Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar. Dr. Lustig Robert
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Название: Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar

Автор: Dr. Lustig Robert

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780007514137


СКАЧАТЬ And what happened to cause Marie’s reversal? If obesity is truly a result of too much energy intake (gluttony) and too little energy burned (sloth), then my last sixteen years taking care of obese children has been a complete and utter waste. Because it’s become painfully evident, after years of motivating, pleading, and arguing, that I can’t change children’s behavior. And I certainly can’t change their parents’ behavior. It was this insight from Marie, and other children like her, that exposed the inherent problems in our current thinking. Biochemistry and hormones drive our behavior.

      The idea that biochemistry comes first is not a new one, but it is one that physicians, scientists, and the public should embrace. Think about the following: You see a patient who drinks ten gallons of water a day and urinates ten gallons of water a day (highly abnormal). What is wrong with him? Could he have a behavioral disorder and be a psychogenic water-drinker? Could be. Much more likely he has diabetes insipidus, a defect in a water-retaining hormone at the level of the kidney. You see a twenty-five-year-old who falls asleep in his soup. Was he up partying all night? Perhaps. But he may have narcolepsy, which is a defect in the hormone that stimulates arousal (orexins) in the midbrain. The biochemistry drives the behavior. Schizophrenia for one hundred years was a mental health disorder. Now we know that it’s a defect in dopamine neurotransmission and that no amount of psychotherapy is going to help until you treat the biochemical defect. Thus, we routinely infer “biochemical” defects in many “behavioral” disturbances.

       Introducing Energy Processing and Storage

      To appreciate how hormones control eating behavior, first we have to look at what happens to the food we eat. In response to various brain signals (hunger, reward, stress) we ingest various calorie-laden foodstuffs (combinations of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and fiber, with some micronutrients thrown in for good measure) to build muscle and bone for growth and/or to burn for energy. These calories arrive at the stomach, a muscular bag in the abdomen about the size of a baseball glove, which releases hydrochloric acid, to begin to digest the food into smaller components. The food makes its way into the next part of the digestive tract, called the small intestine. There, a bunch of enzymes (proteins) digest the food into even smaller components, such that dietary fats are digested into fatty acids, dietary protein is sliced into amino acids, and carbohydrate is cleaved into simple sugars (mostly glucose, with varying amounts of the sweet molecule fructose). But we can’t digest dietary fiber, so it remains intact. The fiber speeds the rate of transit of the food through the small intestine (see chapter 12), while limiting the rate of absorption of the other nutrients.

      Once absorbed in the small intestine, the amino acids and simple sugars travel via the portal vein to the liver for immediate processing. The fatty acids are transported to the liver by a different route (the lymphatic system). The liver has first dibs on the processing of each of these three classes of nutrient. Whatever the liver can’t take up appears in the general circulation. Rising levels of glucose or amino acids or fatty acids reach the pancreas, where the beta-cells release the hormone insulin.

      Insulin, in common parlance, is known as the diabetes hormone. Diabetics inject insulin to lower their blood glucose. But where does the glucose go? To the fat. Insulin’s actual job is to be your energy storage hormone. When you eat something (usually containing some form of carbohydrate), your blood glucose rises, signaling the pancreas to release insulin commensurate with the rise in blood glucose. (This is the theory behind the concept of glycemic index, which is discussed in chapter 17.) Insulin then tops off the liver’s energy reserve by making liver starch (called glycogen), and shunts any amino acids from the blood into muscle cells. Excess fatty acids, or blood lipids, are cleared into fat cells for storage for a “rainy day,” where they get turned into greasy triglycerides (such as the fat surrounding your steak). There is no energy storage without insulin—it is the key that unlocks the door to the fat cell to let energy enter and subsequently be stored as fat. Insulin makes fat—the more insulin, the more fat. And there it sits…and sits…as long as there is insulin around. When the insulin levels drop, the process goes in reverse: the triglycerides get broken down, causing the fat cells to shrink—when it happens, that’s weight loss!—and the fatty acids reenter the bloodstream and travel back to the liver, where they are burned by the liver or other organs. In this way, by cycling our insulin up and down, we burn what we need, and store the rest.

       Introducing the Hypothalamus

      For the past sixty years we’ve known that the brain, especially the one cubic centimeter at the base of the brain called the hypothalamus, controls this process of energy balance. It’s about the size of a thumbnail, and it is “ground zero” for the control of almost all the hormonal systems in the body.

      Imagine the organization of a taxicab company. At the bottom are the taxicab drivers, getting their orders from a central dispatcher by radio and shuttling passengers all over town. The target organs—the thyroid, the adrenal, the testicles, the ovaries—are like the cabbies. They receive their orders from the central dispatcher, or, in this case, the pituitary or “master gland,” which acts as the main control system. The hormones released are similar to the taxi’s computerized system, signaling to the pituitary to tell it how things are going out in the field. Like the central dispatcher who directs the cabs based on their location, the pituitary will then adjust its message.

      However, there is another layer of control: the chief executive officer, or CEO, who decides on hiring and firing, contracts, upgrades, and mergers and acquisitions. The company can’t turn a profit without the cabbies, be efficient without the dispatcher, or be sustainable long term without a CEO. Furthermore, the CEO can alter the direction of the company based on the profitability of its cabdrivers. The CEO is akin to the hypothalamus. It sends blood-borne hormonal signals to tell the pituitary what to do. It then makes large-scale decisions based on the function of the peripheral glands, which send it information via the bloodstream. And it integrates information from other areas of the brain to alter the long-term hormonal milieu. Marie’s hypothalamus was damaged beyond repair, which caused it to be ineffective in controlling her hormones and, therefore, her behavior.

       The Ventromedial Hypothalamus (VMH) and Energy Balance

      The hierarchy of energy balance is even more complicated. A subarea of this thumbnail is called the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), which serves the executive function of controlling energy storage versus expenditure. Because energy balance is so important to survival, there are redundant systems in case one goes amiss to ensure that the organism doesn’t die. It’s clear that energy balance is the most complex function we humans perform. It’s likewise apparent that energy storage, or the creation of fat cells, is the default strategy. Bottom line, we humans won’t give up our hard-earned energy without a fight.

      There are afferent (incoming) and efferent (outgoing) systems that control energy balance1 (see figure 4.1). The VMH receives acute meal-to-meal information from the GI (gastro-intestinal) tract on both hunger and satiety (not shown in the figure). Either one can turn the feeling of hunger on or off by itself. But that’s not all. In addition, the VMH receives more long-term information on one’s fat stores and nutrient metabolism: in other words, whether your body needs to consume more calories for longer-term survival. This information is conveyed via the hormones leptin and insulin to the hypothalamus, where it is decoded and either stimulates or suppresses appetite, and adjusts energy expenditure accordingly.

      Fig. 4.1. How the Brain and Hormones Work Together (or Don’t) to Regulate Energy Balance. The hypothalamus receives hormonal information from the fat cells (leptin). This information is processed into one of two signals: (a) anorexigenesis (I’m not hungry and I can burn energy) СКАЧАТЬ