Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life. Jason Vale
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Название: Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007466375


СКАЧАТЬ and published on the website of the British Medical Journal, illustrated that people who eat quickly and eat until they are full are three times as likely to be overweight than those who eat slowly and leave the table without feeling completely full. The study, led by Professor Hiroyasu Iso, suggests that the manner of eating too quickly – and until absolutely full – is a significant factor in the obesity epidemic, as it overrides signals in the brain which would normally tell the person to stop eating. Dr David Haslam, GP and clinical director for the National Obesity Forum, said, ‘The great dietary gurus of a century ago stressed the importance of chewing food for a long time and eating slowly, and these messages are even more important today.’


      I know for certain that I will never be overweight again. I know for certain I will never go on a diet. I know that I will not have to worry about whether I am getting the correct nutrients. I have energy, I feel light, I wake up and actually feel awake, I feel mentally sharp, I have regained confidence I had no idea I’d even lost, and I now wear whatever clothes I want. In short, I am what some people would describe as a ‘health freak’ and it is just simply the best feeling in the world and I wouldn’t trade it for any amount of money on earth.

      The reason I have written this book is because I also know for certain that once you fully understand every aspect of the ‘diet trap’ and follow a few simple instructions, you too will change what you eat and you will love it. Everyone has it within their power to change their diet for good – because it’s easy. Forget everything you have tried in the past and everything you have heard or read about food – let’s start with a clean slate. No past to drag with us or dwell on, just a compelling future to look forward to.

      I have designed this book so that at the end you will not only want to change your diet, but you will literally love the process. And that tends to be one of the main problems people have when they think about changing what they eat. They feel all doom and gloomy before they even start; as if they will be missing out and making a huge sacrifice by making the change. If you change your diet for life and totally change how you look at your old diet then you will never feel as though you are missing out for one simple reason – it will suddenly dawn on you that you aren’t.

      In order for you to see this clearly, and before we even attempt to make any changes, we need to debunk the clap-trap that you’ve been bombarded with for years about food and health. ‘Stuff’ that is now stored in your head and your conscious and subconscious doesn’t even question it as fact, it just takes it as read that it is. The biggest problem is we believe a lot of what we have heard over the years about nutrition, diets, and health because it is put across by ‘experts’. The question I want you to ask is: is it possible that some of the experts were taught incorrectly themselves? Is it possible that we just have too much information about food and nutrition? Is it possible that we have literally been blinded by science? Is it possible we have over complicated the issue so much that we can’t see the wood for the trees?

      I ask you to set aside what you believe to be ‘fact’ and read what I am about to write with an extremely open mind. It is time to simplify the whole business about what we should eat, what quantity we should eat, what time we should eat and what is best for us by unloading our minds of pieces of so-called vital health information, which, plain and simply …




What is your body fat ratio? What is your resting heart rate? Do you know? What is a bioflavonoid? What is riboflavin? Do you know? How many calories are there in a banana? How much protein do you need daily? How many vitamins are there? What is the best source of calcium? What does vitamin K do for you? Which has more vitamin C – an orange or a green pepper? What is a ketone? How does ketosis work? Do you know which foods contain vitamin P? What is your body mass index? What is your metabolic rate? If you do not know the answer to these questions – good! We don’t need to know.

      A little over one hundred years ago we didn’t even know what a vitamin was, but we still got here didn’t we? A gorilla doesn’t know how many vitamins or minerals there are in a banana or whether it contains any calcium or protein: why don’t they know? Because they don’t need to know!

      There are no nutritionists or dieticians in the wild, how do they cope? How do animals manage to keep so fit and excess fat free without knowing things like ‘their resting heart rate’ or without ever wearing a heart rate monitor to show what ‘zone’ they are in? With no dieticians on hand or fitness instructors, it almost makes you wonder how on earth they know what to eat to be healthy or how to stay trim and fit. Well I say it makes us wonder, but that’s not true. We fully expect all wild animals on earth to instinctively know what to eat, when to eat and what to do to be fighting fit. We don’t expect them to have to read books on the subject of food or to seek ‘qualified’ advice. We are under no illusion at all that their intuition, provided by whoever or whatever created us, is the best guide to health and healing foods.

      So this begs the question, why do men and women, who are apparently the most intelligent beings on earth, not expect to know these simple things for ourselves? Why is there so much confusion over what we should eat and how to get fit? The answer is simple really; too much knowledge; too much advertising; too much peer pressure; too many conflicting books; too many people with letters before and after their name; and too much brainwashing and conditioning from people with vested interests as their number one focus.

      There is no advertising, brainwashing or ‘intellectual’ knowledge in the wild. Animals eat foods that were specifically designed for them. They also eat when they are genuinely hungry and they stop when they are full. They are perfectly happy eating the diet laid down by nature for it fully furnishes their body with everything it needs and they love the taste and smell. Wild animals are also not concerned about how much they weigh on a daily basis, nor what size fur they are. Why? Because all of their own kind are the same size and shape. If a giraffe became extremely abnormally fat would we need to test its blood pressure, put it on a scale or take a sample of its poo (Gillian McKeith!) to see if something was wrong with it? Or do you think that intuitively we would just know?

      When I look back it seems strange that despite being what I consider to be a reasonably intelligent person, I would do things like jump on a set of scales to see if I was packing a bit too much on the weight front. Did I not already know? The only reason I jumped on them in the first place was because I already knew I had, I just wanted to know by how much. Again, could I not see by how much? Did my bulges not tell me? Did the fact my shirt buttons were popping not tell me enough or the fact I couldn’t squeeze into my jeans? All weighing scales do is confirm the obvious to us and to everyone else around us. As mental as this sounds I would even get on the scales slowly sometimes in a desperate, nonsensical attempt to weigh less. Did I honestly think that by getting on the scales slowly I would not be as fat as I was? What the flipping hell was wrong with me? After working with hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world over the years it was somewhat of a relief to see I wasn’t the only one who did such incredibly bizarre, irrational things. I believe all the ‘intellectual’ knowledge we are bombarded with makes us do things that are flipping bonkers. When I see your average bloke running around the park or on a treadmill with a heart rate monitor around their chest and looking at their special watch to see if they are keeping in the ‘fat burning zone’ I do wonder if we have all taken leave of our senses.

      Talking of which, here’s a perfectly true story which illustrates what I mean. A friend of mine was on one of her many СКАЧАТЬ