A Match Made in Heaven?. Sun Chara
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Название: A Match Made in Heaven?

Автор: Sun Chara

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9780008145101


СКАЧАТЬ he didn’t utter the sentiment. “You wanted to be alone, to think …” he allowed his words to trail off, not voicing thoughts tearing his brain. Like whether you want to be married to me or not. He tightened his grip on the wheel and the metal ridges bit into his flesh.

      “Yes, alone. Not with you.” Her voice faltered. “Not with anyone.”

      Her words cut him to the raw. A muscle boxed his jaw. “You will be, but, I’ll be within shouting distance should you need me.”

      “Because of the baby, you mean.”

      “Of course, what else.”

      Sam’s heart lurched, then hammered with a thousand minuscule mallets. Is that all she meant to him? Someone to have his child? Was he a gold digger? And since he hadn’t gotten his hands on her wealth, was he ready to ditch at the first opportunity? Fear clawed at her insides. Had her mother been right about him? Had he ever really loved her?

      “After the baby comes?”

      “You’re free to go,” he said, refraining from adding, if you want to.

      “I see.” Her stomach dipped and her pulse skittered. She breathed in a mouthful of air and exhaled without a sound. In three months, Johnny, the man she married and the father of her child, could be rid of her, and he could hardly wait. She turned away from him and pressed her forehead to the window, the vibration of the truck a balm to her shattered nerves.

      Johnny tightened his abs. She’d shut him out. Could she give up on him, on them, so quickly? At a word in a letter? Had she ever really loved him? A nerve hammered his cheek. Was she thinking of Michael Scott? She’d been friendly enough with him at the pad.

      Well, the technicality threatening to nullify their union gave her the perfect opportunity to opt out. A groan throbbed in his throat, but he gulped it down.

      He’d wanted to believe he could always count on her, but perhaps in the back of his mind he’d had misgivings. He had the means, yet he’d allowed them to rough it financially for a time.

      A test.

      To see if princess loved the pauper for himself or if she’d bolt at the first sign of hardship. In three months the baby was due. He’d have his answer then.

      “Do you, Sam?”

      “What?” She deigned to glance his way.

      “See. See what is happening here. To us.”

      “I do.”

      “That’s all you’ve got to say?”

      “You have something more to tell me, Johnny?”

      He fisted his fingers over the wheel and kept his eye on the line on the road snaking ahead of them. “I wanted to give you the best, Sam.”

      “You never quite made it though, did you?”

      “Guess not.” He swallowed. “Not by your standards. Not by your mother’s and not by your Michael Scott’s.”

      “I’d like a better life, Johnny. And my mother would like a better life for me.” She paused. “And he’s not my Michael Scott.”


      “What d’you mean?”

      “He could give you the lifestyle you want.”

      “Yes, he could.”

      A shard of ice stabbed his heart. “And so could I.” The words tumbled from his lips, but the droning of the engine made them inaudible. Not wanting to buy her affection, he didn’t repeat them.

      “Yet, you do nothing?”

      “You call working two jobs nothing?”

      “You’re not working two jobs, Johnny.” She shifted in her seat. “You’re constantly between two jobs.”

      Air blasted between his teeth. Did she think so little of him? Disappointment overlaid the resentment rising in his chest. He’d soon know Samantha’s true colors.

      Fool. He’d busted his behind working odd jobs to get a down payment to buy the kennels from his buddy, Willie. Then, unable to afford help, Johnny ’d single handedly made them pay, but knowing that wouldn’t be good enough for society girl, he risked all in expanding them to attract higher end customers. Putting him in a higher income bracket, he’d measure up and offer for her hand.

      However, his business plan got axed when Willie had shoved the Beverly Hills Weekly society page in his face, announcing her wedding to rich bankboy.

      Johnny ’d burned rubber on Interstate 15 that day. A quick pit-stop at the Lucky Loo had him tossing a vagrant at the door a handful of coins for a Big Mac at McDonald’s.

       His random act of kindness had been rewarded.

      By the time it had taken Johnny to cross the floor and back again on his way out, the man had busted the bank. Chuckling, Johnny hurried to his car but the man hobbled after him and handed him a check for five million. It had thrown Johnny in a quandary. He’d put the windfall on hold these two years, while he made sense of their life.

      Although he’d made several attempts to come clean with Sam, she’d jabbed him about his ability to provide for her that he’d clammed up. Now that the baby was due, he’d planned to surprise her with their good fortune and eliminate her doubts. But before he confessed all, the letter arrived denouncing their marriage.

      Had he lost her? Had she regretted marrying him? Was she missing the glitz and glamour of her single life? Did she regret not marrying Michael Scott? Sweat dampened his palms, and he slid his hands along the wheel for a drier spot. He tossed her a covert glance, but all he got was a view of her stiff back.

      Shoving down his disappointment, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, his thoughts drifting.

      “Stop that.”


      “That incessant noise.”

      “What noi—”

      “You’re drumming.” Samantha reached over and stayed his fingers on the steering wheel. A jolt of energy charged into her, and she snatched her hand away. He attracted her like a magnet. Yet, she must remain resolute. Disappointment and anger sizzled inside her. How dare he think her so shallow … a ritzy lifestyle was not all she wanted. She could rebut his ridiculous statements, but that wouldn’t prove anything. Only time would show his true colors.

      He laughed. “Is that all?”

      “No, that’s not all,” she murmured, her words brittle.

      “That’s right, Missus,” he muttered, pursing his lips. “We got things to rap on.”

      “Yes, of course.” She ignored his sarcasm, her polite words more aggravating than if she’d responded in kind.

      “What СКАЧАТЬ