William Calhoun and the Black Feather. Book I. Aik Iskandaryan
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СКАЧАТЬ So, demits do not even suspect that there is at least one wizard among the leaders of their countries, who makes sure the situation stays under control. Because if wizards stop helping demits, the balance will shift and then…»

      «Then what?»

      «It will be chaos!» Nymus said. «The peace between wizards and demits will be gone!»

      «Has it happened before?»

      «Thank Celestine, no! But things worse than that happened!»

      «What can be worse than what you’ve just described, Nymus?»

      «Once,» Nymus’s voice dropped to a whisper, «there were dark times for wizards. Wizards were on the verge of extinction! But it is best to avoid mentioning this! As we, mailmages, like to say: «Do not disturb the Post Office archive!»

      William gave it a bit of though, then said:

      «Well, if it’s best to avoid it, then we will! Tell me, where do wizards live? Not here, in London?»

      «Not only in London! Wizards live everywhere. In all corners of the world.»

      «And they live in houses, like demits?»

      «Of course, they do!» Nymus said indignantly. «Their houses are situated quite close to demit ones. But they are either hidden from prying eyes or they can be seen, but nobody will pay any attention to them.»

      «Why is that?»

      «Because a Repulsion spell is placed on wizard houses, which allows them to avoid any attention from demits. They do not need it.»

      «And schools for wizards, are they hidden from demit eyes as well?»

      «Master Calhoun, wizards do not study until they are fourteen. And they do not go to schools.»

      «How? What do they do all this time?» William was surprised.

      «They learn to control their abilities from the age of seven, when they get their Magic Feather, and they spend seven years after that on becoming close to it. It is one thing to receive a feather – you need to get along with it. And it requires a lot of time and a lot of knowledge, which they get from the books and from their parents. When the time comes and wizards turn fourteen, they are enrolled in the Preparatory Course, after which they can be admitted to a MUni. MUni is…»

      «Yes, yes, I already know! You said it yourself – Magic University!»

      «Envelope Seal! That is right! Master Calhoun learns fast!» Nymus noted happily.

      «I’m trying!» William said sarcastically. «Continue.»

      «There are four MUnis: Templedoor…»

      «And there’s place for all students in them?» William asked with a shade of distrust.

      «Of course! Those are not like demit schools, small, uncomfortable, where it is hard even to study, not mentioning living!»

      «Do wizards live in MUnis?»

      «It is an obligatory part of education! Otherwise, they will stop perceiving MUni as their home, which will later weaken their connection with teachers and influence their studies. Not mentioning the time they would spend on getting to classes.»

      «Are MUnis that far?»

      «Nobody knows. Even we, mailmages, have never known the exact location of any MUni, young William! And we are supposed to know all the addresses to get all letters to addressees.»

      «Oh! Then each wizard is sent letters through you, mailmages? Is that right?»

      «That is right! Cannot do without us, mailmages!» Nymus replied, proud of his profession. «We deliver not only letters, but also parcels, gifts, and everything that can be sent.»

      «How do you deliver mail to students without knowing MUni addresses?»

      «Oh, that is easy! We simply put the name of the MUni as our destination and get there in a few minutes! But I have to say…» at this point Nymus raised his chin and added another portion of pride to his voice, «not all mailmages are so slow! Peregrining takes some mailmages only a few seconds…»

      «Mailmages like you, for example?» William could barely keep himself from smiling.

      «Master Calhoun is so kind… and right, as always!»

      «Alright, alright, I understand that I’m very lucky to have you as a mailmage!» said William solemnly. «What is peregrining?» he asked after a bit of thinking.

      «Peregrining is a process of movement, transporting letters or wizards across space.»

      «Well, looks like I’ve already been through it and let me tell you: peregrining is a rather peculiar way of earning a headache! And what is Templedoor?»

      «The first peregrining is always accompanied by discomfort, Master Calhoun! But do not worry. You will get used to it! As for Templedoor, it is one of four MUnis and, according to the popular opinion, it is the most elite institution to teach magical arts. There are also Wingville, Findsor, and Garville. These are four acknowledged MUnis.»

      William got up and started pacing the room, trying to remember each word.

      «Are there not acknowledged ones?» he asked.

      «There are. But few wizards take them into account! And few enter them.»

      William stopped for a moment and looked at Nymus.

      «Do they give bad education?»

      «It is not bad or good, Master Calhoun, it is WHAT they teach that matters. And they teach dark evil things, Green Monogram! They even say that no mailmage dares to go there. Unless his master sends him over there with an errand! But wizards usually try to avoid giving such errands. They understand that things may not go well for their mailmage.»

      «Oh! What can they do to him in there?»

      «Torment! Torture! Pry important information about the Post Office and even kill! Green Monogram! To do this to us, mailmages!»

      «Calm down, Nymus! I won’t send you there, don’t worry. Have there been such cases?»

      «Oh, of course there have, young William, there have!»

      William started pacing the room again.

      «Why is it impossible to enter a MUni right away? Why is it necessary to study for a year before that?»

      «Because it is the preparatory course of magic that reveals the abilities of a wizard! Unable wizards or those who do not want to study will never get invitations from MUnis! But I am quite sure that in a year I will deliver a letter from a MUni to Master Calhoun! And, Post Office save me, let that letter be from Templedoor!»

      «So what’s so special about it that makes it better than others?»

      «Well, the first and the main reason is that it is headed by Fafner himself!»