Writing на 5+. Книга для ученика. А. Авраменко
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СКАЧАТЬ Henry, Mother or mother BUT your mother (relatives).

      Correct mistakes:

      1. After general bliss had visited the house of representatives and heard a report, he journeyed to the white house to see the president of the united states.

      2. My english teacher asked whether i had read from the bottom up or the lure of the labrador wild.

      3. John who had previously attended a high school in the west now attends a high school in new jersey.

      4. They had a lunch on broadway.

      5. The secretary of war invited general simpson for dinner.

      Exercise 5.5 (Comma)


      1. Faithful, sincere friend (equal definitions, we can fill in and) BUT Solid gold watch (solid define the word combination gold watch)

      2. He is clever, energetic and wise. BUT He is clever and energetic and wise (the conjunction is repeated).

      3. Ann has a son, Mary has two daughters.

      4. The full moon was obscured by clouds, but the pirates went their way on. (long sentence) BUT I called but she was away (short sentence)

      5. If it rains, we won’t go for a walk. BUT We won’t go for a walk if it rains.

      6. He played tennis, since (as, for) it had been his hobby for many years. BUT He played tennis because it had been his hobby for many years.

      7. Dear Mr, indeed, nevertheless, etc. (like in Russian)

      Fill in the commas:

      1. He is a fit healthy person because he has a wise beautiful wife.

      2. He played tennis and went to the swimming pool and had long walks in the park.

      3. Beauty is dominating when choosing a girlfriend personality is dominating when choosing a wife.

      4. Hobbies affect the way we spend free time but music creates our personalities and affects our life style.

      5. I enjoy window shopping if I don’t have money.

      6. Nowadays many people keep to a diet since they want to look younger.

      7. The mobile that doesn’t work properly needs repairing.

      8. I have three mobile phones and the one which is the newest needs repairing.


      (Paragraph: Variety of Sentences)

      Exercise 5.6

      Rewrite the paragraph, alternating short and long sentences:

      The park is alive with motion today. Joggers pound up and down the boardwalk. Old folks watch them from the benches. Couples row boats across the lake. The boats are green and wooden. Two teenagers hurl a Frisbee back and forth. They yell and leap. A shaggy white dog dashes in from nowhere. He snatches the red disc in his mouth. He bounds away. The teenagers run after him.

      Exercise 5.7

      Write a paragraph with three arguments (order of climax), starting with one

      • parallel constructions

      • inversion

      • short and long sentences

      • different types of sentence coherence and consistency

      1. How has college (school) changed me?

      2. Is marriage worth the risks?

      3. Is there anything save to eat these days?

      Unit 6

      Exam Task

      Comment on the following statement.

      1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

      2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

      3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).

      What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

      Write 200—250 words.

      Use the following plan:

      – make an introduction (state the problem)

      – express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion

      – express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion – explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

      – make a conclusion restating your position


      Exercise 6.1

      Decide on your opinion and write a plan, following the scheme:

      1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

      2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

      3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).


      Exercise 6.2 (Subject Matter)

      Paraphrase (express the same ideas in other words) the topic applying expressions from the table:

      1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

      2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

      3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).

      Exercise 6.3 (Topic Sentence)

      Express in one sentence your opinion on the topic applying the following expressions:

      1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

      2. СКАЧАТЬ