God’s gift or God’s mistake? Mind, life, sleep, fatality, clairvoyance. Aleksandr Ryan
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СКАЧАТЬ seems to be an ordinary one with his will can turn the world around, change the historical course of events. This has been many times in history, it’s not just empty talk. It is considered that freedom of the will is one of the most important values of a person. But do we really have free will? And where are its boundaries? The older I get, the more often I think about this issue. In fact, do I control my life? And am I the master of my fate? Looking at many human fates and at many years of my own life, I have doubts. It strikes, as sometimes little accidents turn the human destiny 180 degrees, both with a plus sign and a minus sign.

      The ministers of the Churches tell us that the Creator gave us free will!

      1. God created a man like Himself, and free will is one of the components of this resemblance.

      2. If a person didn’t have free will, he couldn’t be a rational person able to accommodate, use and appreciate all the blessings that God decided to share with him. A person will appreciate more what he himself had voluntarily chosen!

      3. God-Love doesn’t impose either his Self or everything that is in Him, because unobtrusiveness is the property of His Love and the trait of His character. God seeks not mechanical obedience from man, but free-filial obedience of love. Therefore, God himself will be happy if a person chooses Him voluntarily. And for this, a person must have free will.

      4. A person is responsible for his actions only when he is free when they are committed.

      Although in the same holy scripture, or rather in the Gospel, there is evidence of situations where the events are predetermined, and Jesus knows about it.

      For example: in chapter 26 of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says:

      – You know that in two days there will be Easter, and the Son of Man will be crucified.


      “When evening came, He sat down with the twelve disciples: and when they ate, he said: Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

      And one more example:

      – Peter answered and said to Him: If everyone is offended by You, I will never be tempted.

      Jesus said to him: Verily I say unto you, that on this night, before the cock crows, you will deny me thrice.

      Here is a pure example of the fact that the future is already foreseen and Jesus knew about it and predicted it. So if we ourselves create the future, how can it already exist?

      Another thought gives me no peace. We scold people. They are bad, they betrayed the Lord and chose the robber Barabbas. And now think about it from another point of view. If we don’t decide anything, everything is predetermined by the Creator, then what have people got to do with it? After all, this is how He invented everything.

      Here’s another example from the Gospel: when Jesus prayed and asked his father to change his fate on the night before Judas’s betrayal, and he knew that a crucifix was waiting for him, a physically very painful thing. But, He said in the end, that for all the Father’s will, as you decide, so it will be. Here is this excerpt:

      “Then Joshua saith unto them, My soul is sorrowful unto death; Stay here and watch with me. And he departed a little, fell on his face, prayed, and said: My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from me; Nevertheless, not as I will, but as You”(Matthew 26, 38—39)

      It turns out that the Creator wanted his son to be crucified for the surrender of the sins of man. And Jesus himself, his son, didn’t really want this. But again everything happens, as the “Creator” conceived.

      But I don’t understand what kind of sin people are talking about, if we do not have free will?

      If all this is conceived and embodied by the Creator!

      Then where is our notorious, free will given by God?

      I understand what a serious accusation against the Creator and all his servants now sounds. But I can’t think otherwise, because all that we know, logic and my analytical thinking tell me exactly about this.

      And that is why I often recall an excerpt from Mikhail Bulgakov’s great work “The Master and Margarita” about how a person manages his own life and this really makes me wonder if the words that I just said about the Freedom of the Creator given to us are correct!

      And that is why I often recall an excerpt from Mikhail Bulgakov’s great work “The Master and Margarita” about how a person manages his own life, and this really makes me wonder if the words that I just said about the Freedom of the Creator given to us are correct!

      In this passage of Bulgakov’s famous novel “The Master and Margarita” there is a dialogue between Volond (devil), Berlioz, chairman of the board of MASSOLIT, a major Moscow literary union, editor of a large art magazine and poet Ivan Bezdomny. These citizens, in addition to Wolonde, don’t believe in the existence of God and believe that the person himself creates and manages his destiny. On that Wolond answers, how can you manage your own destiny, when a person can’t vouch for his own tomorrow’s day. And he gives convincing examples. For example, a person decided to manage his own destiny, but unexpectedly, khe-khe, falls ill with the sarcoma of the lung and dies.

      Wolonde’s question is if a person has ruled himself so, or rather, that someone handled him. And as a result of the conversation, Wolond predicts what kind of death Berlioz will die. And everything happens exactly as he predicted. As we see, this topic was of great interest to the great writer Bulgakov. He couldn’t pass by it.

      Part 4. Prophets of Time

      In continuation to what has been said above, I will recall various tragedies that occur almost every day, when people die. I’m sure that most of the people who died didn’t think and didn’t expect that everything would end like this. But, who created this situation? Mr. Tragic Case? And who is this “Case”? They say the case is the second name of God!

      World history knows a huge number of people who predicted future events. There are a lot of books, films about these people, amazing stories. If there are so many people who predict the future, the destinies of states, of concrete people, is everything predetermined in our life? You know the stories of such interesting, unique people like Wanga, Edgar Cayce, Wolf Messing, Nostradamus, they are known to everyone. But most of all I am amazed in a number of these prophets and predictors, such a historical personality as the “Black Spider”, monk from Florence, who lived in the 14th century. He wrote: Iron birds will fly across the sky, they will drop barrels, and the earth will be blazing with fire. This is all really recorded in the church books of the ancient temple in Italy. Just think about it! Imagine, already in the 14th century, he described the aircraft and the war with bombs that occurred in the twentieth century, during the First or Second World Wars. Six centuries ahead!!!

      The art of divination is connected with the possibilities of the human mind, which is called clairvoyance in science. People who can penetrate the past and predict the future are clairvoyants, or more recently, psychics. They see through barriers, read thoughts from a distance, they treat with words and eyes.

      The predictions of each seer are formed in their own way. Delphic pythia breathed in the vapors of a dope-producing source, and then fell into a trance. The great Merlin, according to the legends, was able to turn time in the direction СКАЧАТЬ