God’s gift or God’s mistake? Mind, life, sleep, fatality, clairvoyance. Aleksandr Ryan
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      Mind, life, sleep, fatality, clairvoyance

      Aleksandr Ryan

      © Aleksandr Ryan, 2017

      ISBN 978-5-4485-7774-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Author’s note

      Hello reader! My name is Alexander Ryan. This book is the work of most part of my life. It is a reflection of the research process, monitoring of several directions of science in the fields of neurophysiology, philosophy, religion, psychology, analysis of the general way of life of a person and the functioning of his brain, both in the conscious state and in the unconscious one (in a dream). It presents analysis and research of unusual abilities of the human brain, for example, clairvoyance and similar cases of brain work.

      Throughout the book a struggle of two opinions takes place. As a rule, 85% of people believe that they are the authors of their destiny, while statistics prove that 97% of people experience the feeling of dejavu. Recent philosophical researches, scientific researches in the field of neurophysiology and personal scientific research of the author of the book also give rise to doubts, or at least put the question very sharply: maybe we have no choice and free will? And this question affects almost any person on the planet. And most important, there is no such book, in which this topic would be so openly discussed, not to mention documentary films.

      Why have I decided to write about it?

      Probably, first of all, because I have the gift of unconscious clairvoyance. For 28 years I have been studying this topic. What was I doing? I have read various literature on philosophy, psychology, esotericism, I’ve watched a lot of different documentaries about dreams, neurophysiology, physics and other interesting things. In 2006, I started a diary of dreams and of the real day. On the basis of everything that I have studied, my thoughts and the conclusions, I have outlined in this book my opinion of what our life is. Do we have free will, or does it have any degree of opportunities? I have reinforced all my conclusions with my stories from real life and dreams. I’m sure they are so interesting and simple that they should be close to the reader. Most people have faced such stories in their lives, and I’m sure that not once. But, for various reasons, most people are afraid to talk about it. And most importantly, I don’t impose my opinion. At the end I offer everyone to make their own conclusion about us, about our abilities, about life based on what has been read in this book.

      Part 1. The First Clairvoyant

      We can’t comprehend the Divine order.

      And can’t comprehend the eternity’s volume,

      But three questions don’t give us rest:

      Where are we from? What for? Where are we going?

      Here is an interesting philosophical thing I have noticed. On our planet, in our life, everything has an “Author”. You and I had or have parents. Animals have them as well. Nature has laws of reproduction, movement of rivers, rocks, air masses, gravity and so on. The cause is also an author. The cause often gives rise to an action, and the result is a consequence of the cause. So it turns out that everything in the world has an “Author”. And, it would seem, it should be clear to everyone. But, that’s what a paradox turns out. In all the religions it is said that God gave us free will. This means that we, at least, people, create the future. Our own one and common, i.e. history. And what is the future? Imagine that we walk. It’s nineteen hours and fifty-nine minutes. And we stop at the moment of the arrow at twenty hours. It turns out that nineteen hours and fifty-nine minutes are the past, which doesn’t exist anymore. That’s why they call it the past. Twenty hours is a moment, which means the present. And the time of twenty hours and one minute, which has not yet come, is the future, and I will remind you, it has not come yet. You can make a lot of assumptions about what it will be, this future. Our imagination can come up with more than a thousand options. But let’s imagine that the time has stopped at the mark of twenty o’clock. In general, if we accept what we are told by religious leaders and optimistic, self-confident people – that we have free will, and we decide how we should live, how to act – it is we who make the choice. Then the future is not there yet, it just can’t be. Our future is a guess. At this moment, the future is darkness, not struck by the light of the moment of the present. You will ask the question, but what about the buildings, the moon or the sun, should they exist? Are they permanent figures? But the trouble is that this dispute between Professor Bohr and Einstein continues to this day. Until now, representatives of quantum physics and classical one argue among themselves. Einstein lived with the thought that the moon, for example, exists not only when we look at it, but also when we don’t look at it. Bohr said that according to the theory of quantum physics everything is not really real, as we think. And everything appears and comes to life in a moment of glance of our consciousness.

      But here is one more interesting conclusion I’ve made. And a story from one documentary film about the secrets of thunder-lightning and Einstein’s great discovery about the relativity of time helped me in it. In the story about the lightning the author tells us how, when studying lightning, he used cameras for shooting at different frame rates. In ordinary reality, as a rule, we see a lightning strike, a flash of no more than a second. But, when we look at the same lightning strike on the camera at an interval of ten thousand frames per second, we turn this second into six minutes of viewing time. And we see how many different events happen with the impact of electricity. In reality, we see only a second of flash, but in fact this process is very long. The beginning, the middle and the end of the development of the lightning strike – there are really several stages there. Just because of the huge speed of action, our eyes are not able to catch the process. And it dawned on me! And what if our “Author”, the one who invented us, our life, is just moving at an incredible speed? What if he, for example, moves with the speed of light or even more? Then, for him ten minutes of time, can be ten thousand years for us. So, the future can already exist. Exactly this my conclusion can explain those cases about which many people tell who have been in various extreme situations, for example, at war, when for them the events that took seconds lasted incredibly long, and it saved their lives. And the assumption here is only one. The human brain in extreme situations begins to work at an incredible speed, so that time really slows down.

      By the way, I had the same feelings related to my dreams, but it was only when I had a nap when a huge number of events and a long plot of sleep gave me a sense of time, as if it took at least two hours. And in reality, I was sleeping only for twenty minutes. I think that in this case it is also related to the speed of the brainwork. And why does it work so, I don’t know.

      But our whole life and even our dream are connected with the work of the brain. And this is how I tell you now the story.

      But our whole life and even our sleep are connected with the work of the brain. And this is what a story I will tell you now.

      Distant year of 1991. I have a dream.

      I get out of my car and go towards the other car. It stood turned around right in the middle of the highway. I swear hard. I understand that I got in a car accident. I wake up in the morning and remember a dream. This can’t be forgotten. Just a dream or not just a dream, there is no difference. Feelings and emotions from what was seen are equal to real life. I knew myself, and for a long time I already suspected that I had clairvoyant dreams and therefore I thought about everything that I had just seen at night in a dream. All this is very unpleasant! But, thinking, I reassured myself that even if this dream was clairvoyant, there was a positive side in it. At least one but most important, I will be alive. After all, in a dream I went out and, swearing obscenities at another driver, approached him. СКАЧАТЬ