Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev
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СКАЧАТЬ anger. While generosity and faith in God, the prince was so strong that he was not subject him to the demon.

      Already getting light in the east the sky was purple – gray, the sky went out almost all the stars were burning last nightingales was finishing his wee trills. The sky brightened, and the darkness of the short summer night quickly retreated. Objects that an hour ago seemed black and shapeless silhouettes, acquire a clear outline.

      Sinister boatswain, also fell under the influence of a demon, he crawls up to the mate behind and strongly hit him on the head with an oar, the sailors jumped on stunned officer, tied up and locked him in a cabin on the lower deck of the ship.

      All, as one is not saying a word, he ran ran ashore on the trail of the scouts. Find your way to them it was not difficult, since it led eve cut through a clearing, so an hour later frantically running shameless team, out of breath, came running into the clearing with oak.

      The picture that met their gaze, struck in a moment of their imagination, all they briefly fell into a stupor, and for some time stood open – mouthed with bulging eyes in surprise. Under a huge oak tree completely around it was strewn with acorns of pure gold, and their comrades, crawling on his knees across the clearing, frantically stuffing their pockets with acorns, not paying the slightest attention to the new arrivals. Coming out of the stupor and a little breathless from the long run, all with an obsession rushed to collect the gold. Nobody even asked about the fate of the prince, they just do not notice, that among these poor devils, crawling on his knees on a forest clearing, it simply did not exist.

      At first, all carefully packed pockets, shoved golden acorns in his bosom, and then began to drop her clothes, making of his pants and vests likeness bags. Gold was much, every shovel as much as he could, but when faced foreheads randomly, many began to quarrel and fight among themselves, blood and drool running down their dirty faces. Picture of moral degradation of these people from outside looked so disgusting that it is better to see it was not.

      Birds, jumping from branch to twig, singing and chattering, not paying any attention to the madness of people. Hurrying about their business hedgehog, hearing a noise in the meadow, prudent simply ran its side, and the audience there was one – and it was a demon, he continued watching from his den. He scenes that take place in the meadow accursed island, brought a true delight, he reveled with delight, clapped and cheered aloud fighting men.

      – More, More, Give, embedding it, ah well, oh well – rolling with laughter, rolling on the floor demon. Today he was really damn happy as could be at all happy with the devil himself, to whom, in fact, was the messenger of the dark forces, six hundred sixty six planets of the Milky Way.

      High above the forest the sun rose on the grass with dew evaporated, fun breeze ruffled the leaves on the aspen, through dense crown that made their way onto the grass sunbeams, appearing here and there. Picture of peace and tranquility reigned in the forest, harmonious choir of cicadas seemed to hang under the canopy of ancient trees, the clatter of little insects diluted ringing chirping little birds jumping on the branches of a mighty tree.

      Sailors team, collect all the golden acorns under a huge oak tree, lying quietly on their hastily made bags, exhausted from the manifest zeal, and the demon had already begun pumping evil energy that has accumulated here in a clearing in excess. With each “prospector” he downloaded and loaded on two circular battery, but he knew that after a while, these same people again possessed by greed will be filled with evil, and where they now are, until the end of his days will be a source of evil energy. He defeated them, and already tired to rejoice, rejoice, and sat with a devilish smile, screwing up his vile green eyes, looked at the detachment yellow ceiling of his refuge, tapping his knuckles thin fingers on the arm of a huge hard chair of oak wood.

      None of the teams do not know – how and what to do next? Bring at once to ship all collected gold was not possible, only one bag, made out of his pants and full of gold, there was no lift, but still each had two pounds of acorns in the vest, all had hats that too, of course, were filled. All lay, warily glancing at each other, and fearing even for a moment move away from his treasure. That’s how they were dumb until the evening: almost naked, hungry and angry, dirty, bloody and snot after the fight.

      Finally, the boatswain, to preserve the remnants of his mind suggested:

      – Let’s take turns to drag their bags for a distance visibility, Kinema lot numbers and will carry. A little grumbling all agreed, wrote the numbers on pieces of paper and began to pull them out of a hat boatswain. The cunning, to be the first, rather than to draw lots consent for a common cause release of his hat with gold. There was no way, no one else wanted to pour out of his hat, a single gold acorn, but in this situation they can not do without such a necessary subject for drawing lots. The die was cast, everyone got their room.

      Boatswain first dragged dragged their tightly packed gold pants to the edge of the field, immediately rushed to run for his hat and vest. So numbers started moving, all loudly shouted and chased the next owner of the treasure, which is barely dragged their burdens to the edge of the clearing. While dragged his load to start clearing the last of the lot, almost dark, we decided to sleep here in the clearing until the morning.

      The night passed quietly, only groaning and quiet noises were heard in the forest, cunning boatswain, as he believed, while everyone was asleep, dragged his secretly all the gold on the ship in his cabin. I poured it into a large chest, freeing one from the previously acquired property, locked on a reliable locking and before dawn arrived at the location where the night his team. At dawn, the eye boatswain’s astonishment nearly fell out of the cornea, one of the men team was not there, on the road leading to the ship, he also met nobody. Deciding that all swallowed some evil spirit, he ran for running on Korean vet. Boatswain sat on the deck by Rhea, trembling with fear, he took out his pipe. Not counting the chirping of birds, around a deathly silence.

      It seemed that the ship also was empty, complete silence, no rustle, the ship was like a “Flying Dutchman”, only very close loudly suddenly started to cook cuckoo – Uh – huh, uh – huh. Out of habit, he wanted to find and get to know – how many years he left to live. But he had to think of how she stopped. Thousand devils! Damn you, – he cursed in their hearts. Apsch-hee, hee apsch – suddenly he heard someone sneezed twice at the left side of the ship. Taking his knife, he was like a cat made his way to the spot and looked into the lifeboat.

      There, sprawled on the shirt and pants, holding his hat with trembling hands, full of golden acorns almost naked, wearing white underwear torn on ass pants lying belly down on his wealth skinny sailor. At the sight of this pitiful spectacle, the boatswain laughed, glancing at himself, laughed even louder, he himself was in the same form.

      – Come on get up, damn you to hell, – commanded the boatswain, but the sailor did not move, only tightened their precious cargo. Boatswain looked into the next boat and saw a similar picture, but the sailor was a plump and short, because his ass is more expressive peering through a huge hole underwear pants of unknown color and pattern, not the cells, not the peas. On the command to rise, and this instance, the owner of the treasure and the future magnate, well, in a very ragged pants, or rather in one small part of what was left of them – gum lined closure band and rags hanging from her to her knees, reacted as well as the first “capitalist”.

      Under the tarpaulin, harboring tackle, he found the third “bourgeois”, but, like the first two, this thought is now rich enough, so has every right not to work, and lie in his underwear, since his heart desires, wherever and however you like.

      – Excuse me, СКАЧАТЬ