The Works of "Fiona Macleod", Volume IV. Sharp Elizabeth Amelia
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СКАЧАТЬ I have no fear. I am a Son of God."

      "And we?"

      "Ah, yes, dear brother: you, too, and the Body."

      "But we perish!"

      "There is the resurrection of the Body."

      "Where – when?"

      "As it is written. In God's hour."

      "Is the worm also the Son of God?"

      The soul stared downward into the green water, but did not answer. A look of strange trouble was in his eyes.

      "Is not the Grave on the hither side of Eternity?"

      Still no answer.

      "Does God whisper beneath the Tomb?"

      At this the Soul rose, and moved restlessly to and fro.

      "Tell me," resumed the Will, "what is Dissolution?"

      "It is the returning into dust of that which was dust."

      "And what is dust?"

      "The formless: the inchoate: the mass out of which the Potter makes new vessels, or moulds new shapes."

      "But you do not go into dust?"

      "I came from afar: afar I go again."

      "But we – we shall be formless: inchoate?"

      "You shall be upbuilded."


      The Soul turned, and again sat by his comrade.

      "I know not," he said simply.

      "But if the Body go back to the dust, and the life that is in him be blown out like a wavering flame; and if you who came from afar, again return afar; what, then, for me, who am neither an immortal spirit nor yet of this frail human clan?"

      "God has need of you."

      "When – where?"

      "How can I tell what I cannot even surmise?"

      "Tell me, tell me this: if I am so wedded to the Body that, if he perish, I perish also, what resurrection can there be for me?"

      "I do not know."

      "Is it a resurrection for the Body if, after weeks, or years, or scores of years, his decaying dust is absorbed into the earth, and passes in a chemic change into the living world?"

      "No: that is not a resurrection: that is a transmutation."

      "Yet that is all. There is nothing else possible. Dust unto dust. As with the Body, so with the mind, the spirit of life, that which I am, the Will. In the Grave there is no fretfulness any more: neither any sorrow, or joy, or any thought, or dream, or fear, or hope whatsoever. Hath not God Himself said it, through the mouth of His prophet?"

      "I do not understand," murmured the Soul, troubled.

      "Because the Grave is not your portion."

      "But I, too, must know Death!"

      "Yes, truly – a change what was it? – a change from a dream of Beauty, to Beauty!"

      "God knows I would that we could go together – you, and he yonder, and I; or, if that cannot be, he being wholly mortal, then at the least you and I."

      "But we cannot. At least, so it seems to us. But I – I too am alive, I too have dreams and visions, I too have joys and hopes, I too have despairs. And for me —nothing. I am, at the end, as a blown flame."

      "It may not be so. Something has whispered to me at times that you and I are to be made one."

      "Tell me: can the immortal wed the mortal?"


      "Then how can we two wed, for I am mortal. My very life depends on the Body. A falling branch, a whelming wave, a sudden ill, and in a moment that which was is not. He, the Body, is suddenly become inert, motionless, cold, the perquisite of the Grave, the sport of the maggot and the worm: and I – I am a subsided wave, a vanished spiral of smoke, a little fugitive wind-eddy abruptly ended."

      "You know not what is the end any more than I do. In a moment we are translated."

      "Ah, is it so with you? O Soul, I thought that you had a profound surety!"

      "I know nothing: I believe."

      "Then it may be with you as with us?"

      "I know little: I believe."

      "When I am well I believe in new, full, rich, wonderful life – in life in the spiritual as well as the mortal sphere. And the Body, when he is ill, he, too, thinks of that which is your heritage. But if you are not sure – if you know nothing – may it not be that you, too, have fed upon dreams, and have dallied with Will-o'-the-wisp, and are an idle-blown flame even as I am, and have only a vaster spiritual outlook? May it not be that you, O Soul, are but a spiritual nerve in the dark, confused, brooding mind of Humanity? May it not be that you and I and the Body go down unto one end?"

      "Not so. There is the word of God."

      "We read it differently."

      "Yet the Word remains."

      "You believe in the immortal life? – You believe in Eternity?"


      "Then what is Eternity?"

      "Already you have asked me that!"

      "You believe in Eternity. What is Eternity?"


      "And what are the things of Eternity?"

      "Immortal desires."

      "Then what need for us who are mortal to occupy ourselves with what must be for ever beyond us?"

      Thereat, with a harsh laugh, the Will arose, and throwing his garments from him, plunged into the sunlit green water, with sudden cries of joy calling to the Body, who was still rejoicefully swimming in the sun-dazzle as he breasted the tide.

      An hour later we rose, and, silent again, once more resumed our way.


      It was about the middle of the afternoon that we moved inland, because of a difficult tract of cliff and bouldered shore. We followed the course of a brown torrent, and were soon under the shadow of the mountain. The ewes and lambs made incessantly that mournful crying, which in mountain solitudes falls from ledge to ledge as though it were no other than the ancient sorrow of the hills.

      Thence we emerged, walking among boulders green with moss and grey with lichen, often isled among bracken and shadowed by the wind-wavering birches, or the finger-leafed rowans already heavy with clusters of ruddy fruit. Sometimes we spoke of things which interested us: of the play of light and shadow in the swirling brown torrent along whose banks we walked, and by whose grayling-haunted pools we lingered often, to look at the beautiful shadowy unrealities of the perhaps not less shadowy reality which СКАЧАТЬ