Carnivore: The most controversial debut literary thriller of 2017. Jonathan Lyon
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Название: Carnivore: The most controversial debut literary thriller of 2017

Автор: Jonathan Lyon

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780008232597


СКАЧАТЬ it.’ She counted. ‘This is only five hundred though? You said eight hundred.’

      ‘Wait.’ I took my right hand off the wheel and dug into my pocket, careful to take out only six more notes. ‘You can’t have all of it.’

      ‘Ok babe,’ she said, counting it and returning me four fifties, ‘I’m going to cook us a banquet, alright? You made money, I got us a place to live. We’re back on track! But I knew you’d try and sulk so I had to arrange it while you was away, didn’t I? And I could only tell you while you was busy driving for me, otherwise you might of got too angry and run off. I can be cunning when I need to be.’ She spoke with a nervous rapidity, like she was trying to deny the severity of her own injury – or perhaps because she was too drunk to understand it. ‘I know how to cook, you know – and turn down that road – yeah that one,’ she pointed. ‘And head to the right.’

      ‘Wait, where are you driving me to?’ I asked, as if I’d only just realised what she was doing.

      ‘You’re the one driving,’ she said innocently. ‘And not very fucking well.’

      ‘Didn’t Francis move around here?’ I stopped the car.

      We’d reached the tip of Wandsworth Common. Beside us, the outlines of a football pitch had been painted white onto the grass – and this paint had been churned up by schoolchildren in the mud – into a Morse code that had stiffened overnight.

      ‘You fucking know he did,’ she slurred. ‘And you know you’re being an evil little shit to him. He came badgering me banging down our door when I was packing us up – so I had to tell him where we was going, so he’s going to find you anyway. And he’s got my number now and he’s been ringing me every fifteen fucking minutes even though he hates me – and I know he’s ringing you and you’re ignoring him. So fucking sort it out. I know you think you can hide your feelings from me but you can’t. So you’re going round his house and that’s that.’

      She was wrong, of course, but I wanted her to believe that she knew what desires I was repressing. I had assumed that by ignoring Francis’ calls, he would contact her, since he knew I lived with her – and that she, in her sympathy for us both, would force me to see him. What I hadn’t predicted was that she would make me drive to his home, while gloating about her powers of manipulation. I turned to the window to hide my smile, sighed in cartoon exasperation, and drove on. Across my chest, a new welt grew from where the seatbelt had cut into me in the crash – a counterpoint to the lashes along my back.

      ‘Good boy!’ she said. ‘I’ll text you our new address. And get there for dinner, ok, cos I’m going all out. I’m going to go Kimber’s first and I’ll get us some of his painkilling, which is better than —’

      ‘What, is Gibbon a heroin dealer?’

      ‘Fuck off, his name is Kimber – who are you, trying to mock someone’s name?’

      ‘How dare you? There’s a long history of heroes named Leander.’

      ‘Shut up, you’re not a hero. Kimber’s a hero. And no, he’s not a dealer, or he’s not just a dealer. Either way, whatever, he has a link. And it’s good. Actually, can I have another twenty?’

      ‘No, I’ve only got fifties.’

      ‘Leander, please! Please. We’re here now anyway. Come on, I’m your fairy fucking godmother.’

      I parked, gave her another fifty, mock-begrudgingly, and got out. Squirrel blood scarred the bonnet in four lines like giant claw-marks. Dawn staggered round to my side, unbalanced by concussion – and hugged me.

      ‘Be brave for mummy, alright? Ah, is this hurting your bruises? I’m sorry,’ she said, without much sorrow in her voice. ‘Fuck that man and his belt, babe – we’ll fix that later, alright? I’ll get us the heroin, just don’t lie down on it, yeah?’

      ‘You too,’ I smiled, touching the wound on her forehead with my thumb. ‘We’re matching almost.’

      ‘I know, we’re a right pair – but yours weren’t an accident and you don’t deserve nothing like that – so you go in there and you go be nice to that boy waiting for you – cos you can’t fucking throw it away like I did just cos you think you don’t deserve love. I’ll see you later, alright – don’t keep my banquet waiting.’

      I withdrew from her embrace with my eyes to the ground. Dawn laughed at what she saw as a rare apprehensiveness on my part. Really, I was excited, and not for the reasons she supposed. She didn’t know that Francis still had a girlfriend – a girlfriend I’d been systematically goading towards breakdown.

      ‘Love you!’ she yelled, embarrassingly loudly, and tottered to the car, combing a hand back through bloodied hair.

      Drunkenly she drove away, into the end of the afternoon. The crash had made me bold, and my new scars felt like an exoskeleton – a defence against any next attacker. So, boldly, I shivered towards Francis’ doorstep, hoping I was entering a fight.

      Francis opened his door after two rings, topless and barefoot in black ripped jeans. A muscular model, used to being adored, he was attracted to me because only I could make him feel nervous, although he seemed now to be in a state more heightened than that. The delay suggested he’d been distracted – and his girlfriend’s voice from beyond the hall confirmed it.

      ‘That’s him, isn’t it?’ she shouted.

      He smirked at me, squinting, his thick lips slightly parted into a pout. This was his default expression – cocky and confrontational – like he’d just told me to undress and earn his attention. But I wore my default expression too – the wounded lost boy, who had suffered too much to be affected by anyone’s charms. He half-leaned in for a kiss, but decided against it, with his girlfriend so close – and instead tugged me inside.

      ‘Make yourself at home,’ he said with mock-courtesy.

      Eva appeared in the kitchen doorway. Her face was painted white, with false lashes and thinned violet lips beneath hair stacked in rolls, some of which had dislodged. Tears had leaked mascara around her eyes. She wore stilettoes and a stiff silk kimono, and, on her fingers, talons dangled chains that swayed as she clawed the air.

      ‘Don’t fucking come near me, you’re evil!’ she shouted, as we came nearer.

      She backed into the kitchen. Francis’ clasp on my upper arm tightened, and his close breath on my neck transferred his arousal to me.

      ‘She got here straight from set,’ he said.

      ‘Yes I came from set!’ she shouted. ‘Don’t talk like I’m not here.’

      ‘And what character are you playing now?’ I asked.

      ‘Don’t talk to me,’ she spat, edging round the kitchen island. ‘You’re fucking evil. You were playing me yesterday. But you left your account on.’

      Francis released me, confused by this statement. I leaned into the fridge, thinking of thickets of fly-eating flowers – snapping at her words and swallowing them until they dissolved. Her words were not really her own, anyway, they were mine – or rather, СКАЧАТЬ