Your Personal Horoscope 2011: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2011: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007339174


СКАЧАТЬ perhaps one of the strongest in your life. It was a year of inner growth, a year for gaining spiritual insight and understanding. Your spiritual interests and growth will continue in the year ahead. Though Jupiter and Uranus are exiting your 12th house, Neptune is moving in (on April 4). Though Neptune will merely flirt with your 12th house in 2011, next year it will move in for good – for the next 14 years or so.

      Two very important planets move into your own sign this year – highly unusual. These are Jupiter and Uranus. Uranus has not been in Aries for 85 years (approximately), and Jupiter was last in your sign 12 years ago (though it briefly flirted with your sign last year). These movements are announcing major (and happy) change. You seem ready for this now. The status quo is just not interesting any more. You want to explore your personal freedom (and you will – and for many years to come).

      This need for personal freedom doesn’t bode well for a current relationship or marriage. Saturn in your 7th house of love and marriage has been testing love for the past year, and will continue to test it this year. But more important, you want to make a fresh start in your life. You want the new in everything – and that includes relationships.

      Pluto has been in your 10th house of career for two-anda-half years now and will be there for the year ahead. Your career is being detoxed, purified, transformed. The object here is not punishment, only purification. When the negative concepts or ideas go, the career of your dreams will manifest.

      Prosperity was good last year, but now, beginning January 22 as Jupiter enters your sign, it gets even better. Good fortune seeks you and finds you – you almost can’t avoid it. There is luck in speculations, more foreign travel, and much living of the good life. With Jupiter it doesn’t seem to matter how much cash you have in your bank or investment accounts – when a person is under Jupiter’s rays, the person lives ‘as if’ he or she were rich. And somehow the universe makes these things happen.

      Students have very good fortune with colleges, universities and graduate schools. In fact, dream educational opportunities will seek you out rather than vice versa.

      Your most important interests this year are the body, the image, personal pleasures; finance (after June 4); love, romance and social activities; career; spirituality.

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are spirituality (until January 22); the body, image and personal pleasures (from January 22 to June 4); finance (from June 4 onwards); career (until March 4); religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel (from March 4 onwards).


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference: these perspectives were identical. But these days, there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Two powerful long-term planets have been stressing you out for the past two years or so – Saturn and Pluto. Thus your overall energy (usually superabundant) has not been up to its usual standards. These planets are still in stressful aspect in the year ahead. So you need to watch your energy, pace yourself, and focus on the things that are really essential to you.

      The main danger here is that your 6th house of health is empty. Thus, you might not be paying enough attention to your health. Your tendency would be to ignore things. So you need to force yourself to focus on health even though you don’t feel like it.

      You can do much to enhance your health by paying more attention to your head, face, scalp, heart, lungs, small intestine, arms and shoulders. Regular head and face massage always does wonders for you, but especially this year. Likewise the arms and shoulders.

      Do your best to eliminate the twin devils, worry and anxiety, from your life. Some of you might benefit from medication for these things. A better way, however, is inner work – prayer and meditation. Medication relieves symptoms (and this is a great thing) but inner work will strike at the root cause of the worry.

      Your health planet, Mercury, is a fast-moving planet. During the year he will move through all the various signs and houses of your horoscope. So, your health needs – and the therapies that are powerful for you – tend to change very rapidly. These short-term trends are discussed in the monthly reports.

      Jupiter in your own sign brings a lot of fun, pleasure and prosperity, but from a health perspective it does have a downside. Too much of a good thing is the problem.

      Uranus in your own sign brings personal freedom. For those of you involved in athletics, it brings enhanced athletic performance. It also indicates a desire to test the physical limits of the body.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family is not a ‘house of power’ this year. This tends to indicate the status quo. However, there is a solar eclipse in your 4th house on July 1. Also there are two lunar eclipses this year. (The Moon is your family planet, and so this extra eclipse is significant.) Thus there could be repairs in the home – major ones – and family upheavals. But these seem like short-term things.

      The main headline is Uranus’ move into your own sign on March 12. This brings the ‘nomadic spirit’. There is a need for constant change. And while you might not actually change your residence, you are likely to live in many different places for long periods of time. Visiting so-and-so for a while, staying in a motel for a while – these sorts of things.

      Your spouse, partner or current love wants to make drastic renovations to the home – though you seem neutral about this. (The eclipses could force the issue.) He or she is also experiencing family upheavals, near-death (or perhaps even actual death) experiences of family members. He or she seems to be supporting family members – parents or parent figures. This emotional stress is not helping your relationship.

      Finance and Career

      Finance, as mentioned, is going to be a great focus in the year ahead – especially after June 4. Apart from this, you have all the classic indicators of prosperity and good fortune. Jupiter, the planet of wealth and abundance, moves through your own sign from January 22 to June 4. After that he moves into your money house, expanding earnings and making things that you already own worth more. Enjoy.

      Many of you have felt in a rut for many years – in a grind, a routine, going nowhere. This is changing in the year ahead. Uranus is moving into your sign for the long term. You are breaking free. By the time Uranus is finished with you, you will be in radically different personal circumstances than you are now.

      As mentioned, when Jupiter moves into your sign you will be living the grand lifestyle. (Keep in mind that this grand lifestyle is a relative thing – it will be grand according to your position in life.) Regardless of what you have in your pocket or bank account, you will be living ‘as if’ you were rich. You are a free spender in the year ahead – an impulse shopper and investor. Also you are more speculative and risk-taking than usual. Most of the time these risks will work out, as you are lucky this year – but you need to be a bit more restrained about this, as you can tend to overdo it.

      There is more travel in your life this year – both foreign and domestic. Many of you will be living out of your suitcases.

      Early in the year (until June 4) you spend on yourself. You are cultivating the image of wealth – dressing expensively, etc. Your personal appearance is a big factor in earnings.

      There are job and career opportunities in foreign lands. СКАЧАТЬ