Collected Letters Volume Three: Narnia, Cambridge and Joy 1950–1963. Walter Hooper
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СКАЧАТЬ sincerely,

      C. S. Lewis


      TO MRS D. JESSUP (W):

      Magdalen College,

      Oxford. Oct 15/1953

      Dear Mrs. Jessup

      It is a very long time since any letters passed between us. I am in fact in your debt, counting it strict ‘turn-about’, but I regarded your last letter as an answer–certainly not a question, for I think it contained none!

      But you have not all this time been absent from my daily prayers. I have been very heavily worked, except for a holiday in Ireland, and I have not been very well: nothing serious, only the harmless complaint which is called sinusitis, which gives pain and rather ‘gets you down’, but nothing worse. I hope you are well and happy (as happiness goes with mortals like us–I know you are on earth, not in heaven!). Some time, where you have nothing urgent to do, write me a line to say how you go on. This of mine of course calls for no answer: it is only a little wave of the flag to show you I’m still here and never unmindful even when I’m silent.

      Yours sincerely

      C. S. Lewis



      Magdalen College

      Oxford Oct 17/53

      My dear Arthur

      I shall of course be perfectly happy to spend our joint holiday in the Inn at C’burn this year, if it so falls out. If you are in England I think you might find a few nights in the College guest room not unendurable and I’d try to give you breakfast as late as the servants cd. be expected to bear. (There are, however, clocks that chime the quarters all over Oxford; perhaps that wd. be fatal.)

      This has been the most exquisitely beautiful autumn I can remember.





      Magdalen College

      Oxford Oct 20th 53

      My dear Bles

      I am of course delighted at all you tell me about M.C. Very over-driven at present. We’re both well: kindest regards to both of you.


      C. S. Lewis


       TO I. O. EVANS (W):


      Oct 25th 53

      Dear Evans

      I return the cuttings. I enjoyed them all, but the phrase-book items were the cream. And not only because you had good raw material: the showmanship was just right. I quite agree that when it comes to absurdity nature beats art: there’s nothing in the lists of imaginary ‘howlers’ as funny as things I have really seen when examining. You will hardly believe the following but we had it offered in the college entrance exam: ‘In any controversy half the people generally side with the majority and half with the minority’


      C. S. Lewis


       TO MARY NEYLAN (T):

      Magdalen College

      Oxford Nov 5/53




      Magdalen College

      Oxford Nov 5/53

      Dear Mrs. Van Deusen

      This must be a hasty scrawl as I’m working against time at present & usually have no free moment between 8.30 a.m. & 9.45 p.m.