Carnivore: The most controversial debut literary thriller of 2017. Jonathan Lyon
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Название: Carnivore: The most controversial debut literary thriller of 2017

Автор: Jonathan Lyon

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008232597



      ‘You’re so fucked up!’ she shouted. ‘I knew you were cheating and you knew I wasn’t going to let that go, so you sent me Leander, didn’t you? And I thought here’s my consolation prize, a bit of relief…’

      She tore open a drawer and threw a fork at my head. I ducked.

      ‘You let me be the sad drunk girl,’ she shouted at me, ‘looking for a rebound fuck, crying about my cheating boyfriend. You made yourself available, all innocent, making no moves, letting me do the drinking, letting me do the talking. You let me wonder what girl he was cheating on me with. But it was you!’

      ‘You never asked,’ I said.

      She screamed in frustration.

      ‘What’s she saying?’ Francis asked again, drooping in horror into the countertop. ‘You fucked her?’

      ‘Don’t pull that shit with me!’ she shouted. ‘Don’t pretend anymore – I can’t deal with more pretending. You’re a faggot and I’m a fucking joke. You wanted to humiliate me. And you did! You probably told him to leave his account on!’

      I smiled at the accuracy of her analysis, which was only incorrect in presuming Francis’ complicity in my scheme.

      ‘You’re being ridiculous,’ I said. ‘Nobody is that scheming. You wanted to fuck me, and I’m not exclusive, so why would I tell you about me and Francis? Why would I leave my account on on purpose?’

      Francis deflated in shock. I slid to his side. Eva was operating within a tedious genre, but her costume suggested other worlds – and I imagined ancient aristocrats, gathered on a mountain during some solstice – princesses in robes so heavy they could barely lift their legs, and princes weeping openly – as an astronomer-priest, interpreting the arrangement of the stars above them – commanded them to impale themselves on their own swords.

      ‘I’m just telling her what she needs to hear to get rid of her,’ I whispered.

      ‘But why did you…?’

      ‘This is the only way she was going to give up.’

      He tried to smile like he understood, like he was playing this game on the same level as me – but his hands were trembling.

      ‘You’re fucking disgusting!’ she shouted. ‘You just wanted to… you just wanted to break me, didn’t you? And it – it worked!’

      ‘You’re being ridiculous,’ I said. ‘You chose to have sex with me.’

      ‘I know I fucking chose, but it wasn’t an informed choice! You’re evil. You’re… Am I that bad of a judge of character that I don’t… Look at me! When I found out,’ she turned back to Francis and started to cry. ‘I felt physically sick, because I still love you. I love you!’

      I backed away from Francis to make him feel more exposed to Eva’s theatrics. Her voice had taken on a murky blue tone – and I thought of sea foam, lit by the kind of moon I’d only seen onscreen.

      ‘I’m not going to pretend,’ she said. ‘When you moved into this house, and… and I’m not putting all the blame on you, but when I asked if there was room for me and you said of course there was, I thought… I didn’t renew the contract on my flat – and I’m being thrown out next week. I’m going to be homeless and it’s because of… it’s because of me. It’s because, even when I knew you were cheating, part of me still thought you wanted to live with me and I was going to move in here… and… and now I have to find somewhere else and that’s so fucking stressful. Don’t you… Is this just funny to you?’

      ‘Eva,’ Francis said softly, moved by her anguish more than her anger. ‘This is – you’re over-acting.’

      ‘Yeah and I’m good at it! I’m good at it. And so are you. But somehow I’m the one who feels shit, I feel guilty, and why should I feel like this, why do you get to be happy and I don’t? Why do you —’

      ‘Eva, this ain’t how you talk,’ he said, exasperated by how effectively she was making him pity her. ‘You’re being like… a shit TV show.’

      ‘I’m a fucking amazing TV show. And you’re a faggot and I’m a fucking side-piece.’

      ‘I didn’t even know what —’

      ‘Oh you didn’t know?’ she shouted. ‘You didn’t know you were gay until… what? Until just now? I didn’t fucking know! And at the same time I’m scared, I’m scared you’ll never talk to me again – and I have this pattern of falling back to you even when you’ve fucked me over and I just… it’s pathetic! I know what I’m doing means we’ll never speak again, and that hurts me, because you made me happy. I loved you, even though you’re a bad person, I still love you, but I can’t keep wondering and worrying about what I am to you anymore!’

      She laughed suddenly, as though enjoying her own B-movie performance – and then breathed in and reined her expression back to despair. I glimpsed my reflection in the mirror behind her and saw that pain had made me pallid. My body felt like a zoo in revolt – its animals twisting open their cages to rampage through the halls – killing the keepers, trying to find the main doors – but the main doors could never be unlocked – and so they were trapped still, under the vast dome of paraffin that I wore as my skin – and I remained silent. She turned to me.

      ‘And I liked you, Leander. I thought you were on my side, I thought you could get through to him – but you’ve already got through to him, further than me, and you have no remorse, no sympathy, nothing, you’re both just standing there laughing at me, and for some reason I’m sorry. I’m fucking sorry I wasted a year on you, I’m fucking sorry that you were the only thing that made me happy, that when my friends said “Oh, you’re glowing” that it was you, and all the time you were just thinking about fucking other men. Every morning I woke up waiting to hear from you and every night I went to bed thinking about you. And it was a lie.’

      ‘No it weren’t,’ Francis said. ‘This ain’t you.’

      ‘Don’t fucking do that, don’t try to dismiss me. You saying this isn’t me?’

      She fumbled desperately in the drawer before her for a knife.

      ‘You saying this isn’t real?’ she shouted, and stabbed the knife into her wrist, screeching more in fury than in pain.

      I laughed. Francis leapt towards her.

      ‘Eva, Eva! You’re being ridiculous.’

      ‘Get the fuck away from me!’ she screamed, slicing the air.

      She threw the knife at his feet, flecking us with blood. He jumped back, the muscles of his torso rippling leanly with adrenaline. She ran down the corridor, pulled open the door with a final pantomime screech, and stumbled out into the evening – leaving the wind to slam it shut.

      I closed my eyes, exhaling, savouring the room’s tensions. In elevated states, my synaesthesia becomes more intrusive. And here, Eva’s half-fake hysteria lingered in the air with a taste like elderflower. I imagined licking the СКАЧАТЬ