Honey Trap

Автор: Mary Baker Jayne

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008194581


СКАЧАТЬ expectant hum went through the pack and she heard Carole Beaumont’s name spoken in hushed tones by the people around her. Craning her neck to get a better view over the pony-tailed photographer in front, Angel saw the film’s elegant, dainty little star stepping from a chauffeur-driven limo at the other end of the carpet. A shiver slammed through her, despite the heat from the press of bodies on every side. Would Seb be with his wife? Or had he sneaked in through the back entrance? Leo said he almost always did at premieres, to avoid the gaggle of press.

      Unsure whether the vibrations shooting up her spine came from fear or excitement, or perhaps a touch of both, Angel bent her strappy shoes into a tiptoe position to get a better view. She wasn’t worried now about being seen. The flashes from the wilderness of cameras were as good as a smokescreen.

      Her stomach did a double somersault when she saw Seb follow his wife out of the limo, his tall, athletic frame breathtaking in a classic but immaculately cut dinner jacket and black tie. The wild, curly hair Angel remembered so well running her fingers through was gelled smartly back. He gave the crowd a half-smile, but she could tell he was bored.

      She hadn’t realised how deeply it would affect her to see him in person again after the two months that had passed since that night at the hotel. Still on tiptoes, she almost reeled backwards into another reporter. She clutched at Leo’s arm for support while she struggled to regain her footing, knocking the hand he was using to operate the flash as she did so. He shook her away with an impatient gesture.

       Really, Angel, knocked off your feet? Eurghh. You are such a bloody cliché.

      The glamorous couple swept hand in hand along the red carpet and Angel wondered with a wave of cynicism if their in-your-face togetherness was genuine or a stage-managed show of affection for the benefit of the gathered pack. She assumed the sharp-suited man waiting for them with arms folded at the end of the walkway was, as everything in his appearance seemed to suggest, some sort of public-relations advisor.

      Seb kissed his wife on the cheek and took a step back as they neared the top of the carpet, letting Carole take centre stage. The slight scowl on his handsome face told Angel these kind of events were a duty rather than a pleasure, and only pressure from the stern PR man had convinced him not to slink in round the back as usual.

      Carole more than made up for his standoffishness, however. She smiled and waved for the press, kissed adoring fans across the barrier and signed autographs until she held the crowd in the palm of her hand. She was every inch the consummate professional, the former child star who had been wowing fans almost from the cradle.

      She was wearing a simple but dazzling backless dress in cream chiffon, ending in a floor-sweeping transparent train with a hemline rising in front to skim her knees. An embroidered peacock motif picked out in sparkling aquamarine beads curled down one side of the bodice. Angel felt a twinge of something – jealousy? – as she noted the shapely legs, remembering Steve’s description of Seb as a ‘leg man’ and the way the director had seemed to approve so much of hers that night in the hotel bar. For some reason she found herself blinking back tears, recalling him scanning the curve of her crossed legs when he’d stood up to hand back her bag, and the heat that had slammed through her when she’d felt his soft curls brushing against her calves…

      Carole’s platinum-blonde bob was flawless as always, the fair skin was set off perfectly by delicate pencilled lashes and a slick of baby-pink lipstick, yet there was a childlike air of fragility to the diminutive actress that couldn’t help but make an onlooker feel protective. Angel noticed the bruised circles indicating sleepless nights around her eyes, almost but not quite hidden by the make-up artist’s skill. But Carole didn’t let her tiredness show while she laughed and chatted with the assembled crowd.

      ‘Who am I wearing?’ she said in answer to a reporter. ‘Why, myself, darling, of course. I make nearly all my own dresses.’

      Well, of course you do. It seemed Carole Beaumont really was practically perfect in every way.

      ‘But I do wonder why that’s always the first question I’m asked,’ the actress went on. ‘Usually followed by a request for details of my beauty routine, while my co-star is asked about his role in the movie.’

      Carole spoke lightly, with a little tinkling laugh, but her smile had a hard edge, making it clear this particular question was an irritation she’d encountered before. And it was true, her leading man had been asked just moments earlier how he’d prepared for his part in the film by the very same reporter. Angel felt her respect rise for this woman, gracious but firm, who refused to let the press reduce her to a glorified clothes-horse.

      ‘Do you have any comment to make about your husband’s recent infidelity, Ms Beaumont?’ yelled a pimply young man close by Angel’s elbow. ‘Will you be seeking a divorce?’ called someone from the other side of the carpet. But Carole Beaumont was suddenly deaf as she took Seb’s arm.

      She nudged him slightly and as he began to speak Angel was overcome by a sudden, vivid memory of his woodsmoke-chocolate aftershave when he drew his face in close to hers, eyes kindled with a flame that seemed to spark from his tawny irises into her green ones. She scrunched her eyes tight shut, trying hard to rid herself of the memory. The seductive embrace of his tongue with hers as he expertly explored her mouth, drawing her arched, willing body into his…

      Once again she felt tears rising and blinked hard to fight them back. This pathetic habit of crying whenever she thought about Seb had got to stop.

      ‘I’d like to thank you ladies and gentlemen of the press for turning out to the premiere of The Milkman Cometh,’ the director said, taking care there should be no trace of emotion in his polished tones while he delivered the obviously rehearsed speech. ‘This black comedy is something different for Carole and myself, but a project that has long been close to our hearts. It is also the first release to be entirely filmed at, and distributed by, our studio, Tigerblaze. Now there is nothing left for us to do but throw it on your mercy, and I hope you will not stint in either your praise or your criticism as the curtain lifts on our newest baby.’

      This gave the up-and-coming reporter at Angel’s elbow a new idea. He chose this moment to shout out his next question.

      ‘Why do you think you and your wife have never had children, Mr Wilchester? Isn’t a family something you want in your lives?’

      Angel shrank back as Seb’s gaze flickered over to the unfortunate young man beside her with a sneer of dislike. But Carole’s selective deafness seemed to be catching. The question remained unanswered, hanging in the air as the couple were escorted by their PR man into the cinema.

       Chapter 7

      ‘Right, that’s your lot,’ Leo said, taking hold of Angel’s elbow and guiding her away from the fenced-off area along with the rapidly dispersing crowd. ‘Come on.’

      ‘Where do we go now?’

      ‘Servants’ entrance, round the back. The stars all get shown into the VIP area, then we humble Newsround presspackers are allowed to go occupy the cheap seats. Have you got your pass? You’ll have to show it to the security bods to get in.’

      Angel reached into her handbag for the press pass. It did have a little clip to attach it, but she couldn’t bear the thought of doing any damage, no matter how tiny, to her dress. Not that she’d ever admit such feminine weakness to Leo. She’d never hear the end of it.

      She СКАЧАТЬ