A Match Made in Heaven?. Sun Chara
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Название: A Match Made in Heaven?

Автор: Sun Chara

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008145101


СКАЧАТЬ was an explosion of lights in the horizon, but she barely noticed the glitter of the Las Vegas landscape.

      “I don’t know, Sam.” He drew his eyebrows over the bridge of his nose.

      “Do we?”

      An exasperated sound burst from her mouth. “Must you always answer me with a question?”

      “Huh, I’m not the one who—” He bit down on his irritable words and rephrased them. “Sure thing, Sam.”

      “Stop patronizing me.”

      “I wasn’t—”

      “If this is how our talk is going to go, it shouldn’t take long.”

      “I’ll make sure of it, then,” he retorted in a dry voice. Could she not stand a few hours of his company and was already finding excuses?

      “Why bother, then.”

      A saucy grin split his lips, and he scored his point. “Because that’s what grownups do.” The woman was provoking him, major league.

      She laughed, but it cracked like thin ice on the surface of a pond.


      He couldn’t fathom her true feelings beneath the apparent merriment.

      “And you’re suddenly behaving like a mature adult, Johnny?” The tinkle of a giggle. “I’m impressed.”

      “Now who’s patronizing whom, Sam?”

      “You started it.”

      “I did?” He rubbed a hand over his face trying to make sense of what they were saying to each other, if anything.

      “You’re on the defensive, again.”

      A guffaw pushed up from his chest but got snared in his throat. “Me, again?”

      “Seems like it.”

      The chuckle finally burst from his mouth, but it sounded galling, even to his own ears. “Whatever you say, my love.”

      “You are so maddening,” she said, her words frosty.


      “Because … because …” She folded her arms across her breasts and muttered, “There’s just so much, I don’t know where to begin.”

      He clicked his tongue. She had him there.

      He drummed on the steering wheel, and then abruptly stopped, recalling her ire of moments ago. “Just blurt out what’s bugging you—”

      “Nothing is bugging me, Belen. Except—”

      “We’re almost there.” He maneuvered around a narrow curve that brought them to the last mile of their journey. “Try and control your temp--”

      “I’m not the one who has to control—”

      “It won’t take long. Another two min—”

      “You can bet on that, Belen.”

      “Fine.” And what did you get with that interchange, you pigheaded Irishman? You want to push her into that simpleton’s arms? A sigh erupted from the pit of his stomach, and he swept his hand through his hair. Could he hope to bridge this ever-widening chasm between them? He doubted it. Not when they were bickering like a couple of teenagers. Is this what love and marriage did to you?

      A moment later, he turned into a dirt road and pulled up in front of a rickety picket fence. A hand-painted sign with the words Canine Resort Kennels hung askew from the gate.

      “Here we are,” he grunted.

      She glanced at him in disbelief.

      “Welcome home, Sam.”

       Chapter Six

      By the time Samantha collected her thoughts, Johnny had grabbed a flashlight from beneath the driver’s seat, jumped out and shut the door. He walked around to her side, yanked the door open and extended his hand to help her down. Shifting the flashlight’s handle between his fingers, he slipped his hands around her middle, and she nearly fell on top of him.

      He staggered backward, and her giggle mingled with his chuckle. Joy filled her heart, and she caught it mirrored in his gaze. The turmoil that had invaded their lives with a vengeance the last twenty-four hours vanished for a moment. She glanced over his shoulder and it all came rushing back.

      “It’s not what you’ve been accustomed to, Sam.” He clicked the flashlight on and slid his fingers to her elbow, guiding her to the building.

      “It’s not,” she said in an awed voice. “It’s a real house and not a shoebox.”

      “I meant it’s not luxury—”

      “I know what you meant.” She wiggled her arm away from his hold and traipsed onward, wishing he’d get that she didn’t care so much for luxury as for plain old-fashioned comfort.

      Posh and glamour she’d had, and it left her cold. Unless one controlled it, it often took control, playing the person like a puppet on a string. She wanted a warm, cozy home with a rose garden and a white picket fence. Where she could live with her husband and play with their kids…build a future with Johnny. A chance peek from beneath her lashes showed he’d gone quiet again. She itched to reach out and stroke the crinkle from his forehead, kiss—of course, she couldn’t do that.

      What if she was wrong about him? About everything?

      She faltered in her step, her heart rejecting the idea. Air constricted in her throat. She coughed, and then filled her lungs with oxygen, regaining her equilibrium.

      “Something wrong, Sam?” He stepped to her side, his words full of concern.

      Real or feigned?

      “No.” She walked a few paces, stopped and screwed up her nose. “What’s that smell?”

      He sniffed and lifted the corner of his mouth in a grin. “Dog.”

      “Isn’t he ever cleaned?”

      “Don’t let them hear you say that.” He placed a finger to his lips. “They’re sticklers for cleanliness.” Tilting his head, he considered her a moment…a long moment. “Now that you’re here you—”

      “If you think I’m—”

      “You’re so industrious, Sam.”

      “Not in my condition.”

      “Thought a little exercise was good for pregnant women.”

      “Yes, СКАЧАТЬ