The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman
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СКАЧАТЬ substances have none of these tastes. They primarily leech out Dampness and promote urination.

       This helps both the Spleen and the Kidneys.


       Wu Jia Pi

      This herb dispels Wind Dampness from the muscles, joints, and bones. Wind Dampness causes rheumatic and arthritic ailments. Wu Jia Pi also treats Damp Cold conditions where the circulation is obstructed, as in the swelling of the legs or stiff knee joints. The dried herb, or a decoction, can be taken in wine.

      HOW TO USE

       Wu Jia Pi is a warm drying (acrid) herb which tonifies the Liver and Kidneys. These meridians decline as we get older, so it is especially helpful in treating rheumatism, arthritis, or stiffness in the elderly or those suffering from long-term illness. It is particularly helpful when the smooth flow of qi and blood is obstructed. It is also good for developmental delays in the motor functions of children. It is also used for difficulties with urination, and edema.

      PROPERTIES Acrid, Warm

      CHANNELS Liver, Kidney


       Dispels Wind Dampness, and strengthens the sinews and bones: use for chronic Wind Cold Damp Painful Obstruction (Bi syndrome) when deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys causes weak sinews and bones.

       Transforms Dampness and reduces swelling: use for water retention.


       Use with caution in yin deficiency with heat signs, as it dries and heats further.



      This herb transforms Dampness, a “pathogenic influence” which creates stagnation in the Middle Burner (Spleen and Stomach), with various digestive or fluid-retaining effects. Huo Xiang helps the Spleen to recover its function of transporting and transforming food in the body.

      HOW TO USE

       Huo Xiang is used specifically for stuck digestion, leading to bloating either above or below the navel, nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite, and a moist white coating on the tongue. It is the main herb in the patent formula Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan, which is used for gastric flu.

      PROPERTIES Acrid, slightly Warm

      CHANNELS Lung, Spleen, Stomach


       Fragrantly transforms Dampness: this means that it tonifies the Spleen so that it transforms the Dampness obstructing the middle area, which is interfering with the Spleen’s normal digestive functions.

       Harmonizes the Middle Burner and stops vomiting; also used for morning sickness.

       Releases the exterior and expels Dampness, as in gastric flu.


       No herbs used for getting rid of damp (shown by a thick tongue coating or by the presence of phlegm) may be used deficient yin with heat signs (shown by a peeled tongue)—they will further dry the patient up and make the condition worse.


       Yi Zhi Ren BLACK CARDAMOM

      This herb warms Internal Cold. Yi Zhi Ren is a cardamom, and all cardamoms warm the Middle area. Yi Zhi Ren also warms the Kidneys and controls fluids coming from that area—which makes it good for urinary incontinence, or frequency and enuresis (bed-wetting) from Cold-Deficient Spleen and Kidneys.

      HOW TO USE

       Yi Zhi Ren is helpful in spermatorrhea, when men cannot hold the sperm or when it leaks out.

       When the Spleen yang is weak and Cold it does not transform the feces properly, leading to diarrhea.

       There may also be vomiting, Cold abdominal pain (better with warmth), excessive saliva, and a thick, unpleasant taste in the mouth.

       It is very good to relieve drooling.

       Yi Zhi Ren is a valuable herb for warming the system, from infancy to old age.

      PROPERTIES Acrid, Warm

      CHANNELS Kidney, Spleen


       Warms the Kidneys, firms the Jing-essence and holds in urine: this herb is used when the yang aspect of the Kidneys is Deficient and cannot hold sperm or urine in place.

       Warms the Spleen and stops diarrhea: Cold, Deficient Spleen or Stomach patterns causing diarrhea and other digestive symptoms.


       Contraindicated for spermatorrhea, frequent urination, or vaginal discharge due to heat.


       Bai Zhi

      Bai Zhi belongs to a group of Warm, Acrid herbs that release exterior conditions; that is, superficial illnesses caused by viruses, with symptoms in the skin or muscle layers. The herbs mainly affect the sweating mechanism, either causing the body to sweat, or if necessary stopping it from sweating.

      HOW TO USE

       Bai Zhi is used mainly for sudden headaches (Wind-caused headaches), especially those along the Stomach channel, i.e. the front of the head, the forehead.

       It is particularly good for headaches caused by sinusitis, and to help the sinusitis itself.

       It is very good for ulcerated boils in cases where the pus is not yet discharged—use it with Jie Geng.

       It is often added to prescriptions for vaginal discharge, especially for a white (Cold) discharge rather than a yellow, smelly one (Hot type).

      PROPERTIES Acrid, Warm

      CHANNELS Lung, Stomach


       Expels Wind and alleviates pain: use for externally contracted Wind Cold patterns, especially those with head symptoms.

       Reduces СКАЧАТЬ