A Mind of Your Own. Betty Shine
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Название: A Mind of Your Own

Автор: Betty Shine

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9780008219468


СКАЧАТЬ Affirmation: When I meet a person with charisma I will be cautious.


       By different methods different men excel; But where is he who can do all things well?



      IF PEOPLE WERE MORE CHARITABLE to each other, the world would be a better place. Charity takes little effort and can give much pleasure. Remember, whatever you give out will come back to you when you are at your lowest ebb, so that it will have the maximum effect.

       Visualisation: You are preparing for the first exhibition of your sculptures, and feeling very vulnerable. Will it be a success? Or will it be a great flop? An acquaintance asks for a preview of your work. After a while he walks toward the door. ‘I have to go,’ he says.

       ‘Well, that was quick,’ you reply. ‘Before you leave, will you tell me what you think of my art?’

       He grimaces. ‘Not much, I’m afraid.’ As he leaves, you feel as though someone has hit you in the stomach.

       Later, that same evening you remember a similar criticism that you had levelled at a friend when he had needed encouragement, and make a promise to yourself that, in future, you will try to be more charitable towards others.

       Affirmation: Charity toward others will enhance my own life.


       You must lie upon the daisies and discourse in novel phrases of your complicated state of mind, The meaning doesn’t matter if it’s only idle chatter of a transcendental kind. And everyone will say, as you walk your mystic way, ‘If this man expresses himself in terms too deep for me. Why, what a very singularly deep young man this deep young man must be.’

      W. S. GILBERT


      I LOVE THE WAY Gilbert puts everyone in their place. This quotation is especially applicable to the psychic world. And what better relaxation could you find than having a chat with a friend? Hours pass as you let your hair down and bare your soul, cleansing and healing simultaneously. It will never go out of fashion and cannot be surpassed as food for the soul. Highly recommended.

       Visualisation: Arriving home after a miserable day at work, you sit down in your favourite chair and try to relax. But the adrenaline is still flowing, so you walk to and fro as you relive your day. Glancing at the telephone, you decide to ring a friend. After twenty minutes of idle chat, spiced with some cynical humour, you feel refreshed and ready to face the world again.

       Affirmation: Don’t feel flat – have a chat.


       I to my perils Of cheat and charmer Came clad in armour By stars benign.

      A. E. HOUSMAN


      CHEATING IS LOATHSOME and deprives the cheat of integrity. Stealing something you had no right to have can only bring misery. Only achieving your goals on your own merit will bring happiness and fulfilment and the knowledge that you can survive alone.

       Visualisation: You have the opportunity, before sitting for an important examination, to scan the questions and answers. You take it, even though you know you have the ability to pass without cheating. Unfortunately, someone has seen you and you are promptly disqualified. Your action has spoiled your chances of a bright future, brought shame on your family, and humiliation on yourself. It simply was not worth it, was it?

       Affirmation: My achievements will always be a product of my own unique ability.


       I have tried too in my time to be a philosopher; But, I don’t know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in.



      IF YOU WERE BORN with a cheerful disposition, be thankful. Heaven alone knows how much the world needs the continued injections of this gift. At work or play, those that have it are a joy to be with and are much sought after for the light they bring into people’s lives.

      Misery is so much easier to come by. Don’t let it put out your light.

       Visualisation: Faces of misery are all around you. As you study them you realise how sad and comical they are. Vowing never to project this image of yourself, you smile, and the world begins to feel a brighter place. No matter what problems you are encountering at this time in your life, smile, and smile again. Resolve to have a cheerful disposition at all times, and to introduce others to your secret formula.

       Affirmation: Spreading cheer will bring others near.


       Heap on more wood! – the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.



      EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT RELIGIOUS, you should still perceive Christmas as a time for renewal, and take the opportunity to strengthen positive attitudes and add new ones. Looking back at the old year could give you some pointers as to how not to make the same mistakes again. Taking responsibility for your own life in this way means that you cannot continue to blame others for your mistakes, and you can now give yourself a pat on the back for the things you get right.

      Those who are still aware of the spiritual meaning of Christmas are no doubt disturbed by the materialism that has come to shroud this special day. For some, Christmas has become a cause for financial stress, the effects of which continue throughout the following year. Expectations to buy bigger and better gifts can turn something joyous into a never-ending nightmare. Families should monitor this and step in with suggestions to relieve the burden. Make your own rules – above all, do not allow materialism СКАЧАТЬ