Love will save the Planet. Fantasy. Mikhail Kurseev
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СКАЧАТЬ at last, there was a loudly joyful voice of the man looking ahead from the mast forward of the watchman. The prince brought his telescope to his eyes and saw on the horizon a thin green strip of land. He was not mistaken, and, despite the previous storm, he was able to establish the correct course and found this island. The excitement of the team increased, all could not wait to see with their own eyes that unknown and inexplicable, something they knew only from the legend. A strange excitement engulfed everyone from the premonition of the impending meeting with this magical mystery.

      Slowly green strip turned into a visible land thickly covered with greenery, through which sites were rocky sharp spurs, a distance similar to the towers of the fortress on the island all the signs seemed uninhabited team.

      When signs of presence on it of people did not have neither ships near or small boats can not be seen on even close, only a flock of gulls roaming on the beach, feeling absolute masters of this unknown people a piece of land in the vast blue sea.

      Mysterious Island

      The island was really uninhabited, there were no people on it, and in general this island was not once, and it could not be until the messenger of the black heavenly powers created him from the six hundred and sixty – sixth planet of the Milky Way. Among the rocks, in the bowels of the earth, he built himself a dwelling and a storehouse for the energy of evil, and was his only inhabitant.

      Such envoys, whom people call demons on earth a lot, each of them is responsible for a certain territory or state. Their task is to save the energy of evil emanating from the people and this energy to feed themselves and to transmit it to fuel new generations of black forces on their distant planet. They – the dark forces arrive on eath through distance and time by teleportation and settle in areas of the planet where the highest concentration of evil, as a rule, in those x space x, where there is a war, the struggle for power and wealth. Demons are strict accounting greedy and selfish people, help them to come to power in his country, so that through them you have the ability to influence entire nations and countries that have permanent and inexhaustible sources of evil energy. Messengers of darkness are beyond people, devoid of self – interest and greed, they are not subject to love and goodness. Therefore, they are looking for those who are prone to vices and sins, feed these people and their environment with their energy evil kindle in them the hatred and deceit. For their own purposes, they use different tools, depending on the location on the Earth. This gold and diamonds, it is oil and gas, various minerals, and even just to clean drinking water, all that can be profitable and, therefore, cause feelings of greed and self – interest, greed and avarice, which are the causes of evil and hatred. Become a cause of wars between whole nations and countries.

      Demon dwelling is a huge facility deep underground and equipped with a device management tools and mechanisms of teleportation of material objects, and any energy. Were the main means for moving through time and space, evil energy at a given point in the right quantity, there are means for observing people and information storage. To observe the people, the countryside, the messenger, similar on terrestrial volatile mice. These mice were means of delivery of surveillance sensors, with their help daemon installed channels teleportation black energy from the wicked people. They were so transparent that when they flew under the light, there was no shadow under them, because they were invisible to the human eye. Having the ability to remotely monitor and control the demon left his underground shelter is extremely rare, only in exceptional cases, he teleported to the right place him. He hated the pure air of the air, as he was accustomed to breathing almost pure methane on his native planet, so methane from the bowels of the earth was always fed into the demon’s vault.

      Such underground facilities with all equipment were mass – produced on six hundred and sixty – sixth the planet, and then teleported to Earth. They could be located anywhere, either on land under the ground, or under water. Often, the device of their bases and camouflage, from remote places in the ocean demon could teleport yourself to a desert island in the right place to be as close as possible to the area of influence and have thus imperceptible. This island it was personally by him chosen and teleported from the Pacific Ocean, where many thousands of uninhabited islands such.

      To accumulate and store energy from the evil demon had special batteries made from outer material capable of lossless transfer teleportation and its contents at any distance in the hundreds of billions of solar years. In shape, they resembled balls with a diameter of not more than ten centimeters with built-in valves for charging and releasing the energy of evil. The capacity of evil energy was measured in mega evil, one such ball could hold up to a thousand mega evil. To fully charge one ball it was sometimes necessary to collect the energy of evil from a thousand or a little more people, but there were also such very evil people that one person had little capacity and two balls. So it was impossible to determine the exact number of necessary evil people to charge a certain number of balls. For measuring the amount evil energy from an individual, a demon teleported special sensor to his bio – field distance of the individual along with fly mouse that followed him everywhere by this the same channel, he, if necessary, took a certain amount of mega evil of evil energy from a person. The person after that was sick, weak because the evil in him was boiling and boiling again accumulating. If a person has a demon had taken all his evil, then the person would be pure and good, so all evil demon did not pick up, and tried to use people as long as possible and give them the opportunity to accumulate a mega evil energy. For this he introduced people into temptations, sins. More accessible were people exposed to these temptations, but the surest and n Height – this was the vice of greed, which on Earth, people were often.

      Most of all demons were afraid of kind people, absolutely disinterested and strengthened by holy faith. Such people for demons were a mortal danger, so with them the black forces preferred not to get involved. Of good people, they could cope only with very young and not yet strong in the faith people, with those who did little good deeds. But also to overcome them, they could not if they were disinterested and honest bubbled m, he could only to transform them into little men, commensurate with the good deeds that they had done before. Therefore, apparently, and there are on the earth small gnomes and dwarfs, but very kind and disinterested, and evil spells from these little men fall off themselves if they are met and understood by impeccably clean and unselfish people.

      In fact, the energy of evil and good is a kind of electrical energy contained in the bio field of each person, and depending on what a person is, he emits such fluids, good or evil. The very bio – field of each person, if you imagine it figuratively, like a field where bread grows, what grain you throw there, then it will grow up that you planted it, So shall you reap. Throw evil, grow evil, plant good, grow good. Good grows and gives fruit from kindness and love, and evil from hatred and vices, primarily from greed, the main fertilizer of the evil bio field.

      Demon with the mysterious island a vice, like human greed, have used more than one hundred and seventy years of the earth, to their distant planet, he sent so many mega evil evil energy that would be enough for three hundred years his descendants. One of his whole oak with gold acorns on the island for more than five thousand people did evil energy donors in recent years, and how much was going to be? No one not considered and not will find…

      Approaching the island within gunshot, Prince Mark decided to find a suitable bay for mooring close to the shore, so it took a due west course of the movement. We walked slowly along the sloping shore of the island, the beautiful scenery of the mysterious island fascinated. Sandy beaches with perfect white sand glittered in the sun, ten meters from the gentle slope began the emerald forest, somewhere up the hill through the trees were showing huge stone ledges. Five miles gaze travelers opened a beautiful blue lagoon, leaving deep inland, СКАЧАТЬ