Boxen: Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia. Walter Hooper
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Название: Boxen: Childhood Chronicles Before Narnia

Автор: Walter Hooper

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9780007386086


СКАЧАТЬ hands are the tangible and readable first bubblings forth of the springs of literature that were, years later, to be the source of a great river from Jack and a healthy tributary from Warnie, both of which have flowed out into the world from that little end room at Little Lea in Belfast all those years ago. Both men have contributed greatly to the literary world of mankind, Jack with more than thirty titles in many genres (all of which he mastered) and Warnie in the field of French History, a subject on which he wrote no less than seven books. It all started here – in Boxen.


       Malta, 2008


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      (A Comedy)


      Interesting carictars. Famous ones. For instance, Sir Big, a world-famed gentleman. A very good choreus and nice scenry. (Slight comic tints in and out threw it.1)


      The play was ment to take place in the year 1327 the reign of King Bunny Ist. Before his reign the country was called Bublish and was under the rule of King Bublish. It was in their to reigns that Mr Icthus-oress made his fortune by playing the harp; he got his name from fighting an Icthus-oress; his father a butcher died 1307.

      Dramatis Personae

      SIR PETER MOUSE Kinight in waiting on King

      BUNNY King of Animal-land

      ICTHUS-ORESS Son to dead butcher, singer


      MR GOLD FISH General to King

      SIR BIG A frog fieldmarshel

      GOLLYWOG His servant

      SIR GOOSE Rich baron, spy

      DORIMIE A page

      HIT A thief


      MR BLUE Conducter

      MR YELLOW Drummer

      MR J. MAUVE Trumpeter

      MR B. MAUVE Bugleur

      MR READ Clappers

      Judges, Harbour-Masters, Sailors etc.


      PIP CASTLE is King Bunny’s palace

      MURRY, a town in Mouse-Land

      MOURN HILLS, hills at back of Murry

      MOUSE LANE, road between Pip Castle and Murry

      THE GOOSE INN, an inn in Murry

      JEMIMA, a river on which Murry is built

      TOPSY, a port at mouth of Jemima

      CANNON-TOWN, a city in Rabbit-Land

      ACT I


      Scene I: The Goose Inn.

       (KING BUNNY and PETER MOUSE discouvered drinking. BAR-MAN behind counter.)

      KING BUNNY: This wine is good.

      BAR-MAN: I shall drink a stiff goblet to the health of King Bunny.

      KING BUNNY: For this good toast much thanks. SIR PETER: Draws near the dinner hour so pleas your Magasty.

      KING BUNNY: Run go bid the kooks to wait.

       (Exit SIR PETER.)

      BAR-MAN: How now your Magasty. The clock strikes one.

      KING BUNNY: I wager you my shoe that I shall put you home. Is that what you mean?

      BAR-MAN: Yes I do mean it.


      Scene II: A room in Pip Castle.


       SIR PETER etc. eating dinner.)

      SIR PETER: (to KING BUNNY) Know you the bar-man’s name?

      KING BUNNY: His name is Hit.

      GOLD FISH: T’is an odd one in sooth, how came you know it your Magasty?


      KING BUNNY: I heard folk call him Hit. (Enter a SERVANT.)

      SERVANT: A Mouse stands at the gate and he would speak with your Magasty.

      SIR BIG }

      KING BUNNY } Let him come.

      SIR PETER }

       (Exit SERVANT.)

      SIR PETER: Who might it be? What might he want?

       (Re-enter SERVANT with HIT.)

      SERVANT: This is the Mouse.

      KING BUNNY: How-now good Hit.

      HIT: I am well. I hope I find the same. How tight thy ring is.

      (KING BUNNY tacks it of. Goes to window to look at mark on finger.)

      HIT: (aside) I am a lucky Mouse.

       (Tacks ring. Exit.)

      KING BUNNY: (turns) O where is my ring and where is Hit?


      Scene III: Mr Icthus-oress’s House.


      MR ICTHUS-ORESS: Wilt have a game of cards?


      BOB: The law of mine order allows me not such idle pleasures.