Your Personal Horoscope 2011: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky
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Название: Your Personal Horoscope 2011: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign

Автор: Joseph Polansky

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780007339174



      Geminis know that they have been given the gift of communication for a reason, that it is a power that can achieve great good or cause unthinkable distress. They long to put this power at the service of the highest and most transcendental truths. This is their primary goal, to communicate the eternal verities and prove them logically. They look up to people who can transcend the intellect – to poets, artists, musicians and mystics. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs. A Gemini’s highest achievement is to teach the truth, whether it is scientific, inspirational or historical. Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors – and a Gemini realizes this.

      The sign of Pisces is in Gemini’s solar 10th house of career. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and altruism, is Gemini’s career planet. If Geminis are to realize their highest career potential they need to develop their transcendental – their spiritual and altruistic – side. They need to understand the larger cosmic picture, the vast flow of human evolution – where it came from and where it is heading. Only then can a Gemini’s intellectual powers take their true position and he or she can become the ‘messenger of the gods’. Geminis need to cultivate a facility for ‘inspiration’, which is something that does not originate in the intellect but which comes through the intellect. This will further enrich and empower a Gemini’s mind.

      Love and Relationships

      Geminis bring their natural garrulousness and brilliance into their love life and social life as well. A good talk or a verbal joust is an interesting prelude to romance. Their only problem in love is that their intellect is too cool and passionless to incite ardour in others. Emotions sometimes disturb them, and their partners tend to complain about this. If you are in love with a Gemini you must understand why this is so. Geminis avoid deep passions because these would interfere with their ability to think and communicate. If they are cool towards you, understand that this is their nature.

      Nevertheless, Geminis must understand that it is one thing to talk about love and another actually to love – to feel it and radiate it. Talking about love glibly will get them nowhere. They need to feel it and act on it. Love is not of the intellect but of the heart. If you want to know how a Gemini feels about love you should not listen to what he or she says but rather observe what he or she does. Geminis can be quite generous to those they love.

      Geminis like their partners to be refined, well educated and well travelled. If their partners are more wealthy than they, that is all the better. If you are in love with a Gemini you had better be a good listener as well.

      The ideal relationship for the Gemini is a relationship of the mind. They enjoy the physical and emotional aspects, of course, but if the intellectual communion is not there they will suffer.

      Home and Domestic Life

      At home the Gemini can be uncharacteristically neat and meticulous. They tend to want their children and partner to live up to their idealistic standards. When these standards are not met they moan and criticize. However, Geminis are good family people and like to serve their families in practical and useful ways.

      The Gemini home is comfortable and pleasant. They like to invite people over and they make great hosts. Geminis are also good at repairs and improvements around the house – all fuelled by their need to stay active and occupied with something they like to do. Geminis have many hobbies and interests that keep them busy when they are home alone.

      Geminis understand and get along well with their children, mainly because they are very youthful people themselves. As great communicators, Geminis know how to explain things to children; in this way they gain their children’s love and respect. Geminis also encourage children to be creative and talkative, just like they are.

      Horoscope for 2011

      Major Trends

      In 2010 the main interest was your career – and what a year it was! In many cases many of you reached lifetime peaks. In many cases there was just an expansion of your status. You were elevated, promoted, honoured and appreciated for your achievements. It was a year of great outer success. By now you have achieved your major career goals and you are moving into the ‘fruits’ of success: friendships, group activities, joining with people of like mind and attaining your ‘fondest hopes and wishes’.

      Career is still important (and successful) in 2011, but not as important as it was. Pay rises, promotions and honours can still come to you early in the year – if you haven’t yet received these things. But your social life – your friendships – is where the action will be.

      Your career planet (Neptune) makes a major move out of Aquarius, where it has been for 14 years or so, and moves into Pisces. This shows a change in career attitudes and approach.

      Finance was not a big issue last year, and neither is it a big issue in the coming year. You seem satisfied with the status quo.

      Two eclipses in your 1st house shows an interest in personal reinvention – transforming the body and the image into what you want them to be. Perhaps you have only been studying these things intellectually, but the eclipses will force you to put these teachings into practice.

      Saturn has been in your 5th house for over a year now and will be there for all of 2011. You need to discipline your creativity – be more detailed and organized with it. Your creative projects will work if you make them practical and useful to others. Just ‘pie in the sky’ self-expression won’t do. Those of you with children have had to take on extra responsibilities with them. There has been a need to learn how to apply correct (proper) discipline.

      Jupiter will enter your 12th house of spirituality on June 4. Thus the latter part of the year is going to be very spiritual. It is a period for inner growth, for going on religious pilgrimages, meditating and making a deeper connection with the Divine within you. In many cases it shows a greater involvement in charities and causes – selfless kinds of activities.

      Your areas of greatest interest in 2011 will be children, fun and creativity; personal transformation, reinvention, occult studies; religion, philosophy, higher education, foreign travel (from January 1 to April 4 and from August 5 to December 31); career; friendships, groups, group activities, science, technology, organizations; spirituality (from June 4 onwards).

      Your paths of greatest fulfilment this year are sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult studies (until March 4); love and romance (from March 4 onwards); career (until January 22); friendships, groups, group activities, science, technology, astrology (from January 22 to June 4); spirituality (from June 4 onwards).


      (Please note that this is an astrological perspective on health and not a medical one. In days of yore there was no difference: these perspectives were identical. But these days, there could be quite a difference. For a medical perspective, please consult your doctor or health practitioner.)

      Health is steadily improving. Last year should have been better than 2009 and 2011 will be better than 2010. Jupiter and Uranus were making stressful aspects to you most of last year, and this year they start to make harmonious aspects. Most of the long-term planets are either in harmonious aspect or leaving you alone. (The only exception is Neptune, which starts to make stressful aspects from April 4 to August 5.)

      Your overall energy is coming back to its usual standard. You are disease resistant. Your constitution is strong. Sure, there will be periods this year where health is less easy СКАЧАТЬ