Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies. David Hoffmann
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СКАЧАТЬ available to help and heal the vessels of the circulatory system, but here we limit ourselves to specific ones.

      The most important herbal agents for the circulation include Broom, Buckwheat, Cayenne, Dandelion, Ginger, Hawthorn, Horsechestnut, Lime Blossom, Mistletoe and Yarrow.

      As you can see, some of these are also heart tonics, while some are diaphoretics and stimulate the peripheral circulation (Cayenne, Ginger), and yet others are diuretics (Yarrow). This again goes back to the fact that the body will manifest problems in an area because of a whole range of causes and contributing factors stemming from the interdependence of all the systems.


      When circulatory problems arise there is often a need to aid the body in the removal of water from the system. When the heart is weak and fails to circulate the blood efficiently through the kidneys or when the blood vessels (particularly in the venous system of the legs) are weak, a build-up of water in parts of the body can occur and in such conditions diuretics such as Broom, Dandelion, Lily of the Valley and Yarrow can help. Perhaps the most important diuretic for circulatory problems is Dandelion. When any other remedy is used to increase the power of the heart, there is always the danger of causing a potassium deficiency in the body, which in turn would aggravate the heart problem. Therefore, whenever a diuretic is prescribed in orthodox medicine, there is also a potassium supplement added. However, as Dandelion already contains a high level of potassium, there is an overall gain of it whenever Dandelion is used as a diuretic, which makes its value apparent.

      The cardio-active herbs Broom and Lily of the Valley are included here as Broom is a strong diuretic and because Lily of the Valley also acts as a strong diuretic if the root of the problem lies in the heart.


      Anxiety and stress can lead to cardiovascular problems, and it is often impossible to pinpoint any particular cause. Any specific problem is a manifestation of the whole interacting web of lifestyle, inner reality and physical tendencies. Whenever there is a cardiovascular problem, the use of relaxing nervines has to be considered, as in many cases anxiety and stress are involved, and sometimes even caused by the problem.

      The most useful nervines for cardiovascular problems are Balm, Hops, Lime Flowers, Motherwort, Pasque Flowers, Skullcap and Valerian. The appropriate ones to be used by any individual should be selected by comparing their associated actions in the herbal section of this book.

      The conscious and holistic use of herbal medicine has much to offer in the treatment of circulatory problems. It must be emphasised, however, that the more serious heart problems should be treated under medical observation.

      Whilst considering these specific conditions and patterns of illness, we have to bear in mind that each person is unique. People are not textbooks!

       Heart weakness

      Conventional medicine divides heart problems into many categories, but when using herbs it is not usually necessary to do this, as we are working with herbs that have an overall strengthening effect. Again it must be emphasised that chronic heart failure has to be treated by trained people.

      To strengthen the heart, the following mixture should be taken over an extended period of time:

Hawthorn Berries 2 parts
Motherwort 2 parts
Lily of the Valley 1 part*

      Drink a cup of this three times a day.

      At the same time, an adequate intake of potassium has to be ensured, for instance by eating grapes and tomatoes. If there is any water retention, one part of Dandelion should be added to the mixture. If tension or anxiety is present, use the following:

Balm 1 part
Lime Blossom 1 part

      This tea should also be drunk three times a day or as often as needed.

      If this does not prove strong enough, use Skullcap and Valerian instead, as described in the chapter on the nervous system.


      Quite separate from any organic heart disease, racing of the heart beat can occur and can be caused by a whole range of factors from menopause and allergies to fear and sexual excitement.

      Apart from doing something about the specific cause whenever it is appropriate, there are a number of effective remedies that will reduce erratic and fast heart beats without affecting the heart in an adverse way. In addition to the remedies described for normalising heart activity, Broom, Bugleweed, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Passion Flower and Valerian are indicated.

      A common occurrence is the speeding up of the heart rate due to anxiety and stress, which has been given the label ‘nervous tachycardia’. An excellent basic mixture for this problem is the following:

Motherwort 2 parts
Mistletoe 1 part
Valerian 1 part

      This should be drunk three times a day or as needed.

      If there is any suggestion of heightened blood pressure or heart problems, Hawthorn Berries should be added.

       Angina pectoris

      This painful and distressing condition is brought about when the blood supply to the heart itself is deficient and leads to a lack of usable oxygen in the heart tissue, often brought about by physical exertion or emotional stress. This problem can be treated effectively and reversed if the treatment is spread over an adequate period of time. The aim of the therapy is to bring more blood, rich in oxygen, to the heart via the coronary arteries. A two-fold process has to bring this about. Initially the vessels can be dilated to allow more blood to flow through, but as a long term treatment, any blockage that is present in the vessels has also to be cleared. The key to this is the use of Hawthorn СКАЧАТЬ