The Yoga Back Book: The Gentle Yet Effective Way to Spinal Health. Stella Weller
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Название: The Yoga Back Book: The Gentle Yet Effective Way to Spinal Health

Автор: Stella Weller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780008125288


СКАЧАТЬ plant foods and green leafy vegetables contain vitamin D presurcors (substances preceding other substances) known as ergosterols. Of these, parsley is a particularly rich source.

      Vitamin E

      Considered an anti-stress nutrient, vitamin E is also an antioxidant. In addition, it has pain-relieving properties and it helps to improve circulation.

      Vitamin E plays an important role in the absorption and storage of vitamin A and it protects against environmental influences, such as radiation, which can destroy certain nutrients.

      Good vitamin E sources include: almonds and other nuts (preferably eaten fresh from the shell), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, eggs, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, pulses, seeds, unrefined vegetable oils, wheat germ and whole grains.

      Vitamin K

      Known as ‘the blood vitamin’, this nutrient promotes proper blood clotting and so helps to prevent excessive bleeding. It is also needed for the production of the protein matrix upon which calcium is deposited to form bone. (A matrix is the basic substance from which something develops or is made.)

      In addition, vitamin K is necessary for the production of osteocalcin, which helps calcium to crystallize in the bones, and speeds up the healing of fractures by stimulating bone growth. It is also of value in preventing osteoporosis.

      A varied, wholesome diet usually provides enough vitamin K for normal requirements. Rich food sources include: alfalfa sprouts, cow’s milk, egg yolk, fish liver oils, green leafy vegetables and kelp (a type of seaweed). Other vitamin K sources are sunflower, soya bean and other unrefined vegetable oils.

      Vitamin K is also synthesized in the intestine by friendly bacteria.



      Boron helps to safeguard calcium in the body. It also appears necessary for activating vitamin D and certain hormones, such as oestrogen, which is important in preventing bone loss in women as they age.

      The safest way to increase your intake of this mineral is to include boron-rich foods in your diet. These include: fresh fruits and vegetables such as alfalfa sprouts, cabbage, lettuce, peas, snap beans, apples and grapes. Other sources of boron are: almonds, dates, dried fruits, hazelnuts, peanuts, prunes, raisins, and soya beans.


      Calcium is the dominant element in human bone. The body of a healthy adult contains about three pounds of calcium (1.4 kilogrammes).

      Every day you lose calcium in your urine and faeces. If you do not replace what you lose, your bones will suffer in time.

      Calcium is also essential for good tone and action of the skeletal muscles (those covering the body’s bony framework). It is also required for the proper functioning of nervous tissue and for normal blood clotting.

      Calcium is known to relieve muscle cramps and also to promote sound sleep, which many sufferers of backache find elusive.

      The best food sources of calcium include: blackstrap molasses, carob powder, citrus fruits, dried beans, dried figs, fish, green leafy vegetables (such as bok choy and spring greens, or collards), milk and milk products, peanuts, sardines, sesame seeds, soya beans and by-products such as tofu (soya bean curd), sunflower seeds, walnuts and watercress.

      Milk and milk products

      From the standpoint of bone health, milk has several points in its favour:

       it usually contains vitamin D, which helps the body to absorb calcium;

       it has the ideal two-to-one balance of calcium and phosphorus;

       it is a rich source of lactase, the enzyme that is needed to digest milk sugar.

      If you are concerned about your fat intake, your best choices of milk are: fluid skimmed or low-fat milk; reconstituted non-fat milk powder; evaporated skimmed or low-fat milk, skimmed milk yoghurt, and buttermilk (unless you are on a low-salt diet).

      Lactose intolerance

      Some people cannot tolerate milk, cheese and other dairy foods because of lactose (milk sugar) intolerance. For these individuals, there are certain products on the market, such as LactAid, which, when added to milk, break down the lactose, making the milk acceptable to the digestive system.


      Calcium supplements, available at chemists and health food stores, may be a partial answer for those who are not taking in adequate amounts of this mineral through their diet. These supplements include: calcium carbonate products, calcium lactate and calcium gluconate.

      Please check with your doctor or nutritionist for advice on your best choice of calcium supplement. Boosting calcium intake:

       Try figs for snacks. One fig contains about 23 milligrams of calcium. (Figs, however, are high in calories.)

       Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese or toasted almonds (ground or slivered) on stir-fried broccoli.

       Use yoghurt as a base for dips, spreads and toppings.

       Try tofu in lasagne and stir-fried dishes.

       Add almonds or cheese cubes to salads.

       Use milk instead of ‘whiteners’ in tea and coffee.

      High-calcium shake

      Here’s a recipe for a drink that is rich in calcium, vitamin D, silica, fluorine and other bone-strengthening nutrients. It’s easy to make and it’s enough for one person.

      Into an electric blender (or equivalent), pour a cup of chilled, low-fat, vitamin D-enriched milk. Add one tablespoon of low-fat powdered milk, a teaspoon of unpasteurized honey, a few drops of pure vanilla extract and a few fresh strawberries (wash and remove stems and caps). Instead of strawberries, you may use fresh peaches, peeled and sliced, or other fruit of your choice.

      Blend the ingredients for a few seconds or until you have a smooth, frothy milk shake.


      Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone. It leads to fragile bones and increased vulnerability to fractures, particularly of the spine, hip and wrist.

      Because bone loss usually occurs without symptoms, osteoporosis is often called ‘the silent disease’. People may not know that they have the condition until their bones become so weak that a sudden bump, a strain or a fall causes a vertebra to collapse or a bone to break.

      Factors that increase the likelihood of osteoporosis developing include: having a thin and/or small frame; advanced СКАЧАТЬ