Crete-Mycenaean culture and religion as part of the Indo-European culture of the Bronze Age of Eurasia. Sergey Solovyov
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СКАЧАТЬ conquest of the local population, and this undoubtedly left a mark on the social structure of these systems. And in Mycenaean Greece, like India, caste-warriors, priests, and commoners were formed. It also happened in Sparta, much later, where the Spartans were a caste of warriors. After all, at a later time in Hellas, free citizens did not pay taxes, and in the pylon tablets there is evidence of taxation of the population. Such a state mechanism could contain an army, giving it weapons, food, providing land and all this keeping the troops under constant control, and the conquered people-in submission n this period (XV – XIII centuries.) Charioteers, as in the East, were a privileged social stratum. Chariots received from the imperial arsenals the most expensive elements of their weapons – armor, they were given out of stables by horses, and from storage – by chariots. Personal weapons chariot fighters probably had their own. How did the famous Greek heroes from the «Iliad» of Homer fight?

      «No, so that no one, on the art of riding and on the strength of a reliable,

      Before others did not flare ahead with the matches to fight or turn back:

      you yourself will weaken yourself.

      Who else in his chariot will come to the chariot, save the peak ahead: the best way for the horsemen

      Thus, both the ancient walls and hailstones were smashed, the mind and spirit retained this in valorous bodies.»

      Homer himself believed that they dismounted before the battle, or fought with a throwing dart weapon and fired arrows from bows. It is clear that no one saw the true picture of the battle, or, rather, did not believe in ancient stories. «Quickly the heroes of the chariot with weapons spun on the ground, sharp spears hesitating, circled around the militia, the Spirit whipping into battle, and he rebelled a terrible scourge.» The Trojans turned to the battle and faced the Argives. «Still, the fight was conducted by chariot fighters with shock long spears, in the manner of medieval knights.The chariot structure was at great intervals, linear, deep in one wagon for possible maneuver.The purpose of the attack was to shoot down the enemy chariot of the fighter, with the spear must break, otherwise the impulse would throw the attacker out of the chariot. fighters attack a cart of enemy infantry, the maneuver becomes more difficult. The chariot was to attack the infantry not in the forehead, in front, and at an acute angle, that is, the driver of the rules along the enemy building, and the soldier with a heavy spear smashed the infantrymen. If the chariot fighter used the ramming blow, the spear broke, and the warrior used a spare.

