Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life. Jason Vale
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Название: Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

Автор: Jason Vale

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780007466375


СКАЧАТЬ drug-like food. Anyone who is already hooked on a certain amount can’t just ‘cut down’ or ‘eat slowly’ and ‘stop when they feel full’. In fact these drug-like foods often trigger an almost uncontrollable urge to binge and overeat. How many times have you thought ‘just the one’ chocolate or biscuit and before you know where you are you have polished off a great deal more?

      Georgia Davis cannot stop eating when she is full because she never feels full. In the same way your body builds up an immunity and tolerance to a drug, it does the same with drug-like food and drink. You end up needing more and more in order to try and fill the hole and void the drug itself has created. Georgia’s problem is she does eat when she feels hungry, the problem is she feels hungry most of the time due to the addictive nature of these foods and drinks. What Georgia ultimately needs is to starve the false hungers and create a genuine one. Once that happens then and only then can the advice of ‘eat when hungry’ and ‘stop when full’ be effective.


      I need you to realize that the trap you find yourself in, the one I found myself in and the one millions are in all over the world is simply a result of clever marketing and chemicals designed to make you feel ultimately dissatisfied. They create a hole, which appears to be filled with more of the same, yet in reality the hole gets bigger till in the end you don’t ever truly appear to be able to fill it. The irony is we believe this empty feeling can only be filled with more of the same rubbish, which is perhaps the biggest aspect of the illusion – as you will discover.

      The ‘food’ business is the same as any other and BIG FOOD simply wants to sell more. They will only do this by removing genuine nutrients (to create a malnourished body which always demands more in a desperate need for the right nutritional requirements) and adding chemicals, which compel an otherwise intelligent person to eat certain things and eat more than they would ever do in their rational mind. Despite 15-year-old Georgia’s immense size, the main reason for her insatiable hunger is malnutrition. She, like millions, is overfed but undernourished.

      If you change your diet and don’t go on a diet – in the same way as when a person gets used not to having sugar in their tea and coffee – you never have to think about your diet again. You will be free to genuinely choose what you put into your body and you won’t be a slave to, or victim of, the BIG FOOD system.

      I want to make this point clear: I am not being ‘good’ drinking freshly extracted vegetable juice daily and skipping the junkie food in favour of good wholesome foods, I choose to do it – it’s my regular diet now. The people who no longer take sugar in their tea have no desire to go back and I have no desire to go back either. This whole ‘being good’ is a nonsense way of thinking anyway and is part of the ‘diet trap’. For example, are you being good for not taking heroin? Do you feel proud of yourself because you haven’t sniffed glue today? If you did feel proud then it would mean that you indeed have a glue problem. I am not proud of myself for not stuffing myself with crap today, I just don’t want to eat this stuff as my main diet any more. Unlike a conventional diet (in the restrictive sense), I can eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want, I no longer have to put restrictions on myself. The difference is that I just do not want them any more. I am not being ‘good’ for eating what I do, it is now my genuine choice to. I am not continuing to do what I do to lose weight, because I’m already slim, and I’m not doing it to stay slim – I’m doing it because it is now my brand and I love it!


      A few years ago I would never have believed that I could literally train myself to love fruits, salads, vegetables, and their juices. I even love avocados now, a fruit I absolutely detested before. However, as macrobiotics has been teaching for years, you will adapt and learn to love any food or drink you have on a regular basis (I am unsure if Brussel sprouts are included in that mind you). That is something I would have dismissed in an instant a few years ago, but there is a great deal of truth in it. Years back I tried some Chinese herbal medicine in an attempt to clear my skin of psoriasis. The best way I can describe the medicine is tree bark. I had to boil what looked like bits of tree and forest detritus in water twice every day. To say this stuff stank would be putting it mildly and it tasted as bitter as a winter’s night in Halifax. I hated it to say the least, but I drank it as I was willing to try anything. As I drank this warm muddy-looking water, I would hold my nose and try not to be sick – it really was that bad. Here’s my point: within one month, not only did I get used to the smell and taste – I actually began to like it. This is why changing your diet of food is going to be a breeze, once we remove the brainwashing, conditioning, and trickery of BIG FOOD that is. Nothing you switch to will taste and smell anything like tree bark so the adjustment won’t take anything like a month and you certainly won’t be holding your nose and trying not to be sick during it. In fact, most of the things many of you will already love. But it really doesn’t matter if at this stage a main course salad and some vegetable juice sounds about as appealing as a fortnight’s holiday in Afghanistan. Once all the brainwashing, conditioning, and misinformation regarding your diet of foods and drinks has been removed, and you have the correct mental tools on exactly how to change your diet easily, you will be amazed at what will happen and how easy and enjoyable it can be.

      You Health Freak!

      This doesn’t mean for one second that once you change your diet all you will be able to eat is salad and fruit – so don’t panic. Halfway through the book you could well start to think it’s all about eating grass, which is why it’s so important to finish the entire book. Trust me, at the end you will be about to eat ANYTHING you want, whenever you want to eat it. The key here is to remove the brainwashing and conditioning and expose BIG FOOD for what it is, so that your genuine choice will be not to have the rubbish nor give your hard earned money to BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK.

      I never dreamt that one day I would go out for a meal and actually want a main course of fish or avocado salad – that I would choose it over everything else. I never thought that I would be in a position where I would have vegetable juice daily, seriously, vegetable juice – you would never have thought it. I never imagined that I would go out of my way and actually pass by McDonald’s or Pizza Hut to get to a juice bar or find something healthy. I certainly never thought that I would look at people eating crap with genuine pity as opposed to total envy, as I used to when on a diet. I just feel very lucky that I changed my diet when I did. I often seriously wonder where I would be now if I hadn’t.


      Just as important as your diet is the way you eat. In order to get and stay ‘Slim for Life’ and to increase your chance of a longer life, it is vital to learn the process of eating just to the point of being almost full. It has been shown many times over that the lighter the burden put on the digestive system, the longer – on average – a person lives. This principle is key to lifelong slimness.

      It takes about twenty to thirty minutes for the body to acknowledge it has all of its nutritional requirements, so if you eat until you are full you have overeaten. This is also why it is so important to chew your food thoroughly, as it gives the body a chance to acknowledge it is going to be fed. The enzymes in your mouth are more powerful than those in your stomach, and it is essential to use your ‘natural blender’ (your mouth) before swallowing to signal the right digestive juices in your stomach. It seems odd that people say they love their food so much, and that is why they find it hard to change, yet it’s the very thing they miss out on every time. Think about it. Most people are on the next forkful as they gulp down the previous unchewed mouthful. They are completely missing their food already!