Dark Summer. Jon Cleary
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Название: Dark Summer

Автор: Jon Cleary

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9780007554218


СКАЧАТЬ know this was your place, Inspector. When they called me, they just gave me an address . . . When did it happen?’

      ‘The murder? I don’t know. My daughter found him in the pool.’

      ‘Poor child.’ She glanced towards the body, which was now lying on the bricks beside the pool, a green plastic sheet thrown over it. ‘Anyone looked at the body?’

      ‘Sergeant Dukes gave him a once-over,’ said Clements. ‘There’s no sign of any wound. It could be a heart attack.’

      ‘Then it wouldn’t be murder, would it?’ She looked at Malone.

      He nodded. ‘Righto, you’re right. I jumped to conclusions. Maybe it’s some sick joke. Some mate of his found him dead and decided to dump him in my pool. I just don’t think that’s the way it is.’

      She sensed the tension in him, gave him no immediate answer, looked once more at the sheet-covered body, then said, ‘Okay, we’ll take him away and look at him in the morgue. I’d rather do it there than give a show for them.’

      She made a sweeping gesture, at the Cayburns, the Basses and at the back fence, where a family whose name Malone didn’t know were lined up, all seven of them, on chairs, their faces hung above the palings like pumpkin halves.

      ‘Take him away then,’ said Clements. ‘You doing anything tonight?’

      She glanced at Malone before she answered Clements. ‘No. Call me at the morgue.’

      ‘I’ve never had a girl say that to me before.’

      ‘You haven’t lived, Russ.’ She smiled at him and Malone and left them.

      Malone opened the screen door and ushered Clements into the kitchen ahead of him. ‘Is there something on between you and her?’

      ‘Just the last coupla weeks.’

      ‘You kept that pretty quiet.’

      ‘You know what it’s like. It gets out you’re dating someone connected with the Department and they put out an ASM. There’s nothing in it. She’s just a good sort.’

      ‘Who’s a good sort?’ said Lisa, coming into the kitchen. She was dressed in slacks and shirt and her hair was pulled back from her face by a bright blue band. She looked composed enough, but Malone, a sixteen-year veteran of marriage and a policeman to boot, could recognize the signs of tension.

      ‘You are,’ said Clements and pressed her arm. Over the years he had gradually fallen in love with Lisa Malone, but neither she nor Malone thought it was anything more than just affection.

      ‘Where are the kids?’ said Malone.

      ‘I told them to stay in our bedroom, not to come sticky-beaking out here. At least till they’ve taken the – the body away.’

      ‘I think it’d be an idea if you took ’em over to your parents’ for the day. The Crime Scene lot could be here for a while.’

      ‘I’ve already rung Mother. We’ll go over to Vaucluse after I’ve made breakfast. Have you eaten, Russ?’

      Malone left the two of them in the kitchen and went into the main bedroom at the front of the house. The two girls, dressed in shorts and shirts, were lolling on the bed; Lisa, with her Dutch neatness, had already made it up. Tom, in shorts and T-shirt, was flopped like a rag doll in the armchair in the corner by the window. Occasionally he would raise his head and peer out at the police cars in the street and the small knots of people outside the neighbouring houses. Disappointment clouded his small face: all that excitement going on outside and here he was stuck in the house as if he was sick or something!

      ‘What’s happening, Daddy?’ Maureen had regained her natural curiosity; she would never allow the world to keep its secrets from her. Of course she would never know even half its secrets; but Malone knew her questioning would never cease. She still had not regained her normal bouncing energy, but at least she no longer seemed frightened. ‘Have they taken the corpse away?’

      ‘Not yet. When they take it out, don’t hang out the window like a lot of ghouls, okay?’

      ‘What’s a ghoul?’ said Tom, who had his own curiosity, not about the world but about words.

      ‘Explain it to him,’ Malone said to Claire. ‘Don’t lay it on too thick.’

      She gave him her fourteen-year-old-woman-of-the-world look. ‘I’m not stupid, Inspector. But what was that man doing in our pool anyway?’

      ‘I wish I knew,’ said Malone and went out into the hallway and rang Superintendent Greg Random, commander of the Regional Crime Squad.

      ‘Sorry to ring you at home, Greg, but I’ve got a problem.’

      Random listened to what Malone told him, then said in his slow voice, ‘You want to stay on the case? Not to be too obvious, it’s a bit close to home.’

      ‘Grime was my pigeon, Greg. I’m not sure it’s murder yet, I’m only guessing. But if it is, whoever did him in has got something against me. I’d like to find out who it is.’

      Random took his time; silences were part of his personality and character. Then: ‘Okay, stay with him. But if this gets any closer to home, I mean if there are any threats against your family, you’re off the case, understand? Who’s assisting you?’

      ‘Russ Clements is already here.’

      ‘I might’ve guessed it. Are you two holding hands?’

      ‘Only when my wife isn’t looking.’

      He hung up and went back out to the kitchen. Lisa had drawn down the blinds on the window that looked out on the swimming pool; Clements and the children were now seated at the kitchen table waiting for her to serve breakfast. The scene looked cosy enough, but there was an alertness to everyone, that stillness of the head and stiffening of the neck of someone listening for a warning cry. Outside the house the Physical Evidence team were keeping their voices to a low murmur, as if this crime was on a new level, committed in an environment that had to be protected.

      Dr Keller came to the screen door. ‘Inspector Malone? I’m finished here, we’re taking him away.’

      Malone pushed open the door and went out, aware of Lisa’s and the children’s eyes following him. ‘You find anything on the body?’ He kept his voice low. ‘Any needle-marks or anything?’

      ‘Not so far.’ She moved away back to the pool fence and he followed her, thankful for her discretion. She had a low pleasant voice; she stood close to him, as if sharing an intimacy. Which they were, in a way: the death of Scungy Grime. She was wearing some sort of light perfume, a sweet-smelling GMO; he wondered if she wore it against the pervasion of formaldehyde and other laboratory odours. ‘Was he a drug-user?’

      ‘Not as far as I know. You don’t use junkies as informers, unless you have to. They’re too much of a risk.’

      ‘He could have died of just a heart attack – I shan’t know till I get to work on him.’ She looked after the green-shrouded body as it was carried past them. Crumbs, thought Malone, we all finish up looking like garbage; the body-bags СКАЧАТЬ