Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper
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      TO VERA GEBBERT (W): TS 52/103.

      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 28th October 1952.

      Dear Gebberts,

      Yes indeed, the whole parcel arrived intact, and I’m sorry that I did not make it clear that we had got your beautiful scarves (and the cigarettes) as well as the whiskey; and when the two latter gifts are, alas, nothing but a fragrant memory, we shall still be enjoying the scarves–which can be used with comfort for about nine months in the English year, as you can well imagine, after your disastrous experience. It is very welcome news that you are through your troubles, and are enjoying yourselves in Munich; it must be a great treat for Mr. Gebbert to have such a reunion after so many years. What you have to say about the re-building is very interesting: but I hope there is not going to be a political rebuild. Our papers are carrying an unpleasant story of a get together party of old concentration guards, anti-allied speeches, shouts of ‘Swinehound Eisenhower’ etc.

      I’m sorry to say our Vera–may I say our other Vera?–so far from being better, has developed pneumonia, and is now in a nursing home; she is going along satisfactorily, but we are still not without anxiety about her. Largely her own fault, for she has since confessed that she had been feeling ill for at least a week before she took to her bed. Like all people who normally have perfect health, she is not a good patient, which I fear will retard her recovery.

      We shall think of you next week on your way back to your own land, with, I hope, happy memories of the trip: and taking with you our hopes that you will repeat it in the not too distant future.

      All good luck.

      Yours sincerely,

      W. H. Lewis

      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford Oct 29th 1952

      Dear Mrs. Hesketh

      I hope very much you will come and see me when you are in Oxford. I have just given The Quenchless Flame a first reading. I predict it will grow either shorter or longer before it reaches its final form, but it is full of good things. The leaf escaping from the bondage of the tree at the v. beginning wins one’s good will for the whole poem. The six lines beginning ‘Consider beauty’ are particularly good.

      Yours sincerely

      C. S. Lewis




      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 1st November 1952.

      Dear Miss Montgomery,

      It would be a bit hard to believe in Our Lord without believing in the Father, seeing that Our Lord spent most of his time talking about the Father. Also God.

      Yours sincerely,

      C. S. Lewis




      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 6th November 1952.

      My dear Rowland,

      There was no need at all to write, but it was nice of you to do so. I don’t forsee being in Brighton, but will certainly look you up if I am. No addresses to Literary Groups though!


      C. S. Lewis


      Magdalen etc,

      Oxford. Nov. 8 1952

      Dear Mrs. Johnson

      I am returning your letter with the questions in it numbered so that you’ll know wh. I am answering.

      In the parable of the Sheep & Goats (Matt. XXV. 31 and following) those who are saved do not seem to know that they have served Christ. But of course our anxiety about unbelievers is most usefully employed when it leads us not to speculation but to earnest prayer for them and the attempt to be in our own lives such good advertisements for Christianity as will make it attractive.