      Horses, unlike fighting elephants, can not push the infantry. Therefore, the chariots can not and could not break through the infantry system, they only inflicted huge damage on the infantry, remaining invulnerable. Also later, the klibanarii acted against the infantry at a later time, drove up to the ranks, inflicted a terrible blow with a spear, and drove away, remaining invulnerable. And the rider’s spear must have broken, otherwise he could fly out of the saddle. Attacking the infantry of the chariot during the battle made a maneuver in the form of eight-time after time calling in an attack on the infantry and making a maneuver of evasion. Sold the infantry from the death of their own chariots, calling the enemy on the flank, and not letting them maneuver. The duty of the infantry was to support the battle chariots, covering the heavily armed, saving the wounded, to provide the chariots with weapons. About the true name of Achilles-Pierre (and Neoptolemus too, and the whole dynasty of the kings of Epirus). Translation literal – fire. Here is the logical series-the Pyrr-chariot fighter, the Taurin-Persian heavy cavalry warrior (supposedly from the word furnace, but the more preferable concept in the sense of how hot and hot), the Klibanarii-also translate as what is happening from the iron stove, and again in meaning ardent, hot. Not the object itself is important, but the property of the object. The name of the warrior stove would be strange… Later, the word Varyag – from the word «var», cook, create, again meaning meaning ardent, hot. This is a completely clear, understandable and logical property of the warrior, to be passionate and energetic. Perhaps hypothetically, in ancient times the chariot fighters in Greece were called the Pyrrhus (like klibanarii, Varangians, taurins). Rather, it was one of the names. Another is the well-known Mirmidonians. And this conflict between Achilles and Agamemnon in the Iliad was a kind of rebellion of the chosen warriors-Agamemnon broke promises, took away the booty, the Pyrrhus (chariot fighters) refused to fight. Pirrih-military Greek dance, as a system of training warriors known before the 7th century AD… But the warriors in Greece were called hoplites (from the shield), stratiotes. But-never-feast. That is, the category of these fighters is a thing of the past long ago. And the Pyrrhus were not just fighters, but super-armed, like the klibanarii and Persian taurins, live tanks. And just as interesting is this one, which seems to be a strange conflict, with a whole army in the person of Agamemnon. Usually, such a conflict ends not in favor of a single person. Another thing, a large, very representative group, all the chariot fighters, the Pyrrhus. Just an interesting reference to the «Little Iliad» -with the passionate desire of the Achaeans awaiting the arrival of the son of Achilles (whose name was also Perr). What is strange, nowhere, in the Iliad there is no identical name for the heroes and their sons. This is more the expectation of the necessary reinforcement of charioteers than expectation, sorry, one youngster. And then Pyrrhus (Neoptolem-the translation of the name-a new warrior) took the richest, and the wife of Hector, Andromache (translated-fighting), and swam home without incident. And for the rest, forgive the heroes, everything was not thankful to God. It would seem that the young man is at all, and everything works out, and all the Achaean kings did not reach home properly. The Myrmidons, who were part of the Achilles army, were chariot fighters, leading the chariots into battle and bound by the oath of fidelity to life and death. Written sources of the kingdom of Mitanni call his military aristocracy the word maryannu (that is, chariot warriors), which is a combination of the Hurri suffix of the plural and the Indo-Aryan word meaning «young warrior» (Sanskrit marya is most likely a doomed to an early death). It is believed that the name of the Myrmidons came from the Myrmics, ants. This is where the most interesting things begin, and the myrmics, and the ants, from the name, come from the grave hill, the mound. The ant pile seemed like a grave hill. The root «mrt», «mr» in Indo-European languages means dying, mara-mara-death. Μυρμῐδόνες δόνες-gift, to lend, Μυρα-end, ending, death, μῐ-, μα- oath, μνῆμα-sacred grave, grave mound. That is the translation «sworn to give a life in debt.» Not death as service, but death in exchange for honors. Let us recall this in Homer: «When you gave birth to me in short, Glory should not have been awarded to me by the high-hearted Zeus Egioch? But he did not honor me anyway… The mighty king, Agamemnon, dishonored me: He kidnapped feudal awards and dominates it! «All Achaean heroes, and Hercules, and Achilles, and Ajax, were chariot fighters. The process of preparation began from childhood, about this there were stories about the childhood of Achilles and Hercules. Achilles was given up in training to Chiron. He was even taught medicine. And the main thing was not in this. By behavioral reflexes and actions, it is obvious that they received stimulants, for all symptoms, apparently on the basis of ephedrine or methamphetamine. In the «Rigveda» the gods constantly drink ham or soma. That is, the custom of using psychostimulants is the oldest. Epinephal distachya is found in the south of the European part of Russia and in the steppes of Western Siberia. Here, this stimulant was obtained from him. This tool gave the fighter a very quick reaction, tirelessness, strength. But this remedy has side effects, hallucinations, disorders of consciousness. During such attacks, Hercules killed his children and burned them, taking them for demons. During the darkening of consciousness, he killed his brother Iphicles, nearly killed the hero of Telamon. Probably, part of the news of his exploits is due to his horrendous visions. Incidentally, it was after this murder that he was forced to commit 12 of his exploits, according to myths. Ajax, after the funeral games, took a herd of sheep for the Trojans, and interrupted them, then from shame rushed to the sword. So it’s not accidental, but the pattern of the side effects of the stimulator.

      «The fate of two leads me to the grave limit:

      If I stay here, before the hail of the Trojans fight,

      – No СКАЧАТЬ