Her Perfect Life: A gripping debut psychological thriller with a killer twist. Sam Hepburn
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Название: Her Perfect Life: A gripping debut psychological thriller with a killer twist

Автор: Sam Hepburn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9780008209599


СКАЧАТЬ on the police’s list who had a motive for harassing you.’ He takes another swig of beer and wipes his mouth.

      Gracie looks away, shaken by an unexpected pang of sympathy for this girl her husband slept with and spurned. In his selfish, thoughtless way he’s hurt them both. ‘What did she say to that?’

      ‘She got angry. She said she didn’t do it and that a motive wasn’t evidence. So I told her the media didn’t care about evidence. One sniff of a rumour like this and there’d be Celebrity cook stalked by husband’s crazy ex lover stories all over the internet and I couldn’t see future employers counting that kind of publicity as much of a plus on her CV.’

      ‘And then?’

      ‘She walked out. But she knows I’m right, Gracie. She’s off our backs, I promise.’

      Gracie wedges a clove of garlic into the crusher and squeezes hard. ‘Oh, great, so that makes everything all right. It’s like you never slept with her.’

      He puts down the beer and takes her by the shoulders. ‘I’m not saying that. But you’re right about what the publicity would do to you. To Elsie. To us. We need privacy to work this out.’

      She twists away and throws the crusher into the sink. Steel on steel it clangs like a fractured bell. She stabs two fingers into her brow, her breath coming fast and erratic. ‘What about what’s in here, Tom? Inside me? Shutting Alicia up won’t wipe that away.’

      ‘So what will?’

      ‘I don’t know.’ She’s sobbing now.

      ‘I love you, Gracie. I want to make this right.’

      ‘Can’t you see that makes it worse? I can’t leave, I can’t stay. Half the time I can’t even breathe.’

      He moves towards her. She turns her back and he walks away, the thud of his shoes on the stairs sounding his retreat.

      Her legs feel weak. She reaches for her phone and collapses into a chair, stumbling on the words as she tells Daphne what Tom has done. Daphne responds with a gutsy honk of laughter, almost choking she’s so amused.

      ‘What’s so funny?’

      ‘Tom. I never thought he had it in him.’

      ‘What do you mean?’

      ‘It’s pretty damn convenient.’

      ‘What is?’

      ‘Your earring turning up just in time to get him off the hook.’

      Gracie makes an odd choking noise. ‘You think Tom sent it?’

      ‘He’s the one with access to your things. He’s the one who started talking about copycats, and then – surprise, surprise – he’s suddenly got this girl right where he wants her.’

      ‘He would never do anything so horrible. He knows how much those packages upset me.’

      ‘Seeing his affair splashed all over the papers would upset you more.’

      ‘Oh God. He screwed that girl and the ripples just go on and on. I can’t take it, Daph. I can’t do this.’ She cuts the call, and clutches the phone to her chest, ignoring the frantic buzzing as Daphne tries to call her back.

      The following night it’s nearly one o’clock when Gracie hears Tom come home. He hovers at her door, then moves on down the landing unsteady on his feet. Just after dawn she hears him go out again.

      At dusk when the jagged geometry of Canary Wharf begins to wink and glitter in the distance she stands at the bedroom window and sees him leaning on the iron railing by the river path, staring out across the water. He lifts his head, as he always does, to catch the crimson flare of the sunset reflected on the glasswork of the house, but now, as he approaches the gate, he moves with the limping strut of a guilty man taking his last breath of freedom. The front door slams.


      She hurries downstairs, pushing her hair behind her ears. He is at the sink filling a glass with water. He turns to her as he drinks. ‘I saw Daphne last night.’

      ‘You don’t have to explain yourself to me.’

      ‘She’s worried about you. About us.’

      ‘I had to talk to someone.’

      ‘I’m not blaming you … in fact I’m glad.’ He sets the glass down and stares into the sink. ‘I’m going to sell the house. It’ll be a fresh start. For both of us. Away from … the memories.’

      She stands rigid. Selling the Wharf House will rip a hole in his heart almost as big as the one he has ripped in hers. He pulls her close and wraps his arms around her. ‘But you’ll have to deal with the sale, I can’t—’

      ‘Tom—’ she struggles to free herself. He holds her tighter. ‘You need time to think about this. Leaving this house wouldn’t be a cure-all, just a chance to start the real work we need to do. There’d be no going back and no guarantees.’

      ‘I know and I want to do this, Gracie. I want to make things right.’ She feels the pressure of his chin on her skull, the ripple of his Adam’s apple as he swallows. ‘We’ll move somewhere in easy reach of the bakery and the studios, put Elsie into a school nearby and start afresh.’

      Gracie closes her eyes, grateful, relieved and at the same time terrified that this new life they’re embarking on might fail to give her the security she craves.

       Pauline Bryce Diary

       Jan 14th

       Two more of the creeps come in the shop today. These ones don’t even bother buying anything, they just hang around waiting for Robson, smoking those shitty little cigars and jangling the change in the pockets of their macs. In the end he turns up and takes them down to the cellar and a bit later they all come up together and go out. The creeps are looking shifty but Robson’s shoving a bundle of twenties into his pocket and he’s laughing and joking and saying he’ll get them a drink down the road. I wait a bit to make sure he’s not coming back then I take his keys and go down and have a look around. It’s disgusting. His ‘special stock’. I can’t believe some of the stuff. Kids, animals, you name it. It makes me feel sick. All the way home I’m thinking about threatening him – the money for London or I tell the police. But I’ve seen his nasty side, so for now that’s Plan B. I can’t see me needing it, though. Not with the Plan A I’ve come up with. Like that feature says – use what you’ve got.


      Gracie jumps at the invitation to spend Christmas and New Year at Tom’s sister’s rambling house outside Bristol. It’s a chance for the two of them to lose themselves and each other in the chaotic jollity of squeezing ten around the kitchen table, hunting down missing wellingtons, dashing out to pick up more wine and sharing the guest bed with Elsie and a wheezing, overweight Labrador.

      As soon as they СКАЧАТЬ