The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman
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СКАЧАТЬ them more digestible.

      PROPERTIES Acrid, Bitter, Warm, Fragrant

      CHANNELS Spleen, Stomach, Lung


       Regulates the qi and strengthens the transportation function of the Spleen: it promotes the movement of qi in general, while directing it down.

       Dries Dampness and transforms Phlegm: use for. a stuffy feeling in the chest and diaphragm.

       Helps prevent stagnation.


       Contraindicated in dry cough due to Yin or Qi Deficiency, as it is drying (fragrant) and warm. Use with caution with a red tongue or yellow phlegm (symptoms of heat).


       Dang Shen CODONOPSIS ROOT

      This herb is similar to Ren Shen: it treats Qi Deficiency, affecting primarily the Lungs and Spleen (the main digestive organ in TCM). It is less expensive than Ren Shen.

      HOW TO USE

       Dang Shen does basically the same work as Ren Shen, but is not as strong. In prescriptions it is used in place of ginseng to tonify the qi of the Spleen and Lungs, while ginseng is preferred for more serious situations, such as a patient who is barely conscious.

       It is used for lack of appetite, fatigue, tired limbs, diarrhea, vomiting, and prolapse—all symptoms of Spleen Qi Deficiency. It is also used for Lung Deficiency with chronic cough, shortness of breath, or copious sputum due to Spleen Deficiency. As it tonifies fluids, it is used in diabetes and the aftermath of febrile illnesses. It is the main herb in the seminal qi tonic prescription Si Jun Zi Wan (“Four Gentlemen”). Like all the qi tonics, it is sweet and cloying, and must therefore be combined with qi-moving herbs.

       Tonifies the Lungs.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, Neutral

      CHANNELS Lung, Spleen


       Tonifies the Middle area, benefits the qi, and strengthens the Stomach and Spleen: use for all Deficient Qi patterns.

       Strengthens the qi and nourishes fluids.


       Long-term use may possibly result in vaginal discharge. Overdose may lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


       Yi Yi Ren seeds of job’s tears

      This is one of the Chinese herbs that transform Dampness, but it is more active on the Lower Burner than the Middle Burner.

      HOW TO USE

       Like Fu Ling, Yi Yi Ren clears Dampness by promoting urination, but its Spleen-strengthening function is not as strong, and it works more on the Lower Burner (Kidneys) than on the Middle Burner (Spleen and Stomach). Use with Spleen-tonifying herbs to get rid of water retention; it may be used for Lung or Intestinal abscesses to help get rid of pus.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, Bland, slightly Cold

      CHANNELS Spleen, Lung, Kidney


       Promotes urination and leeches out Dampness: for edema or water retention in the legs.

       Clears Wind Dampness: this means Painful Obstruction syndrome, such as arthritic conditions.

       Clears Heat and expels pus: use when sores have become full of pus; pushes pus out.

       Strengthens Spleen and stops diarrhea: use when the Spleen is deficient, causing Damp diarrhea.

       Clears Damp Heat: for any digestive problems with a greasy yellow tongue coating.


       Use with caution during pregnancy.



      Shan Zhu Yu stabilizes and binds. It is sour and astringent, and helps keep in bodily substances which may leak, such as urine.

      HOW TO USE

       Shan Zhu Yu is used for leakage of fluids due to weak Jing-essence, with symptoms such as excessive urination, incontinence, spermatorrhea, and premature ejaculation. In shock, it helps Liver and Kidney Deficiency, with such symptoms as lightheadedness, dizziness, sore and weak low back and knees, or impotence. It is useful for excessive uterine bleeding when the cause is Deficiency. It is one of the six herbs in the basic yin-tonifying prescription Liu Wei di Huang Wan (Six Flavor prescription), so if carefully combined it may tonify yin or yang.

      PROPERTIES Sour, slightly Warm

      CHANNELS Kidney, Liver


       Firms the Kidneys and retains the Jing-essence.

       Absorbs sweating and supports collapse: use for devastated yang and qi, as in shock.

       Tonifies and builds the Liver and Kidneys.

       Stabilizes the menses and stops bleeding.



      This herb clears Heat: this includes febrile conditions and illnesses with Heat signs. It is one of the “Three Yellows,” which are often used together for severe infections.

      HOW TO USE

       Huang Lian deals with Damp Heat in the Middle Burner (digestive organs), and also the Heart and Pericardium. This latter leads to symptoms such as very high fever with delirium and disorientation. It can also be used to treat painful, red eyes and sore throat. It is very good with the infectious diseases still prevalent in the developing world. It is used for violent diarrhea and acid regurgitation from Stomach Heat. A decoction may be placed on sore, red eyes, boils, anal fissures, conjunctivitis, and used locally it is good for treating trichomoniasis, a protozoan infection of the vagina.