Writing на 5+. Книга для ученика. А. Авраменко
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СКАЧАТЬ Apple pie and strawberry mousse is/are her favorite dishes.

      5. The boss, like his workers, deserves/deserve a holiday.

      Exercise 4.4 (Agreement of Pronouns)


      The team gave its all (the whole group) BUT The team cleaned their lockers (members of a group)

      Choose the correct word:

      1. The company had a new policy; from now on it/they would build more small cars.

      2. Everybody brings his/their lunch.

      3. Whose/who’s on first?

      4. I wish my son looked less like I/me and more like she/her.

      5. My father worked hard to give we/us a good education.

      Exercise 4.5 (Agreement of Participle and Subordinate Clauses)

      Correct mistakes:


      Painting the windows black, they became opaque. => PaintED black the windows became opaque.

      1. At the age of three my parents took me to Buffalo.

      2. By heating the water, the pot begins to boil.

      3. Renowned for his humor, everyone reads Mark Twain.

      4. Running down the street, his house could be seen.


      (Paragraph: Consistency of Sentences)

      Consistency of sentences in a paragraph can be achieved by:

      1. Consistency of tense:

      We strolled down the street as the jazz band started to play

      We stroll down the street as the jazz band start to play

      2. Consistency of the number and the person:

      The jogger chooses his or her running shoes with care

      The joggers choose their running shoes with care

      3. Discourse consistency:

      In one paragraph apply either direct or indirect speech.

      Exercise 4.6

      Correct mistakes:


      Two seconds before the buzzer sounded, Larry Bird sank a basket from midcourt, and the crowd goes wild. => Two seconds before the buzzer sounded, Larry Bird sank a basket from midcourt, and the crowd WENT wild.

      1. I told you this will happen.

      2. Dreams fascinate me; it is like another world.

      3. A good job is not as easy to come by as they were ten years ago.

      4. John asked me do you know who won the Saturday’s game.

      5. John asked me I knew who won the game.

      Exercise 4.7

      Write a paragraph describing your yesterday’s conversation with a friend about a match which took place the day before yesterday. Apply indirect speech and pay attention to the consistency of tense.

      Unit 5

      Warm up!


      Exercise 5.1

      Find at least three arguments that contradict the following prejudices:

      1. I will never marry a foreigner.

      2. All fans are crazy.

      3. Airplanes are the most dangerous things in the world.

      Exercise 5.2

      Do you have any prejudices? Choose one or imagine it and write three arguments that contradict it.

      Language Practice

      (Spelling and Punctuation)

      Exercise 5.3 (Writing Numbers)


      October, 20 (dates)

      362 Adams street (addresses)

      Page 321 (pages)

      8 499 123 45 67 (telephone numbers)

      $120 (money)

      108, 1200, 1500234 (long numbers)

      There are 34 pupils in my class, 24 learn English, 6 study Maths and 4 specialise in history. (sentences with a few numbers).


      The college is twenty-five miles away from home (short numbers)

      Six hundred thirty dollars was collected for the community chest (numbers at the beginning of sentences)

      Fill in the gaps:

      1. I was born on _____________________________________ (date of birth).

      2. I live at __________________________________________ (full address).

      3. Now I am doing exercise___________ on page___________.

      4. At_____________ today I will go to bed.

      5. My expenses for the week are: room, $_____________;

      food, $_______________; transport $____________.

      Exercise 5.4 (Capitalisation)


      Yale Club, General Motors Corporation (organisations)

      Democrats, Catholic, Brazilian (nationalities and other groups) BUT puritanical ideas, roman type, etc. (common nouns)

      West, Amazon River, St. George Hotel (geography) BUT city of Philadelphia, state of Arkansas

      World War II, Reign of Terror, Magna Charta (historic periods and documents)

      Times, Washington Is Like That (literature and mass media)

      Monday, June, Labour Day (dates) BUT summer (seasons)