The theory of everything, which is not. Oleg Oka
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Название: The theory of everything, which is not

Автор: Oleg Oka

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Философия


isbn: 9785448584978


СКАЧАТЬ in the most General terms, in their own way, and often they don’t describe (maybe not know how? sketch is to Lombroso) – and should be, is it us? For myself I can say – starting to read an interesting book, I already have in mind a kind of matrix world of this book, a rough model, which is detailed, crystallizes as you read. Even such abstract books, like the Bible – has been created in my imagination.

      The characters are quite recognizable features of both the exterior and character. And it often happens that even watching a talented short, we curse the Director, destroying the us invented our own world – for us IT is REAL. People, cities, countries, other planets or medieval castles. And let the people in the books do not understand the literary language, never speak in life, one’s actions bear little resemblance to those of the stupidity that we create every minute… But for us real – planet Saraksh, studded with towers of PBZ or Syria with some Masonic-tamplierov ISIS? Troy, inhabited by Achilles and Poseidon, Dostoyevsky’s St. Petersburg, or “virgin soil upturned”? How is it compared to Solaris by Stanislaw LEM or the mad world, where the coiled strings, hiding in the folds of eleven of our space scientists-physicists?

      Honestly, I have better somewhere on Eden the same LEM. There are all recognizable and so comfortable…


      Someone starts to read this, and drop: – some wit, even without higher education, and there is!!! What does that say!?

      But someone should and maybe it can. And academic education… Where are the academics? The money you earn? Moreover, I believe that this issue can be solved – if at all – and not me! – mind, not burdened with rules and myslenie stamps. And why would not I?

      The subject is so complex, vast and unknowable that it is possible to use only the most common definitions of the type “GOD”, “Space”, “Structure”, and not even try to somehow classify, systematize or analyze, so these phenomena are unique, complex and inaccessible to our mind. They have no analogies in the life experience of mankind. No technology in the philosophical and scientific schools, not even tools for the study and the definitions of these concepts and phenomena. No statistics… And statistics in the theory of “Big Bang”? Only intuition and logic. Moreover, the entire human experience here can only be used as a material to work with, but not the basis and postulates. All the laws of nature, bred for the history of human civilization, there are only special cases and cannot be the determining factor.


      And we must remember that we are only the smallest elements, the particles of the Grand mechanism of Execution of the will of God. Thus the Will of GOD – GOD’s plan, and we – the people – that is, “mind-body” – only element of this program.

      The element is easily replaceable.

      In the culture of humanity there are many arguments in favor of the proposition that the human mind is a phenomenon to the world an unnatural, irrational, placed in an artificial environment OUTSIDE with a definite purpose. (From the “OUTSIDE” is not from another galaxy, planet, but from another, the “upper” world.)

      And being of the Mind, intuitively feeling their nepriyatnosti the world, confirms this – the Mind seeks to free itself from the imposed structure (and why in the Word of GOD constantly exaggerated rejection of Samudra, the sinfulness of any irrational action, COMPLETE trust (FAITH) GOD. I.e., the rejection of personal bias and rejection of the status quo.

      However, the media mind lives obeying the feeling, emotions that do not depend on logic and even self preservation. There is a systematic destruction of the biosphere of the Earth, although people understand samobytnoe such practices, people are constantly destroying their own kind, and this from the very beginning was a little if not a necessary condition of human community, and this despite the fact that life (own) is the person in the first place in a series of values of life.

      Here you can see the opposition between the pure Mind – the phenomenon of Space (the Universe) and Person – synthesis of the mind (soul) and body, spiritual and material. Personality cannot exist beyond this material world, the Mind is weary of its limitations, locality, temporality. The mind seeks the ABSOLUTENESS of the UNIVERSE, ignoring the world and life…


      The closest to understanding the will of GOD came Strugatsky “for a Billion years before the end of the world”. (As far as I know). But then functions of this system they didn’t (did not dare… or they don’t have such problem). In General, the attitude to GOD they have a dual – realizing that without IT, the picture of the world absolutely not functional, knowing (or suspecting) about HIS dominance, they are afraid of stating this fact, because it denies all their literary construction (the very meaning of their life). They don’t want to admit that it has serious value (and any suemudrie, including mine.). However, of course, I can’t for them to say something specific. Just my impression.


      …So, no GOOD and EVIL really is just that the imperatives of this condition of human civilization, existing ethical system. Categories established by the people only for the convenience of communication. This topic has already been said so much that no man here can say something new. Good or evil – to deprive of life of the terminally ill, the host of the agony, and every second cursing others, supporting life in it – contrary to his pleas?! (for me personally the greatest evil in the human heart is when a person puts himself above others, and thus perceive others as subhuman. If he has the means to achieve their goals – examples of this are known to all… Good or evil to take the life of this monster?)

      Yes, GOD gives us in the Book, HIS idealistic benchmarks, but in the Bible there are only functions, endowed with the properties of IT, IT Will, but not real people. And because HE gave us Freedom of choice (that is not restricted to attitudes). The main thing – to live according to HIS Will, guided by the commandments; that is what is said to THEM (AND. X.) in the sermon on the mount, and not giving the rest of us countless interpreters of HIS Words. HE said;

      – " Will everyone teach his brother; – Behold the Lord their GOD, Because I’ll be in my heart and the heart of every …”

      Scientist-ophthalmologist Muldashev E. R., a specialist in the mysterious land of Shambala, justified in their doctrine the thesis of the savagery of mankind. What he means by this term is unknown, it could be a dumbing down of the mind? Or regression of the process of thinking…

      But scientists delights, he proves the following ethnographic “experiments” :

      – … Two years ago I came to Indonesia at the invitation of chief ophthalmologist of the country (also a specialist gnoseology, obviously …). I liked the Indonesian doctors: smiling, enthusiastic and keen interest in everything new, they gave the impression of a highly civilized and highly educated people. However, I was tempted to ask them about cannibalism, which we know from school, it was common in this country.

      – Tell me, do you people eat? – do not resist, I asked the chief ophthalmologist in a private conversation.

      Savages do not take knowledge, – said the chief ophthalmologist… they are like animals live by instinct. Perhaps many years ago these tribes were more civilized, but completely and irrevocably alienated.

      – I understand from your words that СКАЧАТЬ