William Calhoun and the Black Feather. Book I. Aik Iskandaryan
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СКАЧАТЬ fourteen. On July 1.»

      «Green Monogram! Then it is really you. I understood that as soon as I heard your voice! Listen, Master Calhoun,» Nymus’s voice became even more serious and busy-like, «All your family and relatives tragically died fourteen years ago. It happened a day after you were born.»

      William was speechless. For a while, he couldn’t say a word, no matter how hard he tried. Then he took a grip on himself and asked:

      «How did it happen?»

      «Nobody knows!» Nymus replied. «The only known thing is that seventeen wizards died over one night. All of them Calhouns. After that night, the Calhoun kin perished. And I…» he trailed off holding back his tears, «was left without work.»

      William thought that the last words were too selfish. They were talking about a completely different thing. And he snapped:

      «How is your work connected with my family?»

      «It is connected by ancient, really ancient magic, Master Calhoun! Each wizard kin has their own mailmage kin that serves them faithfully. From kin to kin, kin for the good of kin… Our kin was always proud of their masters. Because the Calhouns is a rather famous kin among wizards.»

      «And I…» William found it hard to process all the information Nymus was giving him. «So, I’m a Calhoun, too?»

      «The last,» the mailmage corrected him, «the last Calhoun. Until today you were also considered dead, young William.»

      There was a brief silence, after which William said:

      «You’re saying that I’m a wizard! I’m sorry to disappoint you, but… I can’t do things like you do or like that waitress in the tavern.»

      «It is easy to refute!»

      William gave him a puzzled look and the waiter – the mailmage now – continued serenely:

      «Take the magic feather.»

      William took the box obediently. As he opened it again, he didn’t even have time to touch the feather. It shot out of the box on its own and, pausing in the air for a moment, started drawing eights at high speed.

      «Do not be alarmed, Master Calhoun,» Nymus calmed him down, «The feather is not going to hurt you. You just need to call it! It will not lie in your hand otherwise.»

      And indeed, William’s attempt to grab the feather, then another one and another, ended with the feather slipping away from him the moment he was going to grab it. The feather seemed to be teasing him, hanging right before his nose after each unsuccessful attempt.

      «You need to say «Obnoxus’,» Nymus advised, «and it will lie in your hand.»

      William gave him a look full of disbelief, but decided to make one last attempt:

      «Ob… Obnoxus!» he repeated after Nymus.

      The moment William said the word, the feather swayed from side to side and lay onto his hand. The next moment, bright blue light escaped from the tip of the feather, frightening William. The pale yellow inscription «Calhoun’ on the feather shone bright and became golden.

      This lasted for a few seconds, after which the glow died. The inscription became pale yellow again and the feather in his hand was moving its hairs lazily and calmly, like a cat moving its tail when scratched behind the ears.

      «The feather has found its master,» Nymus smiled and advised: «Always keep it close, Master Calhoun Without the feathers wizards become vulnerable.»

      «So it’s true?» William asked, still staring at the feather. «I’m a wizard?»

      «Yes, Master Calhoun. And you are no worse than other wizards. Like I said, you have all the rights to live and study among people like yourself.»

      «But,» William looked up at Nymus, «I already live with the Hoggarts and go to school.»

      «It can be easily fixed. Now tell me, do they treat you well?»

      «Yes!» William said truthfully. «They are wonderful people.»

      «That is good!» Nymus said approvingly. «Master Calhoun, you will need to change school. Now you are going to study together with other wizards.»

      «Does this mean that there are special places where magic is taught?»

      «You think wizards are illiterate? Or that they do not have their own world? Only magic is not taught, young wizards are taught to control it by developing their skills.»

      «Tell me, in that place…» William began, as he suddenly remembered, «where we met… were there also…»

      «There were only wizards there,» Nymus finished for him. «But I cannot understand how you managed to get there if you did not know about it.»

      «By accident. Well, it was my first time at a café,» William admitted. «And when I entered, the barman directed me to the bathroom. You know the rest.»

      «Oh, the fate favours us, young William! We have reunited – a wizard and his mailmage!»

      «Are you… are you going to live with me now?» William asked awkwardly.

      «Live?!» Nymus laughed. «No, young William! Mailmages are not supposed to live with their masters! They live at the Magic Post Office! I used to live there as well until I was fired after losing my masters.»

      «But it wasn’t your fault that they died, Nymus. Why did they fire you?»

      «A mailmage without his wizard is no mailmage at all. He becomes useless and is banished. I was forced to go looking for work and became a waiter at the „Well-Fed Wizard“, that is how the tavern is called,» Nymus explained seeing William’s reaction to the name. «I have worked there for fourteen years, but now it is in the past! I shall return to the Post Office tomorrow and tell them that I have found my master, then they will take me back!»

      «Well, I’m happy for you, Nymus!» William said sincerely. «You said you used to serve my family… My parents… what were their names?»

      «They were Patrick and Sally Calhoun,» Nymus replied. «But like I said before, nothing is known about their deaths. Their bodies were found far from their home.»

      William repeated the names of his parents in his head and, for a while, he sat silently. Then he turned to the mailmage again:

      «Did you know them well?»

      «The mailmage position of the Calhoun family had just been transferred to me at that time. I took it from my father Lester after he had retired. I had just finished the Post Office Academy and started working there. And soon…» Nymus stumbled, «I lost everything.»

      He was looking at William as if he could hardly believe that they had met. After a few moments, Nymus continued in a more cheerful voice:

      «A for your studies… Like I have already told you, you will have to change school. You are fourteen, and this is the age when wizards are enrolled in the Preparatory Course to one of the СКАЧАТЬ