The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Levi
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Название: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

Автор: Levi

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ the river Euphrates the magians lived; and they were wise, could read the language of the stars and they divined that one, a master soul, was born; they saw his star above Jerusalem.

      2 And there were three among the magian priests who longed to see the master of the coming age; and they took costly gifts and hastened to the West in search of him, the new-born king, that they might honor him.

      3 And one took gold, the symbol of nobility; another myrrh, the symbol of dominion and of power; gum-thus the other took, the symbol of the wisdom of the sage.

      4 Now when the magians reached Jerusalem the people were amazed, and wondered who they were and why they came.

      5 And when they asked, Where is the child that has been born a king? the very throne of Herod seemed to shake.

      6 And Herod sent a courtier forth to bring the magians to his court.

      7 And when they came they asked again, Where is the new born king? And then they said, While yet beyond the Euphrates we saw his star arise, and we have come to honor him.

      8 And Herod blanched with fear. He thought, perhaps, the priests were plotting to restore the kingdom of the Jews, and so he said within himself, I will know more about this child that has been born a king.

      9 And so he told the magian priests to tarry in the city for a while and he would tell them all about the king.

      10 He called in council all the Jewish masters of the law and asked, What have the Jewish prophets said concerning such a one?

      11 The Jewish masters answered him and said, The prophets long ago foretold that one would come to rule the tribes of Israel; that this Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.

      12 They said, The prophet Micah wrote, O Bethlehem Judea, a little place among the Judean hills, yet out of you will one come forth to rule my people, Israel; yea, one who lived in olden times, in very ancient days.

      13 Then Herod called the magian priests again and told them what the masters of the Jewish law had said; and then he sent them on the way to Bethlehem.

      14 He said, Go search, and if you find the child that has been born a king, return and tell me all, that I may go and honor him.

      15 The magians went their way and found the child with Mary in the shepherd’s home.

      16 They honored him; bestowed upon him precious gifts and gave him gold, gum-thus and myrrh.

      17 These magian priests could read the hearts of men; they read the wickedness of Herod’s heart, and knew that he had sworn to kill the new born king.

      18 And so they told the secret to the parents of the child, and bid them flee beyond the reach of harm.

      19 And then the priests went on their homeward way; they went not through Jerusalem.

      20 And Joseph took the infant Jesus and his mother in the night and fled to Egypt land, and with Elihu and Salome in ancient Zoan they abode.

      CHAPTER 6

      Herod learns of the supposed mission of John. The infants of Bethlehem are massacred by Herod’s order. Elizabeth escapes with John. Because Zacharias cannot tell where his son is hidden, he is murdered. Herod dies.

      Now, when the magian priests did not return to tell him of the child that had been born a king, King Herod was enraged.

      2 And then his courtiers told him of another child in Bethlehem, one born to go before and to prepare the people to receive the king.

      3 This angered more and more the king; he called his guards and bid them go to Bethlehem and slay the infant John, as well as Jesus who was born to be a king.

      4 He said, Let no mistake be made, and that you may be sure to slay these claimants to my throne, slay all male children in the town not yet two years of age.

      5 The guards went forth and did as Herod bade them do.

      6 Elizabeth knew not that Herod sought to slay her son, and she and John were yet in Bethlehem; but when she knew, she took the infant John and hastened to the hills.

      7 The murderous guards were near; they pressed upon her hard; but then she knew the secret caves in all the hills, and into one she ran and hid herself and John until the guards were gone.

      8 Their cruel task was done; the guards returned and told the story to the king.

      9 They said, We know that we have slain the infant king; but John, his harbinger, we could not find.

      10 The king was angry with his guards because they failed to slay the infant John; he sent them to the tower in chains.

      11 And other guards were sent to Zacharias, father of the harbinger, while he was serving in the Holy Place, to say, The king demands that you shall tell where is your son.

      12 But Zacharias did not know, and he replied, I am a minister of God, a servant in the Holy Place; how could I know where they have taken him?

      13 And when the guards returned and told the king what Zacharias said, he was enraged and said,

      14 My guards, go back and tell that wily priest that he is in my hands; that if he does not tell the truth, does not reveal the hiding place of John, his son, then he shall die.

      15 The guards went back and told the priest just what the king had said.

      16 And Zacharias said, I can but give my life for truth; and if the king does shed my blood the Lord will save my soul.

      17 The guards again returned and told the king what Zacharias said.

      18 Now, Zacharias stood before the altar in the Holy Place engaged in prayer.

      19 A guard approached and with a dagger thrust him through; he fell and died before the curtain of the sanctuary of the Lord.

      20 And when the hour of salutation came, for Zacharias daily blessed the priests, he did not come.

      21 And after waiting long the priests went to the Holy Place and found the body of the dead.

      22 And there was grief, deep grief, in all the land.

      23 Now Herod sat upon his throne; he did not seem to move; his courtiers came; the king was dead. His sons reigned in his stead.


GIMELEducation of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan

      CHAPTER 7

      Archelaus reigns. Mary and Elizabeth with their sons are in Zoan and are taught by Elihu and Salome. Elihu’s introductory lesson. Tells of an interpreter.

      The son of Herod, Archelaus, reigned in Jerusalem. He was a selfish, cruel king; he put to death all those who did not honor him.

      2 He called in council all the wisest men and asked about the infant claimant to his throne.

      3 The council said that John and Jesus both were dead; then he was satisfied.

      4 Now Joseph, Mary and their son were down in Egypt in Zoan, and John was with his mother in the Judean hills.