Evening Hours. Mary Baxter Lynn
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Название: Evening Hours

Автор: Mary Baxter Lynn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472046468


СКАЧАТЬ reached for the phone. “Kaylee, my dear, good morning.”

      “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you,” she said, coming directly to the point, an asset he admired.

      He chuckled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

      “Oh, please.”

      “No, really, I’m serious.”

      Silence reigned for a moment, during which he could sense her concentration. “I wish I could believe you. But since I don’t, I thank you.” She paused. “One more time.”

      “Okay, thank me,” he said with another chuckle. “But again, I can’t take the credit.”

      “You didn’t send me this huge bouquet of flowers?”

      He heard the surprise in her voice, and for a moment rage filled Drew, not because she’d received the flowers, but because he hadn’t sent them. He rarely ever made a mistake like that. Following her honor, he should have sent her a congratulatory bouquet.

      If he had a soft spot in that hard core of his, it was for Kaylee. He’d never had the nesting urge. A home and family were responsibilities he hadn’t wanted. He was much too self-absorbed for that. But if he had wanted a daughter, he would want her to be just like Kaylee.

      He had known her since she was a youngster, had met her right after Edgar started working for him. She had captivated him then and still did. He would do anything for her.

      As long as she adhered to and played by his rules, that is.

      To date she had, and he didn’t see that ever changing. She was indebted to him in more ways than one and he aimed to make sure that didn’t change.

      “No, honey, I didn’t.”

      “But…” Her voice faded.

      “Sounds to me like you’ve got an admirer?”

      “Perhaps Daddy…” Again her voice faded.

      Drew knew better than that, and apparently so did she. Sending flowers to his daughter on any occasion would never have occurred to Edgar. His mind simply didn’t work that way, even though he adored the ground Kaylee walked on.


      “Well, anyway,” she said, filling the silence, “they’re absolutely breathtaking.”

      “And well deserved, my dear.”

      “Thanks, Drew. But I was so sure they came from you.”

      “You holding out on me, sweetheart?”

      She laughed. “I have no idea who sent them, but it’s no secret admirer, for sure.”

      “I guess that remains to be seen.”

      “Look, when are we going to have lunch together?” she asked, blatantly changing the subject.

      “I’ll call you in a day or so, and we’ll set it up. Meanwhile, enjoy your flowers. And enjoy the fact that I’m proud of you.”

      “Thanks, Uncle Drew. I wouldn’t be where I am without you.”

      He certainly didn’t want her ever to forget that. “Be sweet.” With that he hung up and stared into space. He didn’t know if he was happy with the thought of Kaylee having a secret admirer or not.

      Somehow, he didn’t think so.


      “Have you called 911, Dad?”

      Trevor McFarland walked quickly toward Cutler, a pained expression on his face. “No, but I did call the doctor.”

      Cutler was definitely his mother’s son, having none of his dad’s physical characteristics. Trevor was shorter than both him and Mary by several inches. He wore his light hair in a flattop. His skin was weathered from having spent years in the sun as a building contractor, even though he was now semiretired.

      Father and son weren’t alike in personalities either. Trevor was far more sober, except when he laughed. Then his pleasure came from deep in his belly, and in that, he and Cutler were alike. Trevor adored Mary and Cutler had always thought they had a good, solid marriage.

      Having them as an example, he often wondered why he couldn’t make a similar commitment.

      “What did he say?” Cutler asked with impatience when Trevor didn’t convey anything more.

      “Only that he’s on his way.”


      Cutler quickly went to his mother’s bedside and stared down at her. Fear wrapped its tentacles around his heart. Was she breathing? For a second he couldn’t move. When he saw her chest rise and fall relief assailed him.

      “She’s asleep, son.”

      Cutler faced Trevor. “What happened?”

      “Same thing. She just had a dizzy spell and passed out.”

      “Those ‘spells’ are happening far too often.”

      “I know.”

      “Steven needs to do something,” Cutler said more to himself than to his dad.

      Steven Hughes was not only Mary’s physician but a member of her church and a longtime friend. Mary trusted him without hesitation. Although he had a reputation for being a crackerjack heart specialist, Cutler had urged Mary to seek a second opinion, something that hadn’t gone over well in the McFarland household. To date, Mary had opted not to take his advice.

      Maybe now that would change.

      “Steven didn’t think the hospital was necessary,” Trevor said. “I…we have to trust he knows best.”

      Cutler was about to disagree, but knew now was not the time. Whether or not his mother sought a second opinion was not Trevor’s choice. He released a sigh and said, “One of these days she’s going to fall and break something.”

      “I know.” Trevor’s eyes remained troubled. “But you know how stubborn she is. Or at least you should. You inherited the same trait.”

      Cutler ignored that latter comment, and continued to watch his mother. Where the hell was the doctor? He couldn’t believe she wasn’t on her way to the E.R., but for now he had no choice but to trust the doctor.

      “Since you’re with her, I’m going downstairs and wait for Steven.”

      Cutler nodded, easing into the chair that Trevor had pulled up to the bed. Though he was wired to the max, Cutler forced himself to remain seated. Reaching out, he took his mother’s hand in his and held it, feeling his heart constrict.

      She had to pull through. The alternative was not even a consideration. Mary had always been and would always СКАЧАТЬ