Evening Hours. Mary Baxter Lynn
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Название: Evening Hours

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472046468


СКАЧАТЬ with the stem of his now empty wine-glass. She concentrated on the splattering of wiry black hair on his wrists.

      He was a man’s man and the sense of suffocation she felt at his nearness almost overwhelmed her. She’d never had this kind of strong reaction to anyone, but then when it came to the opposite sex, she’d had only one close encounter and that was with Kenny, who in the scheme of things didn’t count.

      So why should she be so drawn to a man she could never have?

      “You’re wrong,” she said at last. “I don’t have any of the right stuff.”

      “Someone sure did a number on you.”

      Kaylee blinked. “What makes you think that?”

      He ignored her question. “I’d like to get my hands on the bastard.”

      This time she was taken aback and didn’t bother to hide the fact. “You don’t know anything about me.”

      “I know that much,” he said flatly.

      She felt color flood her face, but she didn’t deny it because it was, after all, the truth.


      “I’d like to change the subject, if you don’t mind.”

      “Fine, but first, know that I’m here with you, right now, because I want to be.”

      Kaylee fought the urge to get up and get away from him. She didn’t like his being sweet to her. She didn’t want to feel this unwelcome attraction toward any man, especially Cutler.

      She looked away one more time. “Tell me about your reelection chances.”

      A smile tugged at his lips. “Okay, you win. For now, that is.”

      “Thanks,” she said with a tinge of sarcasm.

      His smile stretched into a grin, then disappeared. “My reelection bid. I’d say there’s a chance I might be defeated.”

      “Surely not.”

      “Winston Gilmore’s a formidable opponent.”

      “Still, it’s awfully hard to beat an incumbent.”

      “Not if you’ve chalked up a lot of enemies.”

      “Is there a reason for that?”

      Cutler shrugged. “I’ve been told I’m too hardheaded and hard-assed.”

      She smiled. “At least you admit it.”

      “Oh, I know my shortcomings, all right, only—”

      “You’re not willing to do anything about them.”

      “Ah, you’ve already got me pegged.”

      His smile again sent her pulse racing. “Not hardly.”

      He let that slide. “I’m due to try several controversial cases, any of which could sink my ship.”

      “Even if you win them.”

      “Either way, I’m going to piss someone off.”

      She blew out a breath. “So how do you de-stress?”


      “My ranch. Whenever I get the chance, I hightail it there and hole up. Takes the starch out every time.”

      “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me—the ranch, that is.”

      “I betcha the boots were a dead giveaway.”

      “You think so,” she said in a teasing tone.

      Cutler laughed outright and then sobered, with the exception of the gleam in his eyes that was centered on her, and her pulse quickened even more. He was flirting with her, and she was flirting back. But how could she not? His magnetism could incite a riot in a nunnery.

      “So how do you chill?”

      “I don’t.”

      “That’s not true.”


      “You’re chilling now.”

      “You don’t know that.”

      “Wanna bet?”

      Kaylee pursed her lips, which drew another laugh from him.

      “Gotcha, right?”

      She didn’t bother to respond, cautioning herself to pause and take note of the dangerous game she was playing. She had no intention of becoming a casualty of this man.

      “Mind if I ask you something?”

      “I have a feeling I should say no.”

      “Feel free.”

      She sighed openly. “What is it?”

      “How long have you been like this?”

      “And how is that?”

      His eyes delved with laserlike intensity. “Crippled.” Ordinarily the use of that word flew all over her, even if it was the truth and even if she’d goaded him into saying it. But coming from him, said in such a nonchalant manner, it was not in the least offensive.

      “Since I was sixteen.”

      “That’s a hell of a long time.”

      “That it is.”

      “I’d like to know what happened, but if you don’t want to share—”

      “Some other time, perhaps.”

      “That’ll work.” He paused. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

      “Let’s go.”

      Cutler paused again, his gaze locking with hers. The expression in his eyes made her feel hot and breathless and more than a little alarmed.

      “Come on,” he said huskily.

      She was about to get into the car when it happened. She misstepped, losing her balance.

      Just as the pavement rose to meet her, Cutler cried, “I’ve got you, Kaylee!”


      “Want me to come back later?”

      Edgar had responded to Drew’s “Come on in” before he realized his boss wasn’t alone. Glen Yates, whom Edgar didn’t particularly like, occupied one of the plush chairs in front of Drew’s massive desk.