Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life. Jason Vale
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Название: Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007466375


СКАЧАТЬ everything we believe. Our minds are often easily deluded because of a physical chemical reaction in our body – a reaction which seems to confirm the advertiser’s message and what we believe to be true. It is this element above all which we need to understand in order to break truly free. There have been some very clever and successful mind manipulation techniques used over the years with many aspects of people’s lives, but none have affected more people or had more impact on our lives than …




There’s an old saying, ‘you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time’. But BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK have almost managed to pull it off.

      As you are no doubt aware, all businesses are out to increase their profits. How does any business sell more of the same product to the same person? Simple: by making them believe that they need it, that it will benefit them, and that their life would be incomplete in some way without it. The drug food industry is no different to any other. Their objective is simply to sell more food.

      However, logically this shouldn’t be as easy to do as it would be with something like clothes for example. You can, after all, keep buying clothes and very rarely, depending on the size of your house, will you run out of room for them. Even if you do run out of space, you can simply throw the old ones away and make room for the new ones. The fashion industry survives by making you believe the clothes you already own are no longer in vogue and you must buy more in order to fit into our fashion conscious world.

      But how can they do this with food? Unlike clothes and storage your body does get full. You are after all either hungry or you’re not. If you eat a certain amount your body gets what it needs and you no longer feel hungry. Well that’s the theory anyway and that is exactly what happens when you consume genuine highly nutritious natural food, as I now know. However, what if BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK found a way to remove many elements of genuine nutrition from what they sell and add chemicals which actually make you to feel hungrier than you would normally feel? What if they found a neat way to create ‘false hungers’ and thus a way to sell more of the same food to the same person? What if they found a way to make a person believe the only thing which can fill the hunger they feel is more of the same type of food? Now that would be a neat trick.

      The food trick is very similar to the nicotine trick. The tobacco companies would have made very little money if a smoker had just one cigarette a day. How do they make them have more? Well they don’t really have to do a great deal; the drug will do most of it for them.


      When nicotine leaves the body it creates an empty, insecure feeling, rather like a hunger for food. The feeling is so slight the smoker does not realize that the previous cigarette they had caused the feeling. They have another one and the empty, insecure feeling goes away. They no longer feel as low, as empty or as insecure as they did, and so end up believing there is a genuine pleasure in smoking. Yet all they are actually enjoying is the ending of an aggravation which was caused by the previous cigarette. All the tobacco industry then had to do was some product placement and advertising. Words such as ‘smooth’ and ‘satisfaction’ were used to describe cigarette smoking on advertisements. Every film and television hero was a smoker etc. As most people are aware, the body will always build up an immunity and tolerance to any drug and you therefore end up needing more and more to get the same effect. In the end a feeling of dissatisfaction is felt even when the addict is taking the drug. The nicotine companies found a way to create an additional hunger to a normal hunger. All addiction creates a hold which the addict believes is filled by the very substance which caused the hole in the first place. Junkie foods – foods which have had a great deal of their nutritional content removed and other chemicals added in their place – create a hole. Apples will not fill this hole initially; in the same way that an apple will not fill the hole nicotine has created for a smoker. This fools us into believing that fruits and vegetables and good wholesome foods don’t satisfy and that junkie foods do. But this is the trick – this is the illusion. All that’s happened is you have had an injection of your ‘food fix’ and some of the empty hole appears to have been filled. But the huge hole is only there because of the junkie foods in the first place. When we change our diet in the correct way, the hole disappears in no time at all and we feel genuinely satisfied.

      Drug-like junkie foods and drinks are the real cause of the food and diet trap. They are designed to create additional hungers and feelings of dissatisfaction – the complete opposite of natural foods. The sad reality is that most people are suffering from malnutrition. In fact whenever you see someone who is overweight you can be almost certain they are suffering from this condition. When we think of malnutrition, we tend to see images of starving people in the developing world, so it’s hard to imagine that someone who eats loads of food and has so much abundance of food around them is also suffering from it. But the fact is they are and it is vital you fully understand this.


      The Oxford English Dictionary describes it as, ‘A dietary condition resulting from the absence of some foods or the absence of essential elements necessary for health; insufficient nutrition’. This is exactly what I was suffering from when I was over 30 lb (13 kg) overweight, and it is what every junkie food addict is suffering from whether they are overweight or not. They have a severe deficit of nutrients going into the body. Without nutrients feeding the cells, the body will of course be starving. It is no wonder many junkie food addicts feel hungry and dissatisfied a lot of the time: it’s because they are. If the body doesn’t get what it needs it stays hungry for nutrients. Hunger is not a pleasant feeling, it’s an empty, insecure, dissatisfied feeling. What do you do when you feel hungry, empty and dissatisfied? EAT!

      It is this simple: The less food you eat containing live nutrients, the hungrier you will become. The hungrier you become the more dissatisfied and incomplete you will feel. The more dissatisfied and incomplete you feel the more you eat to try and feel satisfied and complete.

      This, in itself, of course is bad enough. However, an even greater problem we have are the additional hungers we experience on top of a genuine hunger for the right nutrients. These are caused by the additional chemicals often added to junkie-type foods designed to cause an even bigger hole. They are designed to cause an empty, insecure feeling, an identical feeling to a normal genuine hunger. Such feelings are the result of the withdrawal effects from certain junkie foods, or the effects of low blood sugar – which, again, are caused by the drug foods themselves.

      These junkie foods really are a double whammy. Not only are they void of some genuine nutrients, they ultimately create a set of false hungers which feel exactly the same as a normal genuine hunger. And because they are sold as food, and not drugs, people remain none the wiser to the fact they are hooked. Instead, people who are caught in the food trap because of drug foods are called ‘pigs’, and are often ostracized and given no sympathy whatsoever. The people who are caught also believe it must be some flaw in their own character rather than a result of a very clever confidence trick – the food trick.

      It is the false physical hungers, along with the false advertising, that cause people to have mental and physical cravings for drug foods.

      This is ultimately why people attempt to ‘use’ drug foods in much the same way drug addicts attempt to ‘use’ drugs: СКАЧАТЬ