God’s gift or God’s mistake? Mind, life, sleep, fatality, clairvoyance. Aleksandr Ryan
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СКАЧАТЬ Pushkin, Olga, just looked at the open palm and read on it the fate of a man. A famous doctor of the XIX century, Muscovite Alexander Over, saw the future of himself and of his patients in the dreams. Some seers recorded prophecies in trance. Others used cards, runes, magic boards, balls, stones. Well, the profession of an astrologer who uses horoscopes for predictions, compiled from the movements of stars and other celestial bodies, up to the most recent time of history was one of the most widespread in the world.

      As a rule, visionaries are strong in one way of predicting. But the great Maria Lenorman could predict almost everything. She wondered at her famous cards, saw fate in a crystal ball, could predict by numbers, she learned to make horoscopes – she became an astrologer. This multiplicity of abilities only emphasized the inexhaustibility of her gift.

      However, most often the soothsayers are clairvoyant: that is, certain visions arise in their minds. This was the case with the great disgraced Russian prophet monk Abel, who foretold exactly the fate of not only the princes in whose time he lived – Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I and Nicholas I, but future sovereigns – Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II.

      The twentieth century gave a new impetus to the development of the art of prediction. First, the world was overwhelmed by the fascination with spiritualism, and it became fashionable to recognize fate through mediums communicating with spirits.

      Almost all public people of the twentieth century turned to the services of fortune tellers. American presidents – Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower – listened to the prophecies of Jane Dixon. The couple Reagan used horoscopes of Joan Quigley, Hilary Clinton listened to the advice of her personal parapsychologist Jean Houston.

      However, a special role was played by predictors, clairvoyants and astrologers during the Second World War. And their contribution was recognized by materialistic historians. The fact is that everyone knew how Adolf Hitler treated mysticism. The Führer used the services of many predictors. However, after their prophecies ceased to satisfy him or he simply didn’t like them, Hitler, with enviable methodicalness, ruthlessly sent those who didn’t cope, or “defrauded” grief-prophets, to concentration camps, or even simply ordered to eliminate them. However, for a long time, Hitler trusted his personal astrologer Karl Kraft. That was for Hitler deployed horoscopes, which the Fuhrer, proud of his special mission, gave Himmler and Goering for reverence, so that they could reconcile their lives with the fate of Hitler. In short, any significant event in the Führer’s headquarters and in the upper echelons of Nazi Germany was first “viewed” by German predictors and astrologers, and then it was already implemented according to the recommendations they gave.

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