Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies. David Hoffmann
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      This tea can be drunk three times a day.

      When there is any degree of debility present it is valuable to take Ginseng regularly.


      Arteriosclerosis is characterised by a thickening and hardening of the artery walls, caused in the early stages by a gradual deposit of calcium, restricting the flow of blood to the cells of the body. In further stages this can develop into a build-up of cholesterol and fatty deposits in the artery walls, leading to a speedy degeneration of the vessels and causing profound problems. These fatty deposits are called atheroma. They can build up in the aorta, in the arteries of the heart and the brain.

      Arteriosclerosis is one of the most common causes of death in the western world. Arteriosclerosis is a primary product of inappropriate lifestyle and a lot can be done to heal the body by making necessary changes. Diet, stress and lack of exercise are critical factors usually requiring change, as is the use of tobacco and alcohol. A major part of the treatment of arteriosclerosis can be found in the section on prevention of cardiovascular problems.

      There are also a number of herbs that can help in this condition, above all Lime Blossom, as it has a specific anti-atheroma action and in longterm use will guard against the deposition of cholesterol, also helping the body in the removal of any that has already built up. The longterm use of Garlic has a similar effect.

      Specific herbs for this condition include Garlic, Hawthorn Berries, Lime Blossom, Mistletoe and Yarrow. As you may notice, these are also herbs found to be most effective in the treatment of raised blood pressure, which often accompanies arteriosclerosis. The same mixture as for high blood pressure can be used, if the proportion of Lime Blossom is raised to three parts.

       Thrombosis and phlebitis

      When there is a build-up of atheroma, there is an added danger that a piece of it or clotted blood may enter the blood stream. Both can cause a vessel to be blocked, which leads to a deficiency of oxygen downstream from the blocked vessel. The seriousness of this thrombosis depends on where in the body the block occurs. It can be a minor problem, but it also is a possible cause of death. It must be treated to make sure that no new focus for thrombus formation develops. The treatment should be based on herbs that ensure a healthy circulatory sytem, together with following of the advice given for arteriosclerosis.



      When a clot occurs in the veins of the legs, the condition is labelled phlebitis. In cases of local inflammations and pains, lotions, compresses or poultices are most effective. Herbs such as Arnica, Comfrey, Hawthorn Berries and Marigold should be used in the external treatment of these conditions.

       Varicose veins

      Lack of exercise, obesity, pregnancy and anything that reduces the circulation in the legs, such as tight clothing or sitting with crossed legs, can contribute to the development of varicose veins, a name for veins that have become enlarged, twisted and swollen. They can appear anywhere in the body, but are most commonly found in the legs, as the heart on its own is not strong enough to return the venous blood from the lower part of the body without the pumping action of the leg muscles, which only happens when these muscles are used and exercised. It is essential that adequate exercise be taken and that the feet are elevated when sitting for a long time, to counteract the effects of gravity.



      Herbal medicine has a lot to offer in this condition, as long as its action is supported by exercise. The diet should be rich in fruit and green vegetables. Constipation has to be avoided. Vitamin B-complex, C and E should be added to the diet. The herbs to be used in this condition should stimulate the peripheral circulation and thereby aid the flow of blood in the legs. Appropriate herbs are Cayenne, Ginger and Prickly Ash Bark or Berries. Furthermore, herbs that strengthen the blood vessels have to be included, for example Buckwheat, Hawthorn Berries or Horsechestnut. If there is any water retention that leads to swelling of the ankles or legs, a diuretic such as Dandelion or Yarrow has to be included.

      This mixture approaches the problem from all angles:

Hawthorn Berries 3 parts
Horsechestnut 3 parts
Prickly Ash Bark (or Berries) 2 parts
Yarrow 2 parts
Ginger 1 part

      This should be drunk three times a day.

      When there is a local inflammation with pain, a lotion or compress of Witch Hazel will often ease the discomfort, otherwise Marigold, Comfrey or Hawthorn Berries can be used.

       Varicose ulcers

      There is a very close connection between the development of varicose ulcers and the condition of the veins, their activity and tone, which is also reflected in varicose veins. When the legs are not sufficiently drained of blood and tissue fluid—due to the factors described for varicose veins—the water-logging leads to the tissue breaking down and ulcers developing. They are notoriously difficult to heal. Here it is even more important that adequate exercise be taken and that the feet are elevated, to counteract the effect of gravity on the legs.

      The herbs to be used here are the same as for varicose veins, but a higher proportion of diuretics and alteratives have to be used. External treatment is vital here. If there is any secondary infection, it can be treated by a compress made from Marigold, Marshmallow and Echinacea, which has to be changed often. When the infection has subsided, change the compress for a poultice of powdered Comfrey, Marigold and Marshmallow made into a thick paste and applied to the surrounding tissue of the ulcer and kept in place with the aid of an elastic bandage.

       Bad circulation and chilblains

      When the circulation of the extremities is not adequate, leading to cold hands and feet, the following mixture can be very helpful:

Prickly Ash Bark (or Berries) 3 parts
Hawthorn Berries 3 parts
Ginger 1 part СКАЧАТЬ