Instant Business Letters. Iain Maitland
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Название: Instant Business Letters

Автор: Iain Maitland

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 9780007399666


СКАЧАТЬ Tinheath Warwickshire CV17 ONB

      Dear Mr Tate

      We very much regret that the pushchairs delivered to you on 17 September were damaged. We can only assume that this must have occurred in transit as our goods are always inspected in our warehouse before being packed and despatched.

      We are pleased to agree to your suggestion that we deliver replacement goods and collect and credit the damaged ones at the same time, which seems to be the fairest and quickest way of resolving the matter. Therefore, we have instructed our despatch department and the carriers to do this for you.

      Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused to you on this occasion.

      Yours sincerely


      Rajesh Munglani

       Sales Manager

       Checklist Questionnaire


      2.1: Acceptance of delayed delivery of goods




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your letter of [DATE], notifying us that there will be a delay in delivering order [NUMBER] dated [DATE] because of [REASONS].


      I can confirm that we are prepared to accept a delayed delivery on the understanding that the goods are with us no later than [DATE].

      If we have not received them by that date, we shall have to cancel the order and take our custom elsewhere on this occasion.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.2:Acceptance of delayed payment proposal




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your letter of [DATE], outlining your temporary financial circumstances. We agree to extend your credit facilities on this occasion and can confirm you may settle the outstanding balance of [AMOUNT] no later than [DATE].

      However, we must emphasise that if payment is not made on this date, we shall have to pass the matter to our solicitors with instructions to take immediate action to recover the debt.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.3: Acceptance of invitation, business event




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for inviting me to your [BUSINESS EVENT] on [DATE] at [LOCATION]. I am sure this will be a memorable occasion and I am delighted to accept your invitation.

      I look forward to seeing you again,

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.4: Acceptance of invitation, personal event




      Dear [NAME]


      Many thanks indeed for inviting [PARTNER] and me to your [PERSONAL EVENT] on [DATE] at [LOCATION]. We are sure that this will be a wonderful occasion and we shall be delighted to attend to wish you every happiness now and for the future.

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.5: Acceptance of job offer




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your letter of [DATE], offering me the post of [TITLE]. I am delighted to accept your offer.

      I am pleased to confirm that you may now approach my current employer for reference purposes. I am available to start work on [DATE], as suggested at our interview.

      I look forward to working with [BUSINESS],

      Yours sincerely


      [Your Name]

      [Your Title]

      2.6: Acceptance of proposed payment schedule




      Dear [NAME]


      Thank you for your letter of [DATE]. We agree that you may clear the outstanding balance of [AMOUNT] on your account [NUMBER] by [NUMBER] payments of [AMOUNT] on [DATES].

      However, please note that if this schedule of payments is not adhered to, we shall have no choice but to refer this matter to our solicitors with instructions to recover the debt.

      Yours sincerely
