Insectivorous Plants. Darwin Charles
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Название: Insectivorous Plants

Автор: Darwin Charles

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ on litmus paper before it was placed on the leaves, and afterwards when bathed in the secretion; and there could not be the least doubt that the latter was very much more acid. I have indeed tried hundreds of times the state of the secretion on the discs of leaves which were inflected over various objects, and never failed to find it acid. We may, therefore, conclude that the secretion from unexcited leaves, though extremely viscid, is not acid or only slightly so, but that it becomes acid, or much more strongly so, after the tentacles have begun to bend over any inorganic or organic object; and still more strongly acid after the tentacles have remained for some time closely clasped over any object.

      I may here remind the reader that the secretion appears to be to a certain extent antiseptic, as it checks the appearance of mould and infusoria, thus preventing for a time the discoloration and decay of such substances as the white of an egg, cheese, &c. It therefore acts like the gastric juice of the higher animals, which is known to arrest putrefaction by destroying the microzymes.

      [As I was anxious to learn what acid the secretion contained, 445 leaves were washed in distilled water, given me by Prof. Frankland; but the secretion is so viscid that it is scarcely possible to scrape or wash off the whole. The conditions were also unfavourable, as it was late in the year and the leaves were small. Prof. Frankland with great kindness undertook to test the fluid thus collected. The leaves were excited by clean particles of glass placed on them 24 hrs. previously. No doubt much more acid would have been secreted had the leaves been excited by animal matter, but this would have rendered the analysis more difficult. Prof. Frankland informs me that the fluid contained no trace of hydrochloric, sulphuric, tartaric, oxalic, or formic acids. This having been ascertained, the remainder of the fluid was evaporated nearly to dryness, and acidified with sulphuric acid; it then evolved volatile acid vapour, which was condensed and digested with carbonate of silver. "The weight of the silver salt thus produced was only .37 gr., much too small a quantity for the accurate determination of the molecular weight of the acid. The number obtained, however, corresponded nearly with that of propionic acid; and I believe that this, or a mixture of acetic and butyric acids, were present in the liquid. The acid doubtless belongs to the acetic or fatty series."

      Prof. Frankland, as well as his assistant, observed (and this is an important fact) that the fluid, "when acidified with sulphuric acid, emitted a powerful odour like that of pepsin." The leaves from which the secretion had been washed were also sent to Prof. Frankland; they were macerated for some hours, then acidified with sulphuric acid and distilled, but no acid passed over. Therefore the acid which fresh leaves contain, as shown by their discolouring litmus paper when crushed, must be of a different nature from that present in the secretion. Nor was any odour of pepsin emitted by them.

      Although it has long been known that pepsin with acetic acid has the power of digesting albuminous compounds, it appeared advisable to ascertain whether acetic acid could be replaced, without the loss of digestive power, by the allied acids which are believed to occur in the secretion of Drosera, namely, propionic, butyric, or valerianic. Dr. Burdon Sanderson was so kind as to make for me the following experiments, the results of which are valuable, independently of the present inquiry. Prof. Frankland supplied the acids.

      "1. The purpose of the following experiments was to determine the digestive activity of liquids containing pepsin, when acidulated with certain volatile acids belonging to the acetic series, in comparison with liquids acidulated with hydrochloric acid, in proportion similar to that in which it exists in gastric juice.

      "2. It has been determined empirically that the best results are obtained in artificial digestion when a liquid containing two per thousand of hydrochloric acid gas by weight is used. This corresponds to about 6.25 cubic centimetres per litre of ordinary strong hydrochloric acid. The quantities of propionic, butyric, and valerianic acids respectively which are required to neutralise as much base as 6.25 cubic centimetres of HCl, are in grammes 4.04 of propionic acid, 4.82 of butyric acid, and 5.68 of valerianic acid. It was therefore judged expedient, in comparing the digestive powers of these acids with that of hydrochloric acid, to use them in these proportions.

      "3. Five hundred cub. cent. of a liquid containing about 8 cub. cent. of a glycerine extract of the mucous membrane of the stomach of a dog killed during digestion having been prepared, 10 cub. cent. of it were evaporated and dried at 110o. This quantity yielded 0.0031 of residue.

      "4. Of this liquid four quantities were taken which were severally acidulated with hydrochloric, propionic, butyric, and valerianic acids, in the proportions above indicated. Each liquid was then placed in a tube, which was allowed to float in a water bath, containing a thermometer which indicated a temperature of 38o to 40 °Cent. Into each, a quantity of unboiled fibrin was introduced, and the whole allowed to stand for four hours, the temperature being maintained during the whole time, and care being taken that each contained throughout an excess of fibrin. At the end of the period each liquid was filtered. Of the filtrate, which of course contained as much of the fibrin as had been digested during the four hours, 10 cub. cent. were measured out and evaporated, and dried at 110o as before. The residues were respectively —

      "In the liquid containing hydrochloric acid 0.4079 " " propionic acid 0.0601 " " butyric acid 0.1468 " " valerianic acid 0.1254

      "Hence, deducting from each of these the above-mentioned residue, left when the digestive liquid itself was evaporated, viz. 0.0031, we have,

      "For propionic acid 0.0570 " butyric acid 0.1437 " valerianic acid 0.1223

      as compared with 0.4048 for hydrochloric acid; these several numbers expressing the quantities of fibrin by weight digested in presence of equivalent quantities of the respective acids under identical conditions.

      "The results of the experiment may be stated thus: – If 100 represent the digestive power of a liquid containing pepsin with the usual proportion of hydrochloric acid, 14.0, 35.4, and 30.2, will represent respectively the digestive powers of the three acids under investigation.

      "5. In a second experiment in which the procedure was in every respect the same, excepting that all the tubes were plunged into the same water-bath, and the residues dried at 115 °C., the results were as follows: —

      "Quantity of fibrin dissolved in four hours by 10 cub. cent. of the liquid: —

      "Propionic acid 0.0563 Butyric acid 0.0835 Valerianic acid 0.0615

      "The quantity digested by a similar liquid containing hydrochloric acid was 0.3376. Hence, taking this as 100, the following numbers represent the relative quantities digested by the other acids: —

      "Propionic acid 16.5 Butyric acid 24.7 Valerianic acid 16.1

      "6. A third experiment of the same kind gave:

      "Quantity of fibrin digested in four hours by 10 cub. cent. of the liquid: —

      "Hydrochloric acid 0.2915 Propionic acid 0.1490 Butyric acid 0.1044

      Valerianic acid 0.0520

      "Comparing, as before, the three last numbers with the first taken as 100, the digestive power of propionic acid is represented by 16.8; that of butyric acid by 35.8; and that of valerianic by 17.8.

      "The mean of these three sets of observations (hydrochloric acid being taken as 100) gives for

      "Propionic acid 15.8 Butyric acid 32.0 Valerianic acid 21.4

      "7. A further experiment was made to ascertain whether the digestive activity of butyric acid (which was selected as being apparently the most efficacious) was relatively greater at ordinary temperatures than at the temperature of the body. It was found that whereas 10 cub. cent. of a liquid containing the ordinary proportion of hydrochloric acid digested 0.1311 gramme, a similar liquid prepared with butyric acid digested 0.0455 gramme of fibrin.

      "Hence, СКАЧАТЬ