The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Levi
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Название: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

Автор: Levi

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ to him the meaning of sin and the law of forgiveness.

      Elizabeth was blest; she spent her time with John, and gave to him the lessons that Elihu and Salome had given her.

      2 And John delighted in the wildness of his home and in the lessons that he learned.

      3 Now in the hills were many caves. The cave of David was a-near in which the Hermit of Engedi lived.

      4 This hermit was Matheno, priest of Egypt, master from the temple of Sakara.

      5 When John was seven years of age Matheno took him to the wilderness and in the cave of David they abode.

      6 Matheno taught, and John was thrilled with what the master said, and day by day Matheno opened up to him the mysteries of life.

      7 John loved the wilderness; he loved his master and his simple fare. Their food was fruits, and nuts, wild honey and the carob bread.

      8 Matheno was an Israelite, and he attended all the Jewish feasts.

      9 When John was nine years old Matheno took him to a great feast in Jerusalem.

      10 The wicked Archelaus had been deposed and exiled to a distant land because of selfishness and cruelty, and John was not afraid.

      11 John was delighted with his visit to Jerusalem. Matheno told him all about the service of the Jews; the meaning of their sacrifices and their rites.

      12 John could not understand how sin could be forgiven by killing animals and birds and burning them before the Lord.

      13 Matheno said, The God of heaven and earth does not require sacrifice. This custom with its cruel rites was borrowed from the idol worshippers of other lands.

      14 No sin was ever blotted out by sacrifice of animal, of bird, or man.

      15 Sin is the rushing forth of man into the fens of wickedness. If one would get away from sin he must retrace his steps, and find his way out of the fens of wickedness.

      16 Return and purify your hearts by love and righteousness and you shall be forgiven.

      17 This is the burden of the message that the harbinger shall bring to men.

      18 What is forgiveness? John inquired.

      19 Matheno said, It is the paying up of debts. A man who wrongs another man can never be forgiven until he rights the wrong.

      20 The Vedas says that none can right the wrong but him who does the wrong.

      21 John said, If this be true where is the power to forgive except the power that rests in man himself? Can man forgive himself?

      22 Matheno said, The door is wide ajar; you see the way of man’s return to right, and the forgiveness of his sins.

      CHAPTER 14

      Matheno’s lessons. The doctrine of universal law. The power of man to choose and to attain. The benefits of antagonisms. Ancient sacred books. The place of John and Jesus in the world’s history.

      Matheno and his pupil, John, were talking of the sacred books of olden times, and of the golden precepts they contained, and John exclaimed,

      2 These golden precepts are sublime; what need have we of other sacred books?

      3 Matheno said, The Spirits of the Holy One cause every thing to come and go in proper time.

      4 The sun has his own time to set, the moon to rise, to wax and wane, the stars to come and go, the rain to fall, the winds to blow;

      5 The seed times and the harvest times to come; man to be born and man to die.

      6 These mighty Spirits cause the nations to be born; they rock them in their cradles, nurture them to greatest power, and when their tasks are done they wrap them in their winding sheets and lay them in their tombs.

      7 Events are many in a nation’s life, and in the life of man, that are not pleasant for the time; but in the end the truth appears: whatever comes is for the best.

      8 Man was created for a noble part; but he could not be made a free man filled with wisdom, truth and might.

      9 If he were hedged about, confined in straits from which he could not pass, then he would be a toy, a mere machine.

      1 °Creative spirits gave to man a will; and so he has the power to choose.

      11 He may attain the greatest heights, or sink to deepest depths; for what he wills to gain he has the power to gain.

      12 If he desires strength he has the power to gain that strength; but he must overcome resistances to reach the goal; no strength is ever gained in idleness.

      13 So, in the whirl of many-sided conflicts man is placed where he must strive to extricate himself.

      14 In every conflict man gains strength; with every conquest he attains to greater heights. With every day he finds new duties and new cares.

      15 Man is not carried over dangerous pits, nor helped to overcome his foes. He is himself his army, and his sword and shield; and he is captain of his hosts.

      16 The Holy Ones just light his way. Man never has been left without a beacon light to guide.

      17 And he has ever had a lighted lamp in hand that he may see the dangerous rocks, the turbid streams and treacherous pits.

      18 And so the Holy Ones have judged; when men have needed added light a master soul has come to earth to give that light.

      19 Before the Vedic days the world had many sacred books to light the way; and when man needed greater light the Vedas, the Avesta and the books of Tao Great appeared to show the way to greater heights.

      20 And in the proper place the Hebrew Bible, with its Law, its Prophets and its Psalms, appeared for man’s enlightenment.

      21 But years have passed and men have need of greater light.

      22 And now the Day Star from on high begins to shine; and Jesus is the flesh-made messenger to show that light to men.

      23 And you, my pupil, you have been ordained to harbinger the coming day.

      24 But you must keep that purity of heart you now possess; and you must light your lamp directly from the coals that burn upon the altar of the Holy Ones.

      25 And then your lamp will be transmuted to a boundless flame, and you will be a living torch whose light will shine wherever man abides.

      26 But in the ages yet to come, man will attain to greater heights, and lights still more intense will come.

      27 And then, at last, a mighty master soul will come to earth to light the way up to the throne of perfect man.

      CHAPTER 15

      Death and burial of Elizabeth. Matheno’s lessons. The ministry of death. The mission of John. Institution of the rite of baptism. Matheno takes John to Egypt, and places him in the temple at Sakara, where he remains eighteen years.

      When John was twelve years old his mother died, and neighbors laid her body in a tomb among her kindred СКАЧАТЬ