Boxen: Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia. Walter Hooper
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Название: Boxen: Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia

Автор: Walter Hooper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9780007386086


СКАЧАТЬ ICTHUS-ORESS: Thou needst not play, then.

       (Enter SIR PETER MOUSE.)


      SIR PETER: Hast sceene the King’s ring? T’is lost.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: Lost!! None of us saw it.

      SIR PETER: It must be found.


      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: T’is bad.

      BOB: May wee be saved from the theft that stole King Bunny’s ring.

      TOM: Thy bald and brainless pate shall do no good.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: Hush I hear footsteps.

       (Enter HIT bearing BUNNY’S ring made to look like a common ring.)

      HIT: I’ll sell you ring for one Ducat. MR ICTHUS-ORESS: (gives ducat) I shall buy it.


      ACT II


      Scene I: Murry. SIR BIG’S house.

      (Enter SIR BIG, SIR PETER, GOLLYWOG, etc.)

      SIR BIG: Gollywog.

      GOLLYWOG: My lord.

      SIR BIG: Get me mine aurmer. I and the good Sir Peter mean to find the king’s ring.

       (Exit GOLLYWOG.)


      SIR PETER: Wee set our selves to a hard task.

      SIR BIG: Indeed wee do sir.

       (Enter MR BLUE.)

      MR BLUE: I too shall help to find the king’s ring. (Exit all. Enter MR ICTHUS-ORESS, TOM, BOB, GOLLYWOG.)

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: The ring which I have bought is good.

      TOM: How goes the story of Bun’s ring I wonder. (Enter MR BLUE with arrow in his side borne by MR YELLOW.)

      MR BLUE: I asked Mr Hit had he got it1 but he got angry and shot an arrow at me. MR ICTHUS-ORESS: He is a false knave.


      (Enter the rest of BROWNIE BAND and DORIMIE.) DORIMIE: (to MR BLUE) I have revenged you. MR BLUE: Much thank for that.


      Scene II: A boat. SIR BIG’S cabin.

      (Flourish. Enter SIR PETER, GOLLYWOG

       and DORIMIE.)

      SIR BIG: O now we sail to Cannon-Town for there that false knave Hit has fled. Wee mean punish him for shooting at Mr Blue.

      SIR PETER: Indeed you speak sooth. Ho!! Dorimie. DORIMIE: My lord.

      SIR PETER: Get me some wine.

       (Exit all. Flourish. Enter MR ICTHUS-ORESS.)

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: (sings)

      Something ti tack a tack to

      Hurting the feelings of you.

      (Enter HIT.)

      HIT: Hail gossip. Dist like the ring I gave thee.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: O verry well.



      Scene III: The Liberry at Cannon-Town.

      (Enter a HERALD. At last SIR BIG, SIR PETER,

       MR GOLD FISH and all the BROWNIE BAND, MR BLUE included.)

      HERALD: Be it now told that Archaabald Hit hath been made a member of the order of knight. Ye reason why be not told ye public.

       (Exit HERALD: Flourish. Enter KING BUNNY followed by DORIMIE.)

      KING BUNNY: Come hither friends and list to me. I knighted Hit to draw him near me, for the nearer he is to me the more I know about him.

      ALL: Yes, well.

      KING BUNNY: Don’t you know that we have thought from the first that Hit had stolen my ring? And so I mean to see if he realy has.

      MR BLUE: I, Sir Big, and Sir Peter Mouse, intend to find thy ring but we heard that Hit had come hither.

      KING BUNNY: O I see.


      ACT III


      Scene I: A public garden in Cannon-Town.

      (DORIMIE and MR ICTHUS-ORESS discovered.)

      DORIMIE: Hail.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: Good-day sir.

      DORIMIE: The same to you gossip.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: The day is fine.

      DORIMIE: Indeed it is good man.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: Nice gardens.

      DORIMIE: Look hear minstrel.


      DORIMIE: I want you to teach me to sing.

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: All right, this the way I sing (sings)

      the owl and the

      pussy cat went to sea.

      DORIMIE: To see what?

      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: To the sea.

      DORIMIE: O, was it the see of, what Bishop?

       (Enter SIR BIG.)

      SIR BIG: In sooth thou hast a nice ring.


      SIR BIG: (suddenly finding it is BUNNY’S ring) How is this? This is King Bunny’s ring made up to look like a comon one, at last I have found the theif ho!! Mr Blue, Sir Peter Mouse, Gollywog, I’ve got the King’s ring.
