Instant Business Letters. Iain Maitland
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Название: Instant Business Letters

Автор: Iain Maitland

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 9780007399666



      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.7:Acceptance of quotation




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your quotation [NUMBER] of [DATE] for [PROJECT]. We are pleased to accept your figure of [AMOUNT] and ask you to confirm when you will be able to commence work on this project. We trust that it will be at your earliest convenience.

      We look forward to hearing from you,

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.8: Acceptance of quotation, subject to conditions




      Dear [NAME]


      Many thanks indeed for your quotation [NUMBER] of [DATE] for [PROJECT]. We wish to accept this, subject to the following provisos;





      We trust you are agreeable to these provisos, and look forward to receiving your comments in due course.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.9: Acceptance of request for discount




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your letter of [DATE] requesting a discount for [REASON] on your proposed purchase of [NUMBER] [PRODUCTS].

      In the circumstances, we are prepared to give you a [PERCENTAGE] discount for your order. We trust this is to your satisfaction.

      We look forward to hearing from you,

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]


      3.1: Acknowledgement of complaint, to be investigated




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your letter of [DATE], concerning [SUBJECT]. We are currently investigating this matter and will reply to you shortly.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      3.2: Acknowledgement of delivery of goods, checked




      Dear [NAME]


      We are pleased to inform you that order [NUMBER], dated [DATE] arrived in good order on [DATE].

      Settlement of invoice [NUMBER], dated [DATE] will be made at the agreed time.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      3.3: Acknowledgement of delivery of goods, unchecked




      Dear [NAME]


      We are pleased to inform you that order [NUMBER], dated [DATE] arrived on [DATE].

      We have not yet had the opportunity to unpack and check the contents but will do so in due course.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      3.4: Acknowledgement of invoice




      Dear [NAME]


      We acknowledge receipt of your invoice [NUMBER], dated [DATE]. This will be settled at the appropriate time.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      3.5: Acknowledgement of job application




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your СКАЧАТЬ