Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper
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СКАЧАТЬ enough I, like you, had pictured Adam as being, physically, the son of two anthropoids, on whom, after birth, God worked the miracle which made him Man: said, in fact, ‘Come out—and forget thine own people and thy father’s house’11–the Call of Abraham wd. be a far smaller instance of the same sort of thing, and regeneration in each one of us wd. be an instance too, tho’ not a smaller one. That all seems to me to fit in both historically and spiritually.

      ‘lane’ died almost a year ago, after a long but, thank God, painless illness. I beg you will often pray for her. She was an unbeliever and, in later years, very jealous, exacting, and irascible, but always tender to the poor and to animals.

      Your hand is better than mine (to read, I mean—it may hurt more).

      Yes, oremus, oremus.

      Yours very sincerely.

      C. S. Lewis


       TO I. O. EVANS (W):

      Magdalen etc


      Dear Evans–


      C. S. Lewis





      Dear Blamires (I wish you’d call me Lewis instead of Dr. Lewis)

      About your kind compliment to me in the Preface, I like it of course. The real question is whether it will do you good or harm. I am much hated as well as much loved and the connection with me will damn you with certain reviewers. I’d advise you to omit it, but you must do exactly as you please.

      They were wrong in saying I was away that Friday and I’m sorry they did, because I had staying with me a man whom I wd. like you to have met. He has read your previous books & likes them, and has in common with you the qualities of being (a.) A Christian—R. C. (b.) A schoolmaster (c.) An old pupil of mine. Not that you are exactly a schoolmaster. His name is G. Sayer (The College, Malvern)

      Of course you were right to send me the MS. All best wishes: you are doing a most valuable work.


      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. 22nd January 1952.

      Dear Miss Jenkins,

      Yours sincerely,

      C. S. Lewis




      Magdalen СКАЧАТЬ