Your Personal Horoscope 2011: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2011: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007339174


СКАЧАТЬ sign that is at the horizon point at any given time is called the Ascendant, or rising sign. The Ascendant is the sign denoting a person’s self-image, body and self-concept – the personal ego, as opposed to the spiritual ego indicated by a person’s Sun sign.


      Aspects are the angular relationships between planets, the way in which one planet stimulates or influences another. If a planet makes a harmonious aspect (connection) to another, it tends to stimulate that planet in a positive and helpful way. If it makes a stressful aspect to another planet, this disrupts the planet’s normal influence.

      Astrological Qualities

      There are three astrological qualities: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac falls into one of these three categories.

Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn The cardinal quality is the active, initiating principle. Those born under these four signs are good at starting new projects.
Fixed Signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius Fixed qualities include stability, persistence, endurance and perfectionism. People born under these four signs are good at seeing things through.
Mutable Signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces Mutable qualities are adaptability, changeability and balance. Those born under these four signs are creative, if not always practical.

      Direct Motion

      When the planets move forward through the zodiac – as they normally do – they are said to be going ‘direct’.

      Grand Trine

      A Grand Trine differs from a normal Trine (where two planets are 120 degrees apart) in that three or more planets are involved. When you look at this pattern in a chart, it takes the form of a complete triangle – a Grand Trine. Usually (but not always) it occurs in one of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air or Water. Thus the particular element in which it occurs will be highlighted. A Grand Trine in Water is not the same as a Grand Trine in Air or Fire, etc. This is a very fortunate and happy aspect, and quite rare.

      Grand Square

      A Grand Square differs from a normal Square (usually two planets separated by 90 degrees) in that four or more planets are involved. When you look at the pattern in a chart you will see a whole and complete square. This, though stressful, usually denotes a new manifestation in the life. There is much work and balancing involved in the manifestation.


      There are 12 signs of the zodiac and 12 houses of experience. The 12 signs are personality types and ways in which a given planet expresses itself; the 12 houses show ‘where’ in your life this expression takes place. Each house has a different area of interest. A house can become potent and important – a House of Power – in different ways: if it contains the Sun, the Moon or the ‘ruler’ of your chart, if it contains more than one planet, or if the ruler of that house is receiving unusual stimulation from other planets.

1st House Personal Image and Sensual Delights
2nd House Money/Finance
3rd House Communication and Intellectual Interests
4th House Home and Family
5th House Children, Fun, Games, Creativity, Speculations and Love Affairs
6th House Health and Work
7th House Love, Marriage and Social Activities
8th House Transformation and Regeneration
9th House Religion, Foreign Travel, Higher Education and Philosophy
10th House Career
11th House Friends, Group Activities and Fondest Wishes
12th House Spirituality


      Karma is the law of cause and effect which governs all phenomena. We are all where we find ourselves because of karma – because of actions we have performed in the past. The universe is such a balanced instrument that any act immediately sets corrective forces into motion – karma.

      Long-term Planets

      The planets that take a long time to move through a sign show the long-term trends in a given area of life. They are important for forecasting the prolonged view of things. Because these planets stay in one sign for so long, there are periods in the year when the faster-moving (short-term) planets will join them, further activating and enhancing the importance of a given house.

Jupiter stays in a sign for about 1 year
Saturn 2½ years
Uranus 7 years
Neptune 14 years
Pluto 15 to 30 years


      Relating to the Moon. See also ‘Phases of the Moon’, below.


      Literally means ‘birth’. In astrology this term is used to distinguish between planetary positions that occurred at the time of a person’s birth (natal) and those that are current (transiting). For example, Natal Sun refers to where the Sun was when you were born; transiting Sun refers to where the Sun’s position is currently at any given moment – which usually doesn’t coincide with your birth, or Natal, Sun.

      Out of Bounds

      The planets move through the zodiac at various angles relative to the celestial equator (if you were to draw an imaginary extension of the Earth’s equator out into the universe, you would have an illustration of this celestial equator). The Sun – being the most dominant and powerful influence in the Solar system – is the measure astrologers use as a standard. The Sun never goes more than approximately 23 degrees north or south of the celestial equator. At the winter solstice the Sun reaches its maximum southern angle of orbit (declination); at the summer solstice it reaches its maximum northern angle. Any time a planet exceeds this Solar boundary – and occasionally planets do – it is said to be ‘out of bounds’. СКАЧАТЬ