The Last Cavalier: Being the Adventures of Count Sainte-Hermine in the Age of Napoleon. Alexandre Dumas
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СКАЧАТЬ do what’s necessary.’

      “‘Well, then,’ said Barras, ‘if you are willing to help us, we shall help you.’

      “‘What must I do?’

      “‘You are attractive; very attractive, indeed.’

      “‘My beauty has nothing to do with it,’ said Diana without lowering her eyes.

      “‘On the contrary,’ said Barras, ‘beauty has everything to do with it. In this grand struggle we call life, beauty comes to women not as some heaven-sent gift merely to please the eyes of a lover or husband, but as a potent weapon, a means of attack and defense.’

      “‘Tell me more,’ Diana replied.

      “‘The Companions of Jehu keep no secrets from Cadoudal. He is their true leader, for essentially they work for him. He knows their every name from top to bottom.’

      “‘And so?’ Diana wondered.

      “‘So? Nothing could be simpler. Go to Brittany, join Cadoudal, introduce yourself as a victim of your devotion to the Royalist cause, gain his confidence. It will be easy for you, because Cadoudal will not be able to look at you without falling in love. And sooner or later you’ll have all the names of these men, these bandits, whom we have had so much trouble finding. Provide us those names, that is all I ask, and you shall have your revenge, I guarantee. In addition, if through your influence you’re able to get that stubborn rebel to give up his struggle, I don’t need to tell you that the government would set no limits.…’

      “Diana raised her hand. ‘Careful, Citizen Director, one more word and you’d be insulting me.’ Then, after a moment’s silence: ‘I’d like to request twenty-four hours to consider,’ she said.

      “‘Take your time, madame,’ said Barras. ‘I am always at your orders and shall be waiting.’

      “‘Tomorrow at nine p.m., right here,’ said Diana. She then took the dagger from Barras’s hands and picked up her brother’s letter from the table. She slipped them inside her bodice. She said good-bye and left.

      “The next evening at the appointed hour Mademoiselle Diana de Fargas was again announced at the palace, and the director hurried back to the pink boudoir.

      “‘I’ve come to a decision, monsieur. However, you will understand that I shall need a safe-conduct so that the Republican authorities will know who I am. In the life I shall be leading, it is possible I could be caught bearing arms against the Republic. I know that you send even women and children to the firing squad, for you wage a war of extermination—well, that is between you and God. So while I may be captured, I have no wish, you can be sure, to be shot before enjoying my revenge.’

      “‘I had anticipated your request, and so as not to delay your departure, the papers you need I have already had prepared. Here are clear orders from General Hédouville; they transform those whom you fear into your protectors. With this safe-conduct, you can go anywhere in Brittany or the Vendée.’

      “‘Very well, monsieur!’ said Diana. ‘Thank you.’

      “‘If it’s not too indiscreet, may I ask when you plan to leave?’

      “‘This evening. My horses and coach await me outside the palace gates.’

      “‘Allow me to ask one somewhat delicate question. It is my duty to ask.’

      “‘Go ahead, monsieur.’

      “‘Do you have money?’

      “‘I have six thousand gold francs in this box, and that’s better than sixty thousand francs’ worth of assignats. As you see, I have my own resources to fund my battles.’

      “Barras reached out to shake the lovely traveler’s hand, but she took no notice of his polite gesture. She merely curtsied and withdrew.

      “‘What a charming viper,’ said Barras. ‘I would not want to be the one to provide it warmth.’”

       XVI Mademoiselle de Fargas

      “MADEMOISELLE DE FARGAS and Coster Saint-Victor happened to meet by chance just below the village of La Guerche, about three leagues from where Cadoudal was camped.

      “Coster Saint-Victor, one of the most elegant men of the time, a rival of the First Consul Bonaparte for the favors of one of the most beautiful actresses of the day, spotted the lovely woman in the open carriage. When the carriage was forced move more slowly on an upgrade, he was able to draw near easily since he was on horseback.

      “At first Diana tried to remain coldly distant with the stranger, but he greeted her so politely, and his speech and compliments were so gentlemanly, that she remained aloof no longer than was appropriate for people who meet while traveling. Then, too, the region was completely new to her, and danger could be waiting anywhere. This traveler apparently knew the country very well, so he could prove to be useful to her, perhaps even telling her where Cadoudal could be found.

      “Both of them had assumed a false identity. Coster Saint-Victor had told her that his name was d’Argentan and that he was a government tax officer in Dinan. Diana had introduced herself as Mademoiselle de Rotrou, the postmistress in Vitré. From statement to statement they shared false information, but eventually they both spoke something true. To each other both divulged that they were looking for Cadoudal.

      “‘Are you acquainted with him?’ Saint-Victor, or d’Argentan, had asked.

      “‘I’ve never set eyes on him,’ Diana answered.

      “‘Well, then, mademoiselle, I shall be pleased to offer my services,’ said d’Argentan. ‘Cadoudal is a close friend of mine, and we are getting so near the place where we shall meet him that I can with no risk, I believe, admit that I am not really a government tax agent but rather an officer in Cadoudal’s ranks. If you need a reference to be able to see him, mademoiselle, I shall be doubly pleased that chance—in this case I will say Providence—has placed you on my path.’

      “‘Since we are making admissions, I am no more postmistress in Vitré than you are a tax officer in Dinan. I am the last of a well-known Royalist family and I’ve a vow of vengeance to fulfill. I am seeking to serve with him.’

      “‘In what capacity?’ d’Argentan asked.

      “‘As a volunteer,’ said Diana.

      “Coster looked at her in surprise, and then said, ‘Well, yes, in the end that should be possible. Dumouriez after all had as aides-de-camp the two Fernig girls. We live in such strange times that we have to get used to everything, even to those things that seem unbelievable.’ At that, they let the matter drop.

      “In La Guerche they had met and passed a detachment of Republican soldiers on its way to Vitré. At the bottom of the hill below La Guerche they came upon some logs barricading the road. ‘By Jove!’ said Coster, ‘I would not be at all surprised if Cadoudal were behind this barricade.’

      “He came to a halt and СКАЧАТЬ