Voyage. Stephen Baxter
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Название: Voyage

Автор: Stephen Baxter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Научная фантастика


isbn: 9780007445400


СКАЧАТЬ had taken place, as planned, inside South Vietnam.

      And not inside neutral Cambodia.

      And, as on previous flights, Gershon was going to have to file a false report.

      He glanced into the sky. Somewhere up there, Apollo 13 was heading for the Moon.

      Gershon found it hard to reconcile the terrific adventure going on in the sky, three guys hanging their hides out over the edge, with the mindless, lying bullshit of this war.

      After an hour the Spad started trembling – pogoing, vibrating longitudinally, so that he was juddered back and forth in his seat. Night flying seemed to magnify everything, every little problem, until you could damn near scare yourself out of the sky. It was hard to know if vibrations like this were a real problem or something that he’d just dismiss during daylight.

      He tried to ride it out, and after a while the juddering let up. Production of the Spads – single-seater Douglas A-1 Skyraiders – had been stopped in 1957. Thirteen years ago. They shouldn’t be flying any more. Operational ships had to be nursed along with components cannibalized from wrecks.

      In the dark Gershon had to fly time-and-distance: a kind of dead reckoning, based on nothing but his heading, his airspeed, and the time he flew. It wasn’t exactly accurate. Still, soon Gershon figured he was over the FAG’s reported location. The FAG was his Forward Air Guide, the friendly Cambodian spotter who had been assigned to guide his bombs home.

      He twisted the knobs of his VHF radio. ‘Hello Topdog, this is Pilgrim. How you hear? Topdog. Pilgrim. How you hear?’

      He heard the barking of a thirty-seven-mil airburst, miles away.

      Gershon tried to keep his patience. After all, the poor guy was down there in the night, surrounded by mortar-firing hostiles.

      There was a crackling of radio static, a distant voice. ‘Pilgrim. Topdog. You come help Topdog?’

      ‘Yes, Topdog. Pilgrim come help you. You have bad guys?’

      ‘Rager, rager, Pilgrim.’ Rager for roger. The FAG was talking the abbreviated lingo the pilots had worked out with the locals they had to deal with. ‘Have many, many bad guys. They all around. They shoot big gun at me.’

      Big gun? Gershon peered down at the dark. Maybe it was so. He couldn’t see any muzzle flashes, so maybe the fight was just a small-arms affair.

      Small-arms fire was okay with Gershon. It was even kind of interesting. It sounded like rain on tin, and put little holes in the airplane.

      But ‘big gun’ could mean a mortar.

      It was hard to be sure. Things would be looking kind of different to Topdog, helpless in his blacked-out hell-hole on the inky ground.

      ‘Okay, Topdog, you give us coordinates where you are. We come help you.’ Gershon flicked on his flashlight and wrote out the numbers, then checked them against the map.

      The coordinates didn’t tie up with where the FAG was supposed to be.

      Gershon called his wingman. ‘Hey. You copy that?’


      ‘Either he doesn’t know where he is or he’s a hundred miles from here.’

      ‘Your call, Pilgrim.’

      Gershon hesitated, trying to figure what to do. Sometimes this kind of hide-and-seek was normal with an FAG.

      Then again, sometimes voices would come floating up out of the dark to the bombers, confidently calling out positions to hit. On checking, the flyers would find the locations to be the designated areas of friendly troops.

      Topdog, this is Pilgrim. You hear my airplane?’

      ‘Pilgrim, Topdog. I hear your airplane. You come north maybe two mile.’

      Gershon pushed north.

      Gershon looked down. The mountains here were high, and his cruising altitude of ten and a half thousand feet didn’t put him all that far above them.

      ‘Hey, Topdog. You hear my airplane now?’

      ‘Rager, rager, Pilgrim. You over my position now.’

      There was a valley below him, a black wound in the landscape, coated with the fur of jungle.

      ‘Topdog. Pilgrim see big valley. Where are you?’

      ‘Rager, Pilgrim. Bad guy in valley. You put bomb in middle of valley.’

      It was a pinpoint target. ‘Look, Topdog, I want to know where you are.’ Gershon didn’t want to bomb out the FAG himself.

      ‘Pilgrim, Topdog on top of mountain. You bomb bad guy.’

      ‘All right, Topdog, Pilgrim drop bomb in valley.’

      Gershon set his wing selector to the left stub, where a five-hundred-pound napalm bomb nestled. He peered down, into oceanic invisibility. He put on a single fuselage light, so the wingman would be able to see where he was going.

      He rolled over, relying on his instruments in the darkness, and stabilized into a forty-degree dive.

      He descended below the tops of the mountains and closed rapidly. Through his gunsight he could see glimmers outlining the valley below.

      The altimeter unwound, and Gershon’s breath was ragged and hot. He wasn’t worried about anti-aircraft fire; right now he was more concerned about not hitting the ground.

      He hit the release button.

      Five hundred pounds dropped away from the ship with a jolt. He pulled up, and grunted as three G settled on his chest.

      The nape splashed over the landscape. It was like an immense flashbulb, exploding from the valley floor, and it lit up the smoky sky, turning it into a milky dome above him. It was eerie, alien, almost beautiful.

      ‘Pilgrim! You have number one bomb. Very good. You do same again.’

      ‘Okay, Topdog, we’ll put it right there.’

      Gershon swapped altitudes with his wingman, and let the wingman dive in. The valley wasn’t dark any longer; it was a mass of fires and splotches of twenty-mil hits, which sparkled like little fire jewels. Gershon caught glimpses of his wingman’s Spad, rolling down and leveling off, silhouetted against the blaze below.

      ‘Very good bomb, Pilgrim.’

      ‘Okay, Topdog.’

      ‘Hey, Pilgrim. You got radio?’

      Gershon couldn’t figure what the FAG was talking about; the raid was over. ‘Say again, Topdog. Say again.’

      ‘Topdog listen to radio. Voice of America. You brave boys in trouble.’
