Get It Done: My Plan, Your Goal: 60 Recipes and Workout Sessions for a Fit, Lean Body. Bradley Simmonds
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СКАЧАТЬ you’re already a step closer to finding a healthy balance.

      Also, remember what I said about being distracted by the latest trends? Well coconut oil, for example, despite having many good properties, is very high in saturated fat and should be used moderately when cooking, just like all other oils, until research is more advanced.

      Good fats. On a more positive note, unsaturated fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated help us to maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Monounsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils such as olive and rapeseed oil, nuts and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats are found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, trout and whitebait, as well as flaxseed, walnuts, chia seeds, linseed oil and sunflower oil. They also contain essential fatty acids such as omega 3.

      However, it’s worth mentioning again that just because these are healthy fats doesn’t mean you should put away a whole grab bag of nuts a day or eat an avocado at breakfast, lunch and at dinner. They are still fats, and can still cause weight gain, so they should be eaten regularly but in moderate amounts.

      You’ll notice these fats featuring in a lot of my recipes, so you can feel confident that you’re going to be consuming the right amount of the right fats very soon.


      Many people who hate exercising but want to lose weight follow some sort of ‘starvation diet’. I can’t stress enough how unhealthy this is. Your body is going to become weak and you’re going to feel lethargic, dizzy and sometimes anxious. You’ll also lose muscle mass and become ‘flabby’.

      When the body is put under this sort of starvation stress it produces the hormones cortisol and glucagon. They send signals to your liver, encouraging the retention of fat. By eating very little the body stores whatever calories it can find from the little food you are eating. So, for example, if all you have eaten all day is a bacon sandwich, your body is going to keep every calorie from that sandwich to sustain your energy levels. If you are someone who loves junk food but thinks it’s okay because you only have one or two meals a day, think again. Your body is retaining all the saturated fat from that food. This way of living can eventually cause serious long-term health problems.

      Eating like this slows down the metabolism, causes muscle loss and has other side effects such as bad skin, bad breath and hair loss. It’s also proven to cause cellulite, fat around your liver, heart disease and depression. Now if that’s not enough to convince you to eat regularly, I don’t know what is!

      Three meals a day. I advise everyone to enjoy three delicious and filling meals a day to keep your body’s metabolic rate consistent and help you get all the right vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins your body requires.

      Snacking is not a necessity unless you have huge gaps in between meals or you’ve got a hard workout scheduled. Some people obsess over snacking, when personally I think it’s usually done out of boredom or fear of hunger. I know I sniff around the fridge if I have nothing else to do!

      Regardless of what you’re snacking on, it means you’re continuously consuming calories that will then be stored as fat if they’re not needed as fuel.

      One of two exceptions where I think snacking is fine is if there’s more than 5 hours between meals, just to ensure your blood sugar levels stay stable and your energy levels don’t drop. The second option is pre- and post-workout. I’ve included some simple snack options for those days when your body will require a little more fuel.

      Otherwise, NO SNACKING. If you are a serial snacker, the changes you are making could make your tummy rumble but your body will quickly get used to it.

      Don’t starve: eat more. Once you start consuming the right proteins, plants, grains and fats in your diet, you’ll be amazed by how much you can eat (and how delicious it is) on your weight-loss journey and how good it makes you look and feel. This book contains lots of refined sugar-free recipes ideal for healthy sustainable weight loss as well as exercises that will burn calories fast.




      The human body burns calories every day regardless of the amount of exercise we do, but if you’re eating more calories than your body needs, the calories turn into fat that’s stored around the body.

      It may seem obvious, but it’s worth reiterating: when you exercise regularly (and by regularly, I mean around 3 hours a week) your body gets the extra energy it needs from calories – calories are your fuel. So it makes sense that the more exercise you do, the more calories are burnt, the more body fat is reduced.

      As a side note, this doesn’t mean you go and eat as many calories as you like from whatever food you fancy when you’ve had a great workout. We need to consider the quality of those calories. For example, there are 89 calories in a banana and about 75 calories in two pieces of chocolate, but because the chocolate has such high levels of added sugar and saturated fat, it’s nowhere near as good for you as the higher calorie banana that also contains fibre and potassium.

      Look at the whole picture, not just the number of calories in the food you’re eating, to work out how wholesome and nourishing something is.


      Regardless or whether you’re a fitness beginner, you’re intermediate or you’re already very fit (advanced), if you want to lose weight, aim to exercise 4–5 times a week for 45–60 minutes at a time, choosing the rest days that best suit you.

MONDAY Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced HIIT Workout (see here) followed by 3 sets of 5 different bodyweight weight-loss exercises for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced (see here) OR choose a high-intensity class like boxing, spinning or circuits
TUESDAY Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced HIIT Workout (see here) followed by 3 sets of 5 different bodyweight weight-loss exercises for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced (see here) OR choose a high-intensity class like boxing, spinning or circuits
THURSDAY Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced HIIT Workout (see here) followed by 3 sets of 5 different bodyweight weight-loss exercises for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced (see here) OR choose a high-intensity class like boxing, spinning or circuits
FRIDAY Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced HIIT Workout (see here) followed by 3 sets of 5 different bodyweight weight-loss exercises for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced (see here) OR choose a high-intensity class like boxing, spinning or circuits