The theory of everything, which is not. Oleg Oka
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Название: The theory of everything, which is not

Автор: Oleg Oka

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Философия


isbn: 9785448584978


СКАЧАТЬ all. Everything we know about Space.

      “Nothing exists except atoms and the void; everything else is just opinion.” Democritus of Abdera.

      Suddenly wanted to speculate (not only for our scientists, academics with a wise look to speak to different interesting!).

      The other day I read a few books respected people – from Plato, Aristotle, arhimandrit’s Nonsense to Bertrand Russell and the brothers sambaloco Muldasheva with Levashov.

      And still on the subject of true KNOWLEDGE. I saw some interesting things. Invite you to take a look, but I warn you once – to the Collider I have no access. Will look straight ahead. But what is it? There are stars, of course. Different. Blue giants, red dwarfs and white is unclear.

      Scientists tell us: are stars at different stages in their stellar evolution.

      Well. But where is the Lord, the scientists took?

      – It’s very simple, they say. – There are similar objects. We look at them, draw conclusions and build theories and hypotheses expressed. By comparison and extrapolation. Judge for yourself; take just a candle. Its light, well, like a star lit up. To do a thousand times in a row, the more the better. Called statistics. And here the candle burns, emits light, heat, and everything else, let this Chad and sparks will be ultraviolet light and radiation with gravity. Like? Exactly star! … And then we take the known laws of physics, there are electromagnetic theory, laws of thermodynamics, conservation of energy … —

      What do you mean “take”? – I want to ask – How do you take? —

      – Out, – condescending smile, explain the researchers. – How else. —

      Something withdrawn in greenhouses, terrariums, bestware, the leper colony, this we know. And more?

      – Here we have an electron (boson, the muon, the lepton, does not matter). We weighed it (right here on the dirty bench), measure temperature, speed, weight and everything else. And we see that he poluraspredelenia after 200 thousand years. Suppose. And because the stars contain all the same thing, we can very simply calculate all the stages of their evolution, and through it we learn all about the big Bang, black holes, the cloth folds and the strings of the double bass… Sorry, it’s the particles such that might have, but we have about them are already all know. We have calculated all that in the Talmud, weighing 18.5 kg. Mathematically. —

      Allow me, dear scientists, I in your math to look askance…

      – “Based on mathematical evidence, scientists managed to combine the hitherto separated regions, thermodynamics and communication technology in the new discipline of information theory. ‘Information’, scientifically defined, is proportional to surprise: the more surprising a message, the more information it contains. If lifting the handset, the person hears ‘Hello’, it is not very surprising; much more information if it is ‘Hello’ suddenly electrocuted…” “the essence of mathematical proofs” George. Cohen

      The method of extrapolation is, of course, a good thing, but to compare a star with a candle, for example, or is there a cubic meter of wood, even oak, or a ton of brown coal burnt in a nearby boiler room – this is weird science, at the level of the Stoker. And the behavior of the electron on their Desk or even in the Serpukhov cyclotron, I think, is not quite the same, and somewhere in the billion light-years away, in the depths of space. Despite logic and statistics with math. It is logic and statistics, Moscow, and Pskov, Novosibirsk, Heidelberg Prystowsky or province, don’t you think?

      This is the true truth and knowledge… And it is there at all?

      Can we speak of the truth of knowledge in GENERAL, or only with respect to Y and regarding X …? What’s with all those mountains and tons of books? I don’t know…

      “If Socrates no, it is not healthy and not sick. These opposing categories in this case are equally false.” (Category) – Aristotle was not foreign to the small simple everyday humor. It is complete and in the treatise “On the heaven”. And here is the fallacy you can just stick to the modern scientific worldview. Great describes the current situation.

      I am not afraid to shout: – “And yourself?”. I will not impose my builds.

      Yes, and they are not worth anything. 300 rubles a month on the Internet…


      – “… Mathematics, physics is a science, the yoke which becomes increasingly serious scientists: in the end should retreat, but at the same time, greatly multiplied the number of methods…” Fontenelle “On the plurality of worlds.”

      – “Bertrand Russell has defined mathematics as the science in which we never know what we’re talking about and how what we say. It is known that mathematics is widely used in many other fields of science. Consequently, other scientists mostly don’t know what they are talking about and the truth is what they say.” John. Cohen, “On the essence of mathematical proofs”.

      Now it’s time to admit something, to admit what I really want. Especially in our time, the recognition of man as a loser automatically transfers it into the category of second-class citizens. And these people now don’t have much respect. Frankly, I think (based on my own experience) that people are 90% the Creator of their problems (the other 10%, I blamed God and thieves of officials. As I noticed, most people believe the opposite.).

      My life cannot be called prosperous. Furthermore, I believe that I have lived to no avail and use. Of course, this is my life, and I’m not going to abandon it. (Very common technique when someone is offered a hypothetical to live another “intelligent” life, and then begins: – “now, if I’d known, I would have been so…” – it is assumed that if a man lived with glasses flashing all, on the way encountered the rake, he had lived, would life happy… Silly, aren’t they?

      Or: – “Who would you like to be?” … A giraffe… This just can’t be. It was not life, but something else. There is such a beautiful and tragic film “Groundhog Day”, where people live one day an infinite number of times… bill Murray and Andie MacDowell were not topics to do clowning, make it scary…

      Still, I often try to understand what was stupid, what still was right, despite the heart-rending cries of ex-wives (or rather, of conscience). The worst thing in life – the inability to rectify the stupidity. Strugatsky, one of the main laws of “proper” society: – “not to take irreversible actions”, i.e. actions whose consequences cannot be neutralized… We have successfully spit on this rule all the time and every day… If only to know…

      Since then, I learned to read (I think it happened at the age of six), I am forced to live simultaneously in several worlds. These feeling should be familiar to everyone – literature, independent world, does not coincide with the reality, neither in space nor in time. Say is a feature of any of this art: cinema, theater, painting… I’m sorry, but this is not true. The action of the play, movie – it’s the same painting – it lives before us, intruding into reality, but the isolated frame, screen, rail – it is SEPARATED visibly. We can step back, look away, forget about it for a while… But the book – a real book – she PULLS us out of reality, brings our mind into my world… Remember how irritated we come back to reality, if someone rudely separates us from the book, perceived as an UNCOMFORTABLE reality